epilogue (2)

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Dear Sunny,

     Wow it's been too long since I've written to you. I guess that's what happens when life gets busy. It doesn't mean I still don't think about you every day, it just means that I haven't had time to write it all down. I can't believe it's been over a year since my last letter but man do I have a million and one things to tell you.

     So Josie and Lucas got married in May, the wedding was BEAUTIFUL and the day went so smoothly that it actually worried me. Seeing mom, dad, and the Scott's here was something else. They definitely aren't huge fans of California but they did say they'd like to come back. Dad is definitely a beach goer and mom fell in love with Josie's kitchen. It was both comforting and odd having them here but I missed them. And I miss you. Always.

     Okay, I have so much more to tell you so I cant start crying now. Back on topic, so Josie and Lucas got married and then went on their honeymoon right after, giving me a little time to breathe as I'd been working so hard to be the best maid of honor, as I always do you know. You used to tease me about always having to be the best at everything I did, even if it meant hours upon hours of practice. But like I said, everything went fabulously and only happy tears were shed so I think the mission was accomplished.

     I also moved in with Harry, officially. The newly weds needed their space and if I'm being honest, I was pretty much living with Harry anyways. Josie and I had our last hurrah their together a few nights before her wedding. We shared a bottle of champagne (I've eased back into drinking. I'm still very cautious about it but baby steps) and did all the typical sleep over things. We ordered in pizza, cried to our favorite movies, and danced around in our pajamas to all the 70's classics. It was the perfect ending to us being roommates.

     Harry and I are still very busy with the tattoo parlor. We seem to get busier and busier by the day. We had to hire a few more artists as I help Harry with the finances now. Poor guy didn't sleep for days trying to get all the paperwork in on time. Of course he's stubborn as hell and wouldn't out right ask me for help so I had to be sneaky about it, coming in with coffee and snacks at first and then reading numbers off to him before eventually being the one taking the brunt of the load as I was somehow faster. Don't tell him that though, I don't want to hurt his ego.

     Our routine is still the same, every day of the week is something different. We spend time with friends, going out on dates, and blaring music down back roads. Recently, Harry has got me hiking. I know what you're thinking, Sunny. Me. Hiking. But I'm doing it dammit. But only because Harry didn't think I could so I had to prove him wrong. That is one thing that hasn't changed about me.

     So, now for the big news right. The one you've been waiting over a year for. That night I wrote to you for the first time, Harry had been rushing me to hurry up for our date....well, he and Josie had it all planned out and...YOUR SISTER IS ENGAGED! To the sweetest, most caring and thoughtful yet absolutely stunning man on the Earth. I really thought I was getting a puppy but getting to spend the rest of my life with Harry was an even better surprise.

I bet you're wanting the details right? So about a week before the proposal, we'd decided on a double date at the fair. The same fair that Harry had taken me to for our first date as they decorated it all for Christmas and I was told that I just had to see it. I really wasn't too into the Christmas spirit. I haven't been since you left so I was reluctant but after a lot of convincing from Josie (You know how she can be) I agreed.

My first tip off should have been that Josie picked out an outfit for me to wear. Usually, she didn't care too much but she was bound and determined to have me wear the chunky sweater, overall dress, tights, and combat boots. She even curled my hair and did my make up, saying she missed doing it for me. I just went along with it, seeing as it made her happy.

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