chapter twenty five

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Ever since the night of pickle pizza, which Harry was a huge fan of by the way, he and I have pretty much been inseparable. I was back at work, not officially though. I couldn't hold the tattoo gun with my stitches so I manned the desk as Harry took the many walk-ins. After work, our activities varied.

On Mondays, we would cruise around, jamming out to both mine and Harry's many playlists after finding out our music taste was extremely similar. Tuesday's involved tacos with Josie and Lucas, the two of them getting into something hot and heavy, fast. I had to admit they were pretty cute together.

Wednesdays were ice cream days, to celebrate the fact that we were halfway through the week. Harry and I would get it delivered while he drew up some new sketches and I had my nose stuck in a book. I'd often fall asleep, book in hand, which Harry would always wake me up by throwing his discarded papers at me.

Thursday's we always spent the evening with the whole gang, whether that was out to eat or at a bonfire on the beach. Josie and Harry's friends were quickly becoming mine and I found myself really enjoying being apart of a group of people who loved me for who I was.

Friday's were reserved for pizza and movies at the cabin, after checking on the watermelon garden of course. Harry always chose scary movies but hid behind his hands the whole time, making me laugh. This always resulted in a tickle fight since I'd tease him about being scared of fake ghosts on a TV screen.

Saturdays were spent at the beach, getting burnt and watching Harry play shirtless volleyball with Mitch and Lucas. I'd like to tell you I read on those days while focusing on a tan but that'd make me the biggest liar on the planet. Harry's tanned, toned, and tattooed skin was a sight for sore eyes. He really was a dream.

And while I loved seeing Harry sweaty and shirtless, Sundays were my favorite day of the week. I stayed at the cabin on Saturday nights, often falling asleep on the way there and Harry having to carry me inside. He'd wake up bright and early, just before sunrise to make sure I had a coffee cup waiting for me before he pulled me out of bed. We watched the sunrise from the porch before cooking breakfast together. We'd spend the whole day lounging around until I would persuade Harry to teach me how to play the guitar with the promise of teaching him a new recipe for dinner.

     I don't know how to describe my relationship with Harry other than I enjoyed his company. He was charming and witty but at the same time told the worst jokes I've ever heard which of course still made me laugh. He was always somehow awake on my sleepless nights, available to answer my philosophical 3am questions or help me calm down after my nightmares. He always appreciated the little things such as cuddling during a movie or me giving him a massage after a long day at work, one handed of course. There was just something so refreshing to have someone around that just knew what you were thinking or feeling without having to explain it. Josie and Skye were the only people that had been able to read me like Harry does.

Did I want more in our relationship? Maybe...I knew he was still coping with the Kennedy situation. She still tried to text and call him many times but he ignored each one. Harry had told me she'd shown up at the cabin a few nights and would try to get him to meet her at the shop late at night. He never told me but I could tell he was still trying to figure out how to get back to the way he was before Kennedy. He too was trying to find his inspiration, or sun, if you will.

Sometimes I thought maybe we'd be good for each other, balance each other out, but that thought would always quickly fade when I'd catch him flirting with some of the customers. I definitely wasn't his type and I had a hard time seeing him having feelings for me. He liked the blonde, size two, bitchy model type and that definitely wasn't me.

"Blue will get you all set man, thanks for coming in." Harry walking up to the counter with a bulkier male and a bald head shook me out of my never ending train of thoughts. I gave the two of them a small smile as the man thanked Harry for his work. I got him all checked out and he handed me a tip to give to Harry before walking out the door.

All of the other guys had left earlier, Harry's customer being the last of the day. I looked over at Harry, finding him sitting at his station and cleaning his supplies. He wore a red and black flannel today, with a white t-shirt beneath it and black skinny jeans. No outfit of Harry's would be complete without his chelsea boots. The man had a bold fashion sense that both surprised and intrigued me but this was one of his tamer outfits. A lot of the time he'd be wearing a button down tucked into foley pants or t-shirts with witty sayings on them.

"You know, a picture would last longer." My eyes shot up to Harry's green ones, my heart leaping at the sight of his smirk. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks before I turned my attention back to counting the money in the register. I heard Harry chuckle which made me throw a discarded balled up paper at him, only making him laugh harder. I missed by a long shot, the paper landing at his feet.

"I wasn't even staring." I grumbled, knowing that was a total lie. Harry just shook his head at this, getting back to his work.

"Whatever you say, love. Hurry up so we can get back to the cabin for pizza and movies." I wasted no time in finishing up my tasks, wanting nothing more than to be cuddled up to Harry and turn on whatever scary movie he'd pick out and watch through his fingers.


kinda really like this chapter guys

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