🎇🌨️76🎇 Blissed out and weightless

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Taehyung pov

Have you ever thought of dying?

Or falling off the.....

Into the depths of Ocean??

Maybe in the air ???

The complete silence and detachment from everything that's connected to you???

Everything that keeps you grounded....

Leaving all that?
Must be peaceful and nice right?

That's how I felt right now,

As if the burden that i carried so long had been taken off of me...

As if i was lifted off the ground with greath strength

And pulled up to the sky

Only to be dropped down falling

Still falling

Complete silence.....

Blissed out and weightless

And a feather

What was this feeling,

I have never felt something like this

It was just moments ago i was flooded with anger that my vision went blind.

As if i would have be crushed with and immense power if i didn't redirect it

That's how I felt!

But now all i could see was

Panicked faces shock tremer and the aftereffects as if the hurricane had passed and the only thing left

Was silence.

I feel down slowly landing softly on the concrete floor

As if someone just carried me tucking into the bed.

All I could see was Yoongi hyungs shocked expression before my eyes closed to it's own accordance..

Left in darkness and silence.


3 weeks Later

Jungkook slowly opens his eyes blinking very slowly as if it hurts to even try to open his eyes.


"Baby it's me, Mom!"

Mrs kim sniffs as she sees some movements after watching days of motionless of the younger one who had never once in his life stayed calm.

"M..om" jungkook whispers slowly breaking his silence,

"Wa...ter" he is thirsty he doesn't remember being so thirsty all he feels is the coarseness in his throat..

His mom rushes to get water and pressing the button to call up the nurse.

Mrs kim gives him water very carefully before the nurses come in to examine him.


An hour later after all the examination and brain scan the doctors give him the permission to meet others.

Mr and Mrs kim are the one's to enter first.

Now jungkook seated with the support of pillow and a Iv drip attached.

Jungkook blinks as he stares at his mom without blinking,

Both mr and mrs kim rush to him,

Mrs kim hugging him thr action causing him pain " my baby i missed you so much"

"Mom is here now ok I know you suffered a lot."

"I'm so sorry my baby."

His mom uttered crying while she was still hugging him.

"We are so proud of you Jungkook you are our brave son." His father says tears silently flowing down his cheeks.

They both look at each other at Jungkooks silence he hadn't uttered a work nor did he showed any expression, it was as if he didn't even recognise anyone of them.

Mrs kim looks at the doctor who was still beside examining him eho started with the

"He might have temporary Amnesia we would haveto get a detailed check ----" "how..." Jungkook interrupts blinking rapidly the information flowing through his head suddenly.

He remembers it , he had heard it Minho he -- his people had killed his.... but his parents are here , they are here......
Jungkook starts sniffing tears flowing down as he sniffs louder...."Mom....mom....Dad you are, you are...." Jungkook sobs through his broken words straining himself while the doctor tries to calm him down.

Mrs Kim smiles at this, Mr and Mrs Kim thanking God he is alright he remembers, he will be alright....

"It seems like , he is not able to cope with the traumatic experience he just went through, it would be better if we sedate him for now he needs some time to recover physically before his mentally recovering, I have seen ........_ " His doctor looks back at jungkook before moving away whispering to his parents" I have seen Psylock's victims he... He might have several outbursts from the events he was made to go through, he might not be able to accept reality for some time it's better for now for him to not be awake we don't have to take the chances , Psylock's victims haven't surv...no we will try our best approach on this." The Doctor says himself terrified and confused at how his parents might take it he has experienced himself what horrors were left, the patient fighting with the images that torment them, unable to accept and differentiate between real life and what they went through.

Mrs Kim breaks down again her kids all of them were fighting for life, she couldn't stop worrying any less.... Yoongi recovered enough to be able to talk, while his body was still too weak for him to get up .

Jin her precious son had been having spams of terror, his screams broke her heart, everytime he woke up he refused to talk to anyone, confiding himself the same way he had years ago.

"Namjoon .....hyung mom where ...where is he mom he I saw i saw him ..  mom." Jungkook sobbed again only to be injected the very second his father and nurses holding him down he soon calmed down going into motionless sleep again......

Mrs Kim breaks down taking the support of the pillor , unable to hold her up she slides down Namjoon

How was she gonna say about him that kid who had brought so much joy to her son who had accepted everything and put his life on line to save her kids, how would she ever be able to cope with this.


Hi again

I know, life happened or the horror precedes so do I

Back again with the new chapter

This was challenging to write the aftermath of the incident.

The disrupted family, missing people, coping with it a lot went down.....

Tell me about your reactions review favourite lines

One thing I can say except even more of it before we stabilize bcz things have just started they have a lot to deal through.
They ❌ us 👍

They ❌ us 👍

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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