chapter ten

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     I shoved my hands into my pockets as I trudged to the shop. Kennedy had once again soured my mood. This argument was over the fact that I wasn't going to the fashion show this weekend. It's not that I didn't want to go but I had clients lined up and she let me know last minute as she always did. Then she proceeded to throw a fit and tell me I didn't support her which is the biggest lie I've ever heard. I'd gone to plenty of shows, even cancelled appointments to go. Lately everything just seemed so aggravating, especially our relationship.

     As I walked up the steps, I noticed a light on downstairs. My brows furrowed together as I unlocked the door, locking it behind me. I heard two voices, one I instantly recognized as Josie's which made me assume she and Blue were here. I made my way to the basement stairs, stopping when I heard how serious their voices were.

     "Indi, we don't have to do anything this year. I know it's your first birthday without him." Josie said and I heard a sigh. First birthday without who?

     "I know I said I didn't want to talk about it and most days I don't but I miss him so much. It's like every time I breathe, I think about the fact that he isn't anymore. As soon as I start talking about it, this hole in my heart tears open wider and I just, I wish he was here. I wish I knew why he wanted to leave this world and why I couldn't sense it that night." Blues voice was breaking with each word and I heard her sniffle.

     "Hey no, Indigo Rain, you couldn't have possibly known. You can't blame yourself for this." Josie argues back, her voice breaking as well. Who were they talking about?

     "I should have known Josie! I was drunk and his words didn't register! We were inseparable! I should have known he was hurting! Why wouldn't he talk to me?" Blue was shouting and I heard a crash. I almost ran down there but then they'd know I was listening.

     "None of us knew Indi! Not you, not your parents, and not me! He never let it show!" They were shouting at each other now and I could tell they were both crying. I felt guilty for eavesdropping and decided I better just head out. Before I got to the top of the stairs, my phone started ringing loudly.

     "Shit, shit, shit!" I whispered, digging in my pockets to stop the sound.

     "What the hell?" I heard Josie say as I tripped up the stairs, "Harry? What the hell are you doing?" I'd been caught, caught big time. I got up, brushing off my pants as I turned to see an angry Josie. Her arms were crossed over her chest and the skin around her eyes was red as she shot daggers at me. I gave her a sheepish smile as Blue came up beside her, wiping her eyes.

     "Hi guys, I just- I was trying to- I came to-" Josie rolled her eyes, scoffing, "To be fair, it is my shop!" I knew that didn't warrant me to eavesdrop and I did give Blue a key for when she had late night inspiration.

     "So that means you can stand on the stairs and listen to private conversations? You did give Indi a key and she was giving me a tattoo." She held up her arm which was covered up right above her wrist.

     "I wasn't listening! I just came here to get away from-"

     "Kennedy, we know." The two of them said in unison before disappearing downstairs. I thought about taking this as a cue to leave but instead followed the two downstairs. Blue was cleaning up her mess and Josie was continuing to give me daggers from the couch across the room.

     "So what'd you get?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Blue was silent and I knew she wasn't happy about me listening to her personal life either. I was kicking myself for not leaving the momentI knew they were here.

     "I got a rose if you must know." She shrugged, looking over to Blue before giving me her famous Josie look for when she had a plan. My brows knitted together before she spoke, "You know, Blue wanted a matching one and since you're here and you listened in on a clearly private conversation, I think you owe her a free tattoo."

     "Josie, it's fine we can just-"

     "No, I can do it. Where's the sketch?" Blue bit her lip and I could tell she was debating this. Eventually she sighed before pointing to the coffee table. I picked up the picture. It was a simple, single rose with very light lines. An extremely quick and easy tattoo.

     Blue excused herself to the bathroom, saying she just needed a minute and she'd be ready

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     Blue excused herself to the bathroom, saying she just needed a minute and she'd be ready. I nodded, knowing the moment she left the room I was going to get an earful. I moved over to the station, getting things ready.

     "Don't ask her about it Harry. I don't know what you heard but it's not any of your business. I get this is your place but we were just doing tattoos and then leaving. She'll tell you if she really wants you to know." I gulped, turning to see Josie's stern expression. I wanted to ask questions but she was right, it wasn't my place.

     "I won't say anything." She nodded, telling me thank you before sighing.

"And if Kennedy makes you so miserable, you need to leave Harry. You're not happy, hun, anyone can see that. If you need a place to stay, I have plenty of extra bedrooms I never use. I know Mitch, Lucas, Sarah, and Daisy would help you out too if you needed it. You have a lot of friends that care about you compared to a girlfriend who doesn't." She had a brow raised at me, waiting for a typical excuse.

     I didn't have a chance to tell her she was right because Blue came back downstairs. She looked between Josie and I, sensing she missed something. Josie blew it off, telling her she was excited to have matching tattoos. Blue sat in the chair and I went to work. She didn't flinch or move whatsoever and when I looked up at her, I could tell her mind was somewhere else completely.

i'm really liking this book and i hope you guys are too

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