chapter four

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"LOVEY! I am home with Chinese as promised!" I heard Josie banging about the kitchen before she appeared before me, white boxes in hand and a large grin on her face. She was in a short, skin tight green dress with silver pumps to match. Her make up nothing short of those in magazines and runway shows.

"Oh thank god, I'm starving." She set the food down in front of me, falling onto the couch with a groan, "But I think I'm a bit underdressed for this dinner." Josie flipped me off, making me laugh as I grabbed my carton. She got up momentarily to change, coming back in a large t-shirt and shorts just like me.

"Better now?" I nodded, giving her a wink before she and I both digging into our dinner, "Oh hey, I have another shoot tomorrow if you want to come!" She looked at me with eager, blue eyes and I hated that I was about to crush her spirits.

"I would love to come Jos, but I sort of have a job that starts tomorrow.." My voice trailed off as I took another bite, watching her expression change multiple times before she smiled at me once more.

"You already start tomorrow? Damn, they must really need help. Where are you working?" I hadn't told her that I was planning on asking Harry for a job, only because I hadn't made the decision to go myself until that morning.

"I took you up on that offer to work with Harry." Her eyes were like saucers now, her knee knocking mine.

"Well look at you go, I'm so proud of you. Harry's really great, other than he can get moody. I think it's only because of Kennedy though. I've seen him when he's happy and carefree but those times are few and far between now." She shook her head, taking another bite.

"Well, he did let me give him a tattoo today." She gasped, her eyes wide again.

"No fucking way dude! What'd you tattoo on him?" I smiled at her, shrugging.

"A cloud, because everyone was calling him a dream." She screamed, making us both burst into laughter.

"Oh that's perfect, Indi. I bet he loved it." We spent the rest of the night catching up and for the first time in months I felt light, as if maybe things were looking up.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm, rolling over to hit the snooze button before realizing that I actually needed to get up and ready for my job. I threw my covers off and made my way into my bathroom.

I almost gasped at my reflection, the rats nest on my head catching me by surprise. I shook my head, wishing I'd taken my hair out of the bun I'd put it in last night. I turned the shower on, stripping as I jumped in. The knots in my hair came out easily as I finished getting clean before hopping out.

I decided on a pair of mom jeans and a yellow tank top. The outfit was casual but let me show off the tattoos along my arms.

     My eyes were fixed on the sun on my shoulder and I bit my lip to keep myself from crying

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     My eyes were fixed on the sun on my shoulder and I bit my lip to keep myself from crying. I let out a deep breath, sliding on a flannel for the time being. My phone went off, changing my focus. It was a text from Josie, wishing me luck on my first day and warning me that Kennedy was in an awful mood so beware of moody Harry. I replied back thanking her for the luck and the warning.

After I sent the message, I realized I had half an hour to make it to the shop by ten. I brushed through my hair, leaving it to dry in its natural waves. I swiped on some mascara, leaving my face bare before brushing my teeth and rushing out the door.

The weather was once again nothing shy of extraordinary, today just as hot as yesterday. I made my way to the shop quickly, my anxiety rising at the thought of being late. I checked my watch as I opened the door, the time on just now flipping to 10am. A flood of relief washed over me until I heard Harry's angry voice.

"Kennedy, what do you want me to say? That I'm sorry? It's a joke between our friend group. I told you that a million times last night." I tried hard not to ease drop, to find something else to focus on until he finished his conversation but I couldn't help but want to listen in, "No she's not- Dammit, Kenny. No I'm not going to fire her. I don't get why you're threatened, I've never once showed interest in someone else. Because she's talented. Oh bloody hell, Kennedy, I have to go." I jumped at the sound of something hitting the wall. I gulped before taking a seat and waiting for Harry to come out.

I heard him sigh before he walked out of his office. He ran his hands through his curls before pinching his bottom lip between his fingers. The rings covering almost every one of his fingers caught my eye before he slammed his hands down on the counter, making me jump once again. He must have heard me, his eyes meeting mine with a startled expression.

"Oh shit, hey Blue. Did you hear all that?" I thought about telling him no but we both knew I had so I just shrugged, telling him it wasn't a big deal, "You ever wonder why people stay with people who make them miserable? I do, all the time." I didn't know what to say at his statement, biting my cheek.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause an issue. If this is going to be a problem, I can find an-"

"No, you're far too talented. Letting you walk out of here would be a big mistake," He sighed before biting his lip, "Anyways, the guys should be here around 11am but I wanted to show you around a little more before they got here. I figured you could work with walk-ins today?" I nodded, getting up to follow him around for the tour.

"And Harry," I gulped as he looked at me, his green eyes once again filled with darkness, "I think people stay with those who hurt them because they think it's the love they deserve. But I don't think anyone deserves a false sense of love." He blinked at me a few times before nodding. I could tell he'd gotten stuck in his own head when he barely spoke the whole tour.


i hope you guys are liking this as much as i am

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