chapter six

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     The crashing of the weight on the ground was the only sound throughout the empty house. I wouldn't say I'm complaining about the silence, it was the sound I'd welcomed most after I started dating Kennedy. I lifted the bottom of my tank top, running it across my damp forehead.

My phone started vibrating against the metal bench and as soon I saw Kennedy's name, I shut my phone off. We'd gotten into yet another fight before she left for New York a few nights ago and I had been avoiding her calls and texts ever since. I made my way to the bathroom, showering quickly before throwing on a black tank top and gray athletic shorts and heading out to the beach.

The sky was cloudy, making the beach very scarce. Sand crunched beneath my tennis shoes as I shoved my hands in my pockets, keeping my head down. I didn't know exactly where I was going, my mind was spiraling as it always did, nothing I did anymore making sense. I hadn't felt this lost in a long time.

I heard a crash of thunder, causing me to look up. I'd caught a glimpse of a girl, laying on her stomach on a towel and reading a book, completely oblivious to the incoming storm. As I got closer, I realized that it was Indigo or as I knew her best, Blue. Of course I knew her real name but Blue seemed to fit her better.

Her dark hair was sat on the top of her head, secured with a bright blue scrunchie. Glasses were perched on her nose as she bit her lip. She wore the same bikini I'd seen her in the night we met, this time without the shorts, allowing me a better view of her body. Her figure was small but she was fit. She didn't have a models body but was definitely a sight to see. She and Kennedy were vastly different, both physically and mentally.

I found Blue intriguing and yet I did my best to keep her at bay, even if I did hire her at the shop. Just as I'd told her before, her talent was too great to turn away. This had caused a fight with Kennedy of course after Josie had mentioned it to her, but I didn't care. I honestly couldn't tell you why I was with Kennedy anymore at this point, all we did was fight.

"Harry?" Blue's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I could only imagine how strange it looked having me zoned out, staring at her. I swallowed before waving at her awkwardly. She sat up, wrapping her towel around her.

"Oh, hey Blue. Sorry I was just going for a walk and saw you laying out here." I tried to give her a smile but I could tell by her confused look it came out all wrong. I hadn't truly smiled in a long time.

"I was just reading my book. Apparently too intently because it's about to pour on us any second." Another bout of thunder confirmed these thoughts as she scrambled to grab her things. I walked over to her, handing her the cup she'd missed, "Thanks, uhm, do you want to come in? At least until the storm passes? I'm not sure where you live but I doubt you'll make it there before the rain."

"Sure." I shrugged, following her inside. I'd been inside Josie's house plenty of times but I pretended I didn't as Blue told me she was going to change and then she could give me a tour. I stood in the kitchen, watching out the glass door as fat drops hit the deck.

"Looks like we made it in just in time." She laughed, the sound unfamiliar as I hadn't heard her laugh once since I'd met her. I liked the sound of it though. I turned to find her in an oversized tie dye t-shirt, landing about mid thigh.

"Looks like it. I take it you're a big tie dye fan?" I raised a brow, motioning to her shirt. She looked down, grabbing at the ends before lifting her head up, a perfectly symmetrical smile on her face and her cheeks flushed.

"Oh yeah, tie dye is my favorite. My parents were big hippies if you couldn't tell by the name." She shrugged, making me smile at her nervousness, "Anyways, did you want a tour?"

"Sure." She moved her bare feet along the kitchen floor, walking into each room that I'd been in a million times. I nodded at all the right times, my focus on the sound of her voice. It was raspy and light and I wondered if she smoked cigarettes to get it to sound that way. I quickly brushed that thought to the back of my mind as she hadn't ever taken a smoke break while on the clock.

     We finished the tour in the living room as she took a seat on one end of the couch and I gladly took the other. She folded her feet beneath her, turning her attention to the storm brewing outside.

"I love storms, a lot. My dad used to sit out and watch them with me back home. My mom hated it, thinking we'd get hit by lightning or blown away." Her voice sounded far away and I could only imagine that she was stuck in a memory.

"Where's home?" She turned her head towards me, blinking a couple of times before speaking again.

"Just a small town in Tennessee. Same place as Josie." Her answers were always vague. She didn't give me the name of the town, just said it was small. I knew she had something deep down she didn't want to talk about. I knew this when she came to the shop at the early hours of the morning, only those with something weighing heavy on their mind do that, I would know, "What about you?"

"Holmes Chapel." She just nodded, turning her attention back to the storm. I found myself wanting to know more about Blue, her presence somewhat comforting to me, "What's your favorite color?"

"Uhm, orange. Like the brightest orange in the sunset," She gave me a small smile before looking at me funny, "Are we playing 20 questions?" I chuckled, shrugging.

"I mean, we have to pass the time somehow." She bit her bottom lip between her teeth, the sight making my heart speed up. She ultimately shrugged, turning her body to fully face me.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked, her eyes never leaving mine.

"It changes from time to time, but I think it's blue today."


i hope you guys are loving this as much as i love writing it

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