chapter thirty six

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     My eyes were glued to Blue since the moment we set foot on the beach. She was currently standing with Mitch and Sarah, all of them seemingly in a deep conversation. A smile played on my lips as I watched her throw her head back laughing, the biggest grin on her face. Blue was stunning, not just in her looks but also in the way she's come out of her shell in a short month. I no longer saw that sad, deep blue aura around her, instead noticing a much lighter, sky blue.

"Suddenly you confess your feelings for her and you go all starry eyed every time you see her?" Josie bumped my hip, handing me a drink and turning her attention to Blue as well, "I love that woman with every ounce of my being and seeing her so happy is warming my soul. I was so worried that she'd never recover from Skye's death but seeing her now, there's no doubt in my mind that she can do anything she sets her mind to," Josie sighed, shaking her head.

"She is hands down the best person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting," Josie scoffed, giving me a dramatic look that made me roll my eyes, "Except you of course." She gave me a satisfied smile before taking a sip of her drink.

"But yeah, she definitely is the best person I know. You better treat her right Styles because I can't see her broken again," She pauses, looking up at me so she knew I was serious, "I'm not going to give you a funny threat right now because I mean it Harry. Don't hurt my best friend, I don't think she can survive losing another sun." Her words caught me off guard, my mind wondering back to something Blue had said when I caught her drawing a sun late at night in the tattoo parlor.

     "The sun is my inspiration. I wasn't joking when I said I came here chasing the sun."

The words didn't make sense at the time, the confession almost making me laugh as you can chase the sun just about anywhere. It'd made a little more sense when she told me her nickname for Skye was Sunny, but now all of the pieces were coming together. Skye has been her sun, her inspiration, her reason to see the good in every day. She'd been chasing that feeling when she came to Malibu, she'd been chasing a reason to get out of bed every day. She'd chasing a new inspiration, a new sun. Was that really me? Was I really good enough to be her sun?

     "Don't overthink it, Dreamboat. You are a huge reason why that sweet girl has the biggest smile in her face right now but the sun she's been so desperately chasing is within herself, I just don't think she's figured it out yet." I both hated and loved that Josie had a way of knowing just what everyone was thinking but right now, I was thankful for it. Blue was her own sun and I hoped that one day she'd be able to realize that herself.

     "You think she'll figure it out?" Blue was still chatting away to Mitch and Sarah, her eyes drifting to Josie and I momentarily, a confused look on her face as she realized both of us staring at her. She said something to Mitch and Sarah before making her way over to us.

     "With me and you by her side? Of course. She just needs a little push sometimes," Josie winked at me before Blue reached us, hands on her hip and a suspicious look in her brown eyes.

"Are you guys talking about me?" Josie and I looked back and forth between each other before sealing our lips and shaking our heads. Blue narrowed her eyes before pointing her first two fingers at her eyes and then to the both of us.

"I'm going to go find Lucas. You two be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do." Josie wiggled her brows at us before squeezing Blue's arm and walking back towards the fire. Blue held her hand out for me to take, leading us down the beach and away from everyone else.

"Alright Dreamy, what were you two talking about?" She asked, her eyes on the sand crunching beneath our shoes. I pulled her up the beach a little, plopping down in the sand and pulling her into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist, placing my head on her shoulder.

"Jos and I were just talking about how amazing you are." She turned in my lap so she was facing me, her eyes searching mine to see if I were hiding something. I made a funny face, sticking my tongue out to try to throw her off. I assumed my efforts succeeded when smooshed her lips together to make a fishy face, both of us laughing.

"I'm sure there's more to your story but I admire your distraction techniques." I gave her a shocked look, watching her roll her eyes. I swear she rolled her eyes so much that they'd get stuck in the back of her head one day.

"Hey Blue?"

"Yes, Styles?"

"Do you want to go on a date with me when we get back home?" I watched as she tried to fight a smile, her cheeks turning red as she nodded.

"I'd love to." I felt my heart practically leap out of my chest as the words left her lips. I'd never been more excited to go out on a date. Although, I wasn't typically the dating type but I'd give that all up for Blue. I don't know what it was about this girl but I'd go to the ends of the world to hear her belt out lyrics in the car or wake up to her in my arms every morning.

We spent the rest of the night talking about new tattoo ideas and more recipes to try when we got back home. I couldn't tell you how late we stayed at the bonfire but what seemed like a century later, Josie yelled at the two of us to, and I repeat, "Save the sex for the bedroom or we'd get sand in places it shouldn't be," making Blue and I burst into fits of laughter.

I stood up, pulling Blue to her feet as well. We started walking back towards the crowd, hand in hand. Once we reached the rest of the gang, we made our way back home. About halfway there, I could tell Blue was getting tired. She rubbed her eyes constantly and tripped over her feet. I crouched in front of her, telling her to jump on my back. She let out a sigh of relief, hopping on and wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. Her soft lips pressed against my cheek as we continued our short journey back.

Once we made it back to the hotel, the group went their separate ways. Blue quickly changed and took off her make up while I took a shower. When I got out and back into the room, I found Blue fast asleep in the bed, curled up in a ball and snoring lightly. I smiled as I climbed into bed with her, pulling her into my chest as she let out a light hum. I had no trouble drifting into a peaceful sleep before we headed back home tomorrow.


i like this chapter better than the last one, next one will be the big date sooooo be ready for it

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