🌨️✨5🌨️ "Useless Thrash Really."

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(🌈🌠🌈Hey,my Gorgeous snowflakes,I purple you🌈🌠🌈)

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🌨️5🌨️ "Useless Thrash Really."

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"Hyung! That was close."

"But that was worth the drama isn't it ??"

Jin and then Yoongi said looking at Hue Crockery, The water spilling due to the truck they were loaded in.

¶¶ ps ~ Hue Crockery: is the water in which wizards can track people by radiating their magical powers through the water.¶¶

They were currently close to their training ground. when Jungkook had called them to tell and track him as he was going to the forest alone, and mindlink if any danger arose.

Jungkook had just entered his dance class when he knew that the class was canceled as everyone was up to go watch some Idol a Golden Maknae of some group while Jungkook had no interest in so.

He thought of what Jin had said and it was right Wolfs do get ill if they don't transform frequently.

He had thought of getting a good run in the forest.

He quickly Made a Call to his Hyung to Look for any Danger alert before transforming as although Yoongi was a beta he had taken great interest in learning magic and portions.

He had some tricks, one of them being mind linking or mind control, tracking people, and all those wizardry stuff.

Jungkook although was predicted to be an Alpha he still was way smaller in size as compared to a normal Alpha werewolf. Which even had led his parents to take him to the pack doctor.

Who brushed it off as being a bit late is common.

Late bloomers.

Jungkook was quick in changing From his clothes had shifted into the Wolf form feeling extremely Euphoric about it he started rolling around the autumn brown leaves.

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