🌨️✨59🌨️An awfully stupid thing he is forced to do!'

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"I mean if that's ok with Jimin?" Taehyung replies weakly as if not wanting the others to hear.

"I'm ok with it, that's the least I can settle for if not my best friend." Jimin follows along with Jin's plan.

Taehyung glares at him at that, why was he suddenly getting avoided. As if he was the brat here.

"Two minutes ago you wouldn't even talk to me, now you are ok with it?" Taehyung asks Jimin.

"I mean if it's so hard for you I should let you go right?" Jimin says sounding sassy.

"Oh please, it's not about that! It's about Jungkook, We should know about Jungkook, you don't want it right jungkook?" Taehyung asks immediately.

Right, it's about Jungkook he wouldn't want to go with some random girl asking him for a prom right? Right!

"Uhh I mean if it helps you both I don't mind," Jungkook replies the kind-hearted person he is who would help Taehyung no matter what it takes. Agrees in the blink of time.

Taehyung pouts at it slumping back in his seat. Like a defeated child.

"ok so kook get to work and reply to all of them some might still be there waiting, .....
......Hey, wait for a second,  isn't it stupid koo?
  Why are we looking for someone else

when we have............" Jin stops and all of them look at taehyung even Jungkook confused as to why the others are looking.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Namjoon already got the clue, the only left we the two annoyingly shy and stubborn best friends left to understand where it is all going.

Jin starts again after the dramatic pause as if coming to a genius realization.

"When we have you taehyung,
.....I mean if it's not something important and not awkward wouldn't it be better if you both went to that thing?" Jin puts in a bait waiting for taehyung to bite on it.

Of Course, the pout had vanished replaced by confusion, and soon with determination. 

Jungkook can't help but try pinching himself to know all this is happening in real-time, and not a fragment of his imagination.

While they all are still quiet and awaiting Taehyung's answer he jumps in to help his best friend.

"Aye, why would you say that hyun-"
"it's okay." Taehyung interrupts Jungkook and grabs the chance. 

"I'm ok with it! Like why should it be awkward, it is just a stupid event that Jimin so badly wants me to come. And Jungkook is a dancer. Besides being my best friend he is the perfect choice for this. We should go together kook, are you ok with it?" Taehyung says. Jungkook looks dumbfounded not understanding what just happened.

Jimin smiles at this what were the qualifications again for the prom partner?
Taehyung doesn't seem to want that anymore.

Taehyung takes Jungkook's hand in his own,
"Jungkook?" He asks softly.
Confused as to why there was a sudden rush of pink on jungkook's cheeks.
A faint smile grows on jungkook's face as he nods along. Still, a bit confused at how it escalated quickly to this.

No matter what he thinks Taehyung likes it! He looks cute like that. There is a certain kind of satisfaction he feels at that silent affirmation.

While Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin, all of them smile at it, just perfect he took the bait "Nothing romantic about it exactly." Jin says sarcastically.

Everyone was glad that it came around it.


'It's just a stupid event!'

'Just a stupid thing!'

'An awfully stupid thing he is forced to do!'

'A terrible thing he is supposed to do....because of his best friend!'

'Right? Right!'

'That's what it is!'

Taehyung reassured himself again. The thoughts going round and round come to the same conclusion. 

'it's just a necessity.'

But if it was just a stupid event why was Taehyung here in the middle of the night, struggling to find an outfit he had many choices and he hadn't even done it before.

If Jimin was here he could have asked him but how could he? It would be a total defeat to show the slightest excitement for the event after all that happened.

It's only one person that comes to his mind... Jungkook. 

Just a stupid event 😅

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