🌨️✨ 23🌨️Charcoal grey Eyes glancing down.

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Thankyou For 6K Fam🍁🍁🖤

Ughh Finally after 100th attempt it got published 😭 so done

** HEY Buttercups I Purple You 💜 Lots**


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Jimin's pov.

"Who's here, come out right at this instance." I said getting up and picking up a stick to defend myself.

How on earth did that person hear my voice, no not even my voice, my thoughts!!

What kind of magic was this who was there?

"Hey baby, over here?" I heard the voice again.

I turned back to the direction from where the voice was coming.

It was from the ocean behind the Coal black large rock waves constantly clashing over the huge rock, I could see a mop of pink strands,wet sticking to the head and two charcoal grey Eyes looking at me almost staring,powerful hold in those eyes not even blinking.

Leaving the stick down I walked in to the Ocean slowly getting in the water deeper, while she emerged out, of the water yes a girl in beautiful long pink hair, cherry plum lips, so red, almost as if she has used some waterproof lipstick.

Her body smoothly glided over upon the rock sitting on it. Her fishtail, the same colour as he hair cherry blossom pink tail waving it to get the water away, she smiled at me more of a smirk.

One More Mermaid, bro I swear to god I wonder why humans haven't spotted them yet, we are so stupid, If someone else had spotted her she would be in a water container of a science lab, I laughed at that thought this naive one.

What, stupid? You say! You have not shame to call your own clan stupid, stupid! Stray fish!! She glared me down, as if she was ready for the kill.

But wait a second! What!!

How could she?

Did I just hear her?

Did she just hear my thoughts?

What the!

I stumbled back in water, it almost getting up to my waist.

She rolled her eyes
Stop talking so much, and why are you talking as if you were born Yesterday it's borinnnnngg! She said, no she didn't even move her lips she didn't utter a word.
How the hell was I hearing her thoughts?

"Ughhh you stupid stop singing keep you thoughts to yourself!!!
The whole clan can hear you, it's embarassing,I came up to say this ok and we don't come up to humans as you may think. It's because..... because you we so loud. No shut up and let us enjoy the moonlight the others would be coming up soon."

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