chapter thirty

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     I don't know why Blue catching me with another girl made me feel shitty. Maybe it was the look of pure heartbreak on her face or the way she switched moods with the snap of a finger, instantly turning dark before storming out of the bathroom. I hadn't done anything wrong but the guilt sitting within me told me otherwise.

     "You want to keep going, baby? I can take you to my room," The blonde I had pushed up against the bathroom wall spoke low and soft, sprinkling my neck with kisses. Everything suddenly felt wrong and I needed to go find Blue.

     "I can't, I need to go. I'm sorry." I pushed off the wall, rushing out the bathroom door. My ears were instantly filled with loud music and voices trying to yell over it. I tried my best to avoid getting a drink spilled on me or stepping on anyone's toes as my eyes scoured the crowd for a familiar face. I let out a sigh of relief when I spotted Mitch.

     I bolted in his direction, seeing Lucas, Daisy, Mitch, and Sarah all conversing. When they saw me walking up, their faces dropped along with the conversation. Everyone looked pissed at me and I was extremely confused as to why.

     "Where's Blue?" I asked, watching everyone look back and forth between each other before Sarah pointed towards the bar. My eyes followed her finger, spotting Josie trying to pull Blue away from the bar. I watched as Blue said something back to her that made her huff and cross her arms over her chest. I started walking towards them but Mitch caught my arm.

     "Harry, it's probably better if you just let Josie take care of her tonight." I gave Mitch a strange look, confused on what he meant.

     "What? Why?" He rolled his eyes at me, letting go of my arm.

     "I don't know if you just can't see it or you won't admit it to yourself but either way, don't say I didn't warn you." He threw his hands up, walking back to the group.

     Mitch's words only confused me more. I just wanted to apologize to Blue for what she saw as I could tell it upset her. Wait, why would that upset her? We were friends and she told me tonight would be a good night to have fun and enjoy myself.

     I shook my head, wanting nothing more than to figure out just what the hell everyone's problem was tonight. I made my way up to the bar, standing behind Josie. My eyes widened as I noticed the rows of empty shot glasses sitting in front of Blue who was currently downing another.

"Josie what's going on?" She turned, her concerned eyes meeting mine before glaring at me.

"Go back to whatever girl you were screwing in the bathroom, Harold. I got this." She rolled her eyes, waving me off as she leaned in to whisper something in Blue's ear.

"I wasn't screwing- why is she drinking? I thought she didn't drink anymore?" I watched her down another shot as Josie continued to try to coax her away with no avail.

     "I'm so pissed at you right now but please help me get her back to the hotel. I don't know how many shots she's had but I know she's going to regret this in the morning and not just because of the hangover." Josie sighed in defeat, running her hands over her cheeks.

     "I got her Jos, I promise," I could tell she was on the verge of tears even though she continued to shoot daggers at me. She moved aside, letting me have a go with Blue.

     "I'm going to get everyone else ready to go and say goodbye to some of the girls. We'll meet you back at the hotel. Get her there safely or I will castrate you on the spot." And with that she pushed back through the crowd, not taking a second look back.

     "Here goes nothing." I stated before pulling out a fifty dollar bill, slapping it on the bar, and hoisting Blue over my shoulder while also trying to hold her dress down. She started fighting me, squirming as I made my way out the back door and onto the street.

     "Harry! Put me down!" She continued thrashing, earning the attention of the busy streets of New York. I gave everyone a timid smile before ducking into an alley and putting Blue down. The moment her feet hit the ground, she tried to push past me. She swayed slightly, making me shoot my arm out to catch her.

     "God, can't you just let me go? Everyone else gets drunk but when I do, it's a problem? I don't want to be with you right now, Harry. I want Josie or Skye! Anyone but you!" She pushed past my arm, stumbling slightly on the sidewalk before swearing and taking off her heels.

"Why don't you want me here, Blue? I'm sorry that you saw what you did in the bathroom, I didn't mean for you to see that. You're the one who told me to have fun tonight! That's what I was doing!" She just started laughing harshly, shaking her head as she continued walking. I followed after her, grabbing her arm.

"You just don't get it, do you?" She yelled, tears slipping down her cheeks as she pulled her arm out of my grasp and continuing to stomp to the hotel.

"Get what? Blue, I don't understand why you chose to drink tonight. I don't understand why you're so upset with me. I don't know what I did that was so wrong!" I hated seeing Blue hurt, especially because of me, but I didn't understand what was happening and yet everyone around me did.

"Just forget it. I want to go to bed," She sighed, sounding defeated as we reached the hotel. She got in the revolving door, moving quickly to make sure I couldn't squeeze in with her. I hopped in the next section, watching her walk out and to the elevator, pressing the button, heels slung over her shoulder.

"Blue! Tell me what I did wrong!" I kept my voice low, not wanting to attract anyone's attention. The elevator doors opened and she just continued shaking her head as she entered and pressed the button for our floor.

"Harry, just drop it." She leaned against the wall furthest from me, head in her hands. She really didn't want to be anywhere near me and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me. She made a beeline for our room the moment the elevator doors opened and I was hot on her heels. She pulled her key card from her bra, swiping it and slamming it open.

     "Blue, please tell me what's going on. You've been off all night and I just don't-"

     "Harry, just leave me ALONE!" She interrupted, running her hands through her hair. I sat on the bed closest to her, challenging her.

     "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong so you might as-"

     "Just go back to the model you were dry humping in the bathroom!" I'd never seen Blue so angry before. She was one of the calmest and quietest people I'd ever met so seeing her with steam practically leaving her ears, face red as a tomato, was something I'd never thought I'd experience with her.

     "This is about the model? You were the one who told me I should use this as an opportunity to venture out! To enjoy myself! What's so wrong with that?" I was now yelling back, both of us a mixture of anger and alcohol.

     "BECAUSE I FUCKING LIKE YOU HARRY! THATS WHY ITS A PROBLEM!" My eyes went wide as the words left her perfectly red lips. Tears were streaming down her face, doe eyes set on mine, "There you go, Harry. That's what's wrong," I knew I needed to say something, anything, but no words were coming out of my mouth, "I'm staying with Josie tonight and please don't follow me." She slammed the door behind her, leaving me, the biggest idiot on the planet, to myself.


oh for fucks sake FINALLY. i told y'all big things were coming, you're welcome.

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