✨🌨️55✨Imagining him standing alone in the prom.

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Ami's pov

Jimin times out as he starts to feel the burning sensation his lungs were screaming. Ami understands it as guides him back to Kiwi who swims back up. but jimin was already out of breath the interval needed to reach above wasn't enough. He was struggling to hold back the urge to open his mouth. His lungs were suffocating. He had improved but not to be a complete merman.

Ami was aggressively pulling him up with the help of kiwi as his hold on kiwi was losing.

"Hey hey, Jimin, Jimin can you hear me, Jimin please open your eyes, what do, what do I do now, kiwi can can, merman drown? How is it possible he is breathing but not waking up?"

Ami tries again calling kiwi and she has managed to lay him on one of the rocks while he had gone unconscious.

"Jimin, Jimin," Ami calls again.

Meanwhile, kiwi splashes a good amount of water on Jimin's face who starts waking to cough up.

"Kiwi!!! Gently. Thank god you are alright jimin are you alright, is your brain working alright?

How much is this" Ami asks, showing 3 fingers before him?

While Jimin looks even more confused.
."What is it? It's 3, what just happened?"

" I'm so sorry Jimin, you went breathless and I and kiwi brought you up immediately but you were unconscious for about half an hour now," Ami says guiltily.

"Half an hour? It didn't feel so bad, my head ugh it hurts, Jimin says, combing his fingers through his hair and getting the water out.

"I should be heading home now, I definitely am not a merman still whenever will the transformation occur? I'm still quite human who almost drowned today." Jimin jokes but Ami looks down guilty.

"Hey, it's not your fault ok, who knew a merman would have such low stamina right."

"But still, I should have been careful. Jimin you........... your........"Ami Stops the moment she looks up and sees his face she stutters more unable to form any words.

"What? What it?" Jimin asks, looking at kiwi who also somehow looks surprised.

"Your.......... Your hair it's turning...oh my God why is it, why is it turning..... how is this possible, they all are dead, Jimin your hair how can it?" Ami keeps rumbling while Jimin doesn't get a word she has been saying.

"Dead? Who? What's with my hair?" Jimin says combing through his blonde hair not feeling anything.

"JIMIN YOU, YOUR HAIR IT'S TURNING OR-OR ORANGE. " Ami screams, almost deafening him.


"Jeez ami calm ok calm, what are you talking about," Jimin says holding her both arms caging her between his submerged legs in the sitting position he was.

She looked shocked, out of it, he shook her, snapping her out of it.

"Kiwi, seal your mouth this can't get to anyone else do you get me? And JIMIN please, go as fast as you can get out quickly and don't come back here any time soon, go and meet Hoseok Oppa as soon as you can, go before anyone spots you." Ami says, pulling him down in the water and pushing him towards the shore.

"Woah what is it? You are panicking, what's it, is something wrong with my hair, orange you say." Jimin says catching up with Ami swimming as much as he can as Ami was pulling him aggressively.

"Shhh, now is not the time, and stop thinking your merman voice can be heard by everyone you still haven't learned to control it. Now please do as I say go home and take a rest and meet up with Hoseok as soon as you can."

"Ok ok fine but now you're scaring me a bit you do know that right," Jimin says finally reaching the shore while Ami waits for him in the water.

"I'll come back soon ok, I'll get it right whatever it is you talking about with Hoseok hyung and then come back," Jimin says, grabbing his bag and putting on his T-shirt and jacket.  Meanwhile, Ami nods the frown on her forehead, still visible.


Taehyung's Pov

Taehyung should be panicking right now, yes he should. After all the time that was given, he still wasn't able to find a partner for that damn prom thing.

He had some girl who had asked him to meet up and never showed up.

He had a best friend, who had people lining up behind him to be his partner, he was officially the lead who was going to begin the prom and a part dance major was obviously everyone's choice Jimin had already been selected.

Now after all these months he has made no progress or even an attempt to find a partner now all that is going to happen is he getting targeted and scolded by his teachers.

But Taehyung was all set to call it sick. He knew everyone would know that it was a mere excuse and the coming next few days would be super awkward for him.

He was ready to deal with it all, only if the one and only, who had his back always his soulmate the park jimin wasn't sulking about it, he was mad about how Taehyung would miss his debut performance as the lead performer and even more so nobody would be there to record it.

Jimin had completely given him a silent treatment; it was a cold war protest he was having. 

The only time he talked was yesterday asking for where Hoseok hyung was, who was busy and wouldn't be able to meet him until the weekend. 

He was offended was an understatement, Jimin had never not talked to him. But he didn't talk to him for the whole 3 days now and the only time he called was to know about his other friend.

Taehyung was super hurt about it, but now even he wasn't going to try to persuade him. 

He had no other choice no matter what he thought he had tried talking to some but everyone seemed to find a partner. 

It was either Jimin's cold treatment or going alone to the prom like a loser and to him, both looked like bad decisions.

He was sighing on the kitchen table looking at the Ice cubes he had taken, it was kinda his toxic habit of just keeping tiny pieces of ice cubes in his mouth and letting it melt whenever he felt stressed.

But all the ice cubes felt like they melted down just like the minor mental breakdown about imagining him standing alone.in the prom.

Suddenly he is knocked on the head from behind, shocking him and his hand which was in the bowl of tiny ice cubes starts freezing "ah what the hell Jungkook it hurts." Taehyung exclaims. 

"What's up with that long face and your ice-eating. what's wrong?" Jungkook asks taking away the bowl of ice cubes away from his grasp.

Taking out his hand. "What the hell how is all this possible the ice cubes had all melted, I mean it was supposed to have melted it was out for quite...." "Taehyung'' Jungkook interrupts him "it must be really grave that you don't even have the sense of existence." 

"What no, I mean I had thought it had melted. But it seems alright." Taehyung says, moving his hands towards picking up the ice. While Jungkook slaps his hand away "no you would look ugly without all those teeth of yours. Stop eating ice." 

"So you mean I look super hot now with all these teeth," Taehyung says, waving his hands beside his face. While Jungkook laughs at it. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that." 


I have written up to 3 more chapters.
Quick updates coming.

26th Dec 2021

I was supposed to update on Christmas but, the news from hybe
Not Jin and Rm too.
It's just all blue now.

Hope Suga,Rm and Jin get well soon.

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