✨🌨️63✨ I'll be back quick. Ok."

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The next week went away in the preparation of their prom and Taehyung's surprise birthday, turns out the surprise wasn't quite a surprise event it was just everyone hiding in Taehyung's home and popping up exactly at 12 as every year.

 But Taehyung wasn't complaining if anything he was still happy to see Yoongi coming up directly and asking for his shoe size, while Jin cunningly tried to find his current favorite cake. It was very precious to Taehyung.

And as every year he was ready to act surprised when this happens. 

But this year it would be a tad bit of a grand event or so he figured when he saw Jimin asking who would be the people in their class he would like to invite to his home if he were to ever keep a party hypothetically.

Of course, it was his 18th birthday.

After all the preparation they had put in even so far as to learn some dance steps thanks to Jungkook and the late-night dance classes causing their neighbors to yell was finally going to pay off.

Turns out Taehyung was naturally a good dancer. It was way easy for Jungkook to teach him even though if they were difficult Jungkook wouldn't be complaining.


"Kookie baby, look at Taehyung do the pose like him, quick let me click the pictures of my precious babies all grown up now." Mrs.Kim, says teary-eyed her phone trembling between her hands while she was still insistent on clicking their pictures before leaving them for the prom.

"Mommmmm! Stop now we are already late and you are making such a big deal out of it, seriously." Jungkook complains jokingly although he was very much enjoying the attention he was getting from his family. His father Jin, Yoongi all were beside his mom clicking their pictures.

Nothing could bring him down today he was absolutely excited about today. Not that he was hoping for something, it was just a friend helping his friend, nothing special about it, but at the same time, he was beaming like a firefly which wasn't something Jungkook was good at hiding. Although he was giving off an annoyed look.

"Look at him go all disrespectful teen on his mom. Jungkook, now be a good little baby, you are, and smile for the pictures." Mr.Kim says and Jungkook looks actually annoyed now he was expecting to be called handsome and cool not a baby guess being the youngest of the fam had its cons too.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was happily posing away letting others click his pictures like a celebrity.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was happily posing away letting others click his pictures like a celebrity

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The Kim Family & Tae🌹 [ Taekook ♡ Namjin ♡ Sope ♡]Where stories live. Discover now