epilogue (3)

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Dear Sunny,

    Has it really been three whole years since I've written? I apologize in the form of a million and one ice cream sundaes, even though I know you're still keeping an eye on me from way up there. Which also means you know exactly why I haven't had all the time in the world to write. Looks like I have a lot to catch you up on in a short amount of time so let's get to it.

     Let's start with the wedding; as if it was anything short of absolutely chaotic in the most beautiful way possible. Harry had asked me in the beginning if we wanted to hire a wedding planner and you should have seen the sets of daggers he got from both Josie and Mom. I almost felt bad for him, being sure to explain that the two of them had been planning both mine and Josie's weddings since we were four.

     So the day of, Mom was checking and double checking and triple checking her list, making sure everything was perfect. Dad was sneaking drinks of whiskey, you know the way he does and thinks everyone doesn't notice, and avoiding the bridal party as much as possible. Josie didn't once leave my side and I knew part of it was her compulsive need to control every situation but the larger part of it was to make sure I didn't break.

     It wasn't like I'd forgotten that I would spend another one of the most memorable days of my life without you. Trust me, nothing could ever allow me to forget, but between planning, little eating, and trying to get some sleep in, it was as if my brain had gone into autopilot for a minute. Harry and Josie noticed it, walking on egg shells around me the past week as if I'd suddenly remember how to feel, as if I'd truly forgotten. I hadn't forgot, I'd never forget.

     But back to the wedding day; Mom panicking, Dad drinking, and Josie glued to my side. I was rudely woken that morning with a pillow to the face by none other than Jos herself. All the girls had stayed at our house while the boys slept at Josie's. I was pulled out of bed, bright and early, and whisked into the bathroom where Josie went to work. The wedding wasn't until two but yeah, getting up to get ready at six am made total sense (insert dramatic eye roll here). Either way, I let Josie do her thing, you know how it goes if you don't.

Everything about me that day was simple with just a touch of elegance. Josie had done a very loose french braid, twisting pieces along the top and curling the loose pieces framing my face. She scattered flowers throughout, white and light blue, the colors of the wedding, (Ironic, I know but at least we'd all get a chuckle out of it).

     The dress

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The dress...well that was much harder to decide on. I cant tell you how many shops we'd gone to just to find the right one. Mom, Josie, Harry's mom, his sister Gemma, and of course Josie's mom all came to give their opinions and help me out with my indecisiveness. Josie and Mom had made a beeline for the big ball gowns the moment we stepped into the store and I tried on every one but you know me, being big and flashy, even at my own wedding, wasn't my style. I'd almost given up when Harry's mom, Anne, had slipped a dress through the door.

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