chapter eleven

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     My fingers ran along the hundreds of dresses, knowing I could never afford a single one. Josie was in the dressing room, trying on what was probably her fiftieth dress of the day. I agreed to the party only because I thought that celebrating a day that used to mean so much to me, might help me feel a little closer to Skye.

     Even though Skye and I shared a birthday, he always made June 2nd about me. He'd wake me up with ice cream for breakfast and then we'd go out driving and singing to music that made us feel alive. Then we'd go thrift shopping, searching for the best vintage shirts. We'd pick out outfits for both of us to try on and laugh at how ridiculous we both looked. We'd have dinner at the local pizza place that knew us by name and our order by memory; Pepperoni with green olives. The day always ended with a movie night, both of us picking out a movie we thought would be awful just to make fun of it.

     "Indi, you in there?" I blinked a few times, my eyes focusing on Josie who stood in front of me, arms crossed over her chest. Her brows were furrowed together at my lack of communication. I cleared my throat, apologizing. "Are you sure about this? We can just have the day to ourselves. Or I could call and get us into the spa? Or we could-"

     "No Jos, I think doing something different would be better this year." I gave her a small smile which I knew she wouldn't buy but didn't say anything further. She sighed before escaping back into the dressing room.

     Josie and I always spent her birthday celebrating the two of us as she knew that June 2nd was my day with Skye. On the first, I'd always show up on Josie's door step with purple lilies and a brand new pair of sunglasses. Josie was notorious for losing sunglasses and just about everything else. We'd drive into the city, go to every boutique, drink endless amounts of coffee, and always end her day with a dance party in her basement. Those seemed like simpler times now.

"Indigo Rain, where the hell is your head at today?" I got lost in my thoughts once again. I shook my head before giving her my full attention.

"I'm sorry, Jos. I was just thinking about previous birthdays." I sighed, watching her face fall as she pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you," She said as she pulled away, holding my by my shoulders. I told her I loved her too before she disappeared in the dressing room once again. I took a seat on the couch, trying to make sure my mind didn't wander off again.

"Did you find the one yet?" I asked, hearing her grumbling to herself.

"Nothing is catching my eye, Indi. I feel so plain in everything," She shouted so I could hear her better. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Girl please, you could show up in a trash bag and still have all eyes on you all night." I clicked the lock button on my phone, noticing we only had a short amount of time to get ready before the party started, "And you might have to go with a trash bag if you don't hurry up." She opened the door to show me her middle finger, making me roll my eyes.

"I have an idea!" She shouted before coming out of the dressing room in her clothes. She gave me her typical 'this is the best plan ever' look that always seemed to get us in trouble, "I'll pick out a dress for you and you pick one for me and we have to wear it tonight, no exceptions." I wanted to tell her no as I knew she'd pick something way out of my comfort zone but this summer was supposed to be one filled with adventure and a journey of finding myself again.

"Okay." I surprised myself with the word and Josie too as she almost didn't let me even finish.

"Just hear me- Wait. Did you just agree to one of my plans? Without a fight and rational reasoning as to why we shouldn't do that?" I just laughed, nodding. She placed her hand on her hip, shaking her head at me, "Who are you and what'd you do with my best friend?" She narrowed her eyes and pointed at me.

"Josie?" Our heads both snapped in the direction of a voice neither of us had wanted to hear today. Kennedy shrugged her purse higher up on her shoulder as she approached us. She was wearing a tight black skirt with a neon crop top. Her hair was thrown into the most perfect messy bun and her make up was flawless.

"Sadly, yes that's me." Josie sighed before turning to give me a 'you've got to be kidding me look,' making me fold my lips together so I wouldn't laugh.

"And uhm, I'm sorry, what's your name again?" I sighed before telling her it was Indigo which I knew she already knew. She gave me a fake smile, "I'm so excited for the party tonight."

"Yeah, you weren't really invited." Josie said, scrunching her nose and returning the fake smile. Kennedy narrowed her eyes at Josie and I swore they were having some sort of internal battle I did not want to be apart of.

"You think Harry would show up without me? We're a package deal," She then turned her attention to me, a smirk playing on her lips, "Besides, I see the way Indiana here looks at him. Couldn't let some low life steal my man." I gave her a funny look, opening my mouth to tell her that wasn't at all my intention but Josie beat me to it.

"Really Kennedy? Are we still in high school?" Kennedy looked back at Josie, confused by her statement but I knew exactly where she was going, "If Harry were to finally break up with you, it'd be because you treat him like shit, not that INDIGO stole him. You don't steal someone's man, they leave on their own will. And next time you want to call someone a low life, consider looking in the mirror, honey. We may do shoots together but if you talk shit on my best friend again you'll be doing your next shoot with a black eye, okay?" I let out a loud burst of laughter, instantly slapping my hand over my mouth as I watched the stunned expression on Kennedy's face turn wicked really quick. Josie wrapped her arm around my shoulders, the biggest and fakest smile on her lips.

"I'll see you girls at the party." She turned on her heels and we both watched her stomp away before Josie yelled one last thing.

"Bless your heart!" I hit her arm lightly, my mouth open in shock, "What? She's not smart enough to know that means 'fuck you' in southern." Did I mention that I truly loved my best friend?


i love josie like a lot

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