🌨️✨ 54 ✨what mattered was here right in front of him

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Happy 100 followers 😂
I had this draft but I don't think I have time to write more.
N my exams are going on currently I literally just have uni, work, exams n no life. lol anyways

Enjoy the short chapter

Hobi pov

"That's not how it always works. Jiyoo and Li-dan separated. You know that right my Mom and Dad weren't mated Destined. But I guess you are right, someone is only allowed to fall in love with someone that's Destined for them. We species don't even have the right to love. I mean humans have it better than us." Yoongi says removing his arms from Hoseok's shoulder and keeping a distance between them.


Hoseok stays silent after that. While Yoongi walks away, stays beside Eric. Lia returns after some time, as Hoseok waits and watches Yoongi and Eric dancing and laughing.

"Sooo should we dance? I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Lia asks getting Hoseok's attention back.


"I mean you were looking at the couples there so I thought you might want to dance too," Lia says shyly, which makes Hoseok smile. But Lia was adorable.

"Of Course, We should, now if I may?" Hoseok shows his palm towards her gestating to dance with him. They both talk a bit more while he learns more about their families and how her mother is an omega. How Eric is struggling with the oil spill occurrence.

Hoseok listens carefully to all of it, meanwhile giving second glances towards Yoongi watching them both enjoying a drink and talking. That is when it occurs to him what Yoongi had meant to say. Lia was a beautiful girl innocent and bright, fragile and strong yet he didn't even think twice and was about to reject even before he met her. Just because he was waiting for some magical spark to happen, and it was not just about Lia but every other girl and dates he had been with he didn't even give them a chance. His heart was always closed. At this point even if God gave him someone loving and caring person to him he might still not accept those feelings and be oblivious of the other person's emotions just because they are not his so-called mate. 

Hoseok looks back at Yoongi who looks at him too giving a gummy smile. 

So beautiful suddenly a thought crosses Hoseok's mind but he gets out of it shutting his thoughts down. Maybe he is just overthinking all this. Yoongi might just be pulling his leg if at all.


"No!! You can't, why should I, mass fishing should not be allowed." Prince Eric says sternly 

"But even aquatic animals feed on smaller fishes then why though." Yoongi teases he was just having fun seeing Eric passionately debating about the problems and as a young king what all changes he wishes to bring.

"Yea but never the destruction is in such a large amount, when mass fishing occurs there is an imbalance created in nature, which takes a lot of time to heal."

Hoseok was having a hard time watching Yoongi his little giggling he really was like a little birdie he thought so cute, nibbling over there acting goofy and dancing to a random song called seesaw but he was there so far away he was here with the dilemma he was left in 'was it really necessary? was he ignoring what he already had? Did he really not look around? He was always so Focused in one direction right now he didn't even have time to think about anything else except his Job, his whole youth had been poured into his Job Yoongi's words have somehow affected him it had opened his eyes in some way it had hurt him.  He was proven wrong today but somehow it didn't feel bad. Even this hurting was somehow good. He was left in confusion instead of assurance.'

Yoongi looked at him at the right moment and that was the moment he knew what he wanted, he was confused but this was a bittersweetness, a new confusion budding in his head.

What does Yoongi really mean to him? No, he doesn't care about all the dates he met it never mattered but what mattered was here right in front of him. What is this feeling he had no idea? But something changed that night!


Yo Hobi ain't oblivious anymore he is at least looking in the right direction!

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