chapter seven

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"You cannot sit here, look me in the eyes, and tell me that you honestly think The Notebook is better than 10 Things I Hate About You!" I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest and waiting for his rebuttal.

"I didn't say it was better, I just said that I'd rather watch it than your favorite movie." I rolled my eyes at his words, making us both laugh.

Harry and I had gone back and forth for hours, asking each other silly questions. I learned that his favorite movie was The Notebook, he hated tomatoes, and he was a mommy's boy. I spilled a few of my favorites and dislikes as well. I hadn't felt this comfortable with someone in a long time.

"Alright, fine. Uhm what's a secret hobby you have that no one knows about?" His pink lips skewed to the side as he brought his finger to his chin as if he were thinking hard.

"I like to sing, write songs, and I'm decent with a guitar." My eyes widened at this confession and he stopped me before I could even get the words out, "Yeah, not a chance." I stuck my bottom lip out, earning a chuckle out of him, "Whats yours?"

"I can juggle really well." He gave me a funny look before demanding I prove it. I hopped off the couch and ran into the kitchen to grab a few apples out of the fridge. I held the three apples in my hands, making sure he could see them all before tossing them in the air and juggling. He whistled as I finished and made a silly pose.

"Alright, Blue. Well played." I set the apples on the coffee table, thanking him before settling back into the couch.

"Why do you call me Blue?" I could tell by his expression that he wasn't expecting me to ask this. He took a moment before answering, running his hands through his chocolate locks.

"Well, Indigo is a shade of blue but you just give off a very blue vibe. I sensed it the moment you walked up to us at the beach with Josie. She's very bright and you were dim, not in a bad way. I just don't think you see your potential or maybe something happened to make you blue, but either way, blue suits you." I bit the inside of my cheek, nodding. I knew just what made me blue but I wasn't going to tell him that, at least not today.

"I think you give off a orange vibe, even under all your moodiness." He looked completely taken back by my statement, "You might be an extremely deep and dark orange when you're angry but when you're with your friends or even here with me right now, you're a bright orange. My favorite color. You remind me of a Dreamsicle. Maybe that'll be my nickname for you." I could tell he was trying to processing my every word. He was silent for a little while, making me think I'd upset him but after some time, he asked me another question.

"What was your nightmare about the other night?" I opened my mouth, fully prepared to tell him it was just a silly dream that reoccurred when my phone started ringing. A wave of relief flooded through me as I held up my finger, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey Jos, hows the fashion weekend going?" Harry had turned his attention to the now clear sky and I could tell his mind wasn't here with me anymore.

"Oh it's great! I miss my best friend though! How are you doing? Keeping busy?" I could hear many different conversations going on on her side.

"Trying to. I wanted to get some sun today but mother nature had other plans." I laughed lightly as I watched Harry's jaw clench and unclench. I heard another girls voice on the other end, talking to Josie before she spoke to me again.

"Good deal. Well hey, while I would love to chat, I have a very worried Kennedy up my ass. Would you mind going to check on Harry for me? He only lives a few houses down. She hasn't been able to get ahold of him and when I call it goes straight to voicemail." My eyes were wide as I started coughing to get Harry's attention. He shook his head before furrowing his brows at me.

"Uhm, yeah sure thing Jos, I'll go check on Harry.." His eyes were as wide as mine now as he checked his watch, "But I need to get an ice cube first." Ice cube had been our code word for 'I need to tell you something important but I know other people are around.' We'd come up with it when we were nine and it kind of just stuck.

"An ice cube?" She wasn't getting it. I smacked my forehead, taking a deep breath before trying again.

"Yes, Josie. I need to get an ICE CUBE." Harry was now looking at me like a complete idiot as I rolled my eyes, holding up a finger in order to tell him 'just a second.'

"Oh, OH, an ice cube, got it. Give me just one second here," She spoke to who I assumed was Kennedy, telling her I had an emergency, "Do not tell me he's there right now. I'm going to have to totally make something up now to appease her."

"He was walking along the beach and it was about to pour. I didn't know he lived so close.." I narrowed my eyes at him as he shrugged, mouthing to me that I never asked, "But he was just waiting out the storm. I gave him a tour and then we got to talking."

"A tour? Indi, he's been to my house a million times. He wouldn't need a tour," I almost scoffed but stopped myself as I didn't want Harry to know I knew this yet, "Tell him to get his ass back home and to message his crazy girlfriend or better yet, tell him to dump her and date you instead."

"Yeah, that's a little too quick there my friend. I'll make sure he gets the message, I love you." She told me she loved me too and that she'd be home tomorrow before we hung up.

"You better get home to talk to your girlfriend. Apparently she's really worried." I spoke quietly, watching his face fall as he rubbed his eyes before nodding. He got up, walking to the front door and I followed him.

"See you at the shop tomorrow Blue." I nodded, watching him walk down the driveway before shouting to him.

"Also, next time you want a tour at a house you've already been to, I'm charging you Dreamsicle!" He turned to me with a smile, making me give him one in return before shutting the door.


harry is such a dream. super dreamy. the prettiest dreamsicle

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