chapter twenty one

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Feel good music streamed through my headphones, putting a smile on my face as I made my way to the shop. I felt light today, as if the gray cloud that hung over me had lifted, even if only for today. All of that sunshine quickly faded once I reached the shop door though.

All of the other artists sat scattered along the stairs, James and Brandon both surrounded by their usual clouds of smoke. Everyone perked up once they spotted me.

     "Blue! Do you know where Harold might be?" Brandon shouted before sticking his cigarette in the ash tray beside him. All eyes were on me, waiting for an answer I didn't have. My eyebrows scrunched together as I pulled my ear buds from my ears and put them into my purse.

     "Uhm no, I don't....he didn't show up?" All four guys shook their heads, making me skew my lips to the side. Harry not showing up for work was completely out of character for him. He was an early bird and was always here at odd hours of the mornings, a lot of the time having fallen asleep on the couch downstairs for a few hours before we all showed up.

     "I wouldn't show up either after what happened," James stated, everyone huffing in agreement.

     "That's why you don't get involved with famous women or famous people in general. Your business is never just your business." Aaron said, lighting up a cigarette of his own.

     "What do you mean 'I wouldn't show up either after what happened?' What happened?" I was now concerned and extremely confused. James, Aaron, and Sam all looked to Brandon who sighed before pulling his phone from his pocket. He typed a few things before handing it to me with a sad expression.

     I took his phone, still unsure of what was going on. When I looked down at the screen, my eyes widened at the caption.

     Kennedy Jacks and long time boyfriend and local tattoo artist, Harry Styles split!

     I gasped, almost dropping Brandon's phone in response. My eyes skimmed over the words, trying to find a reason they broke up, hoping it was that Harry had come to his senses finally but quickly finding out it was exactly what I'd figured. The article didn't have proof that she cheated but there were pictures of her out and about with another blonde model so they speculated he was the reason for the split.

"Shit, that's my first client." Aaron stated, gaining my attention as I looked at him and then the car that just pulled up. I handed Brandon back his phone and dug in my purse for my key.

"Uhm, here's my key, you guys get to work and I'm going to find Harry." I held my key out, watching all their eyes go wide before they all looked at each other with smiles. I gave them a strange look as Brandon took my key, "What?"

"He never gave any of us keys." I guess I didn't think anything about it when Harry had given me a key. I figured all the guys had one as well but considering they were all sat on the steps and not inside, my assumptions were wrong.

     "Oh...Uhm...I didn't know that. Anyways, here's my key and I'll be back with Harry...I hope." I needed to call Josie. I pulled my phone out, watching the guys walk inside.

     "Good luck Blue!" Brandon shouted back at me as I waved to him before clicking Josie's name. I knew she was at another shoot today but I prayed long and hard for her to pick up.

     "Indi, I was just about to call you. How is Harry?" I gulped, biting my lip and running my hands through my hair.

     "Uhm, well I wouldn't know considering he didn't show up at work this morning.." My voice trailed off as I hustled back home to get my car.

     "He's not at the shop? Shit. Kennedy didn't show up today either which doesn't surprise me with the whole scandal going public." A thought crossed my mind as she said this, one I so wasn't proud of but knew I had to ask.

     "Jos, you didn't know, did you? That's not why you kept pushing Harry to leave Kennedy is it?" I felt like an asshole for even asking but Josie was good at keeping secrets. I didn't think she'd keep this one to herself though.

     "Indi, of course not. I'd tell Harry in a heartbeat if I knew, you know me better than that." She sounded hurt which only made me feel worse about asking.

     "Right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even asked. Where do you think he is?" I sighed as I reached my car, trying to rack my brain for any idea on where he'd be.

     "He wouldn't be at the house, not with Kennedy there...Shit, Indi, I don't know. Him not showing up for work worries me." It worried me too. I'd try to text and call him but I knew he wouldn't have his phone on him, especially not after this. Where the hell would he have gone?

     "None of the guys at the shop had any idea of where he'd be...I could drive by his house but I know he's not there and running into Kennedy isn't exactly on my list of things I want to do. I could go to all his favorite places that he took me to on my-" That's when it hit me. I knew where he was, "Jos, I'm going to text you an address and meet me there as soon as you can, I think I know where he is."

     "Indi, please be careful. When Harry gets super upset...just, I'll meet you as soon as I can." I told her I'd be careful before hanging up and jumping in my car. I wasn't sure what exactly I needed to be worried about with Harry or what Josie was talking about but finding him was my number one priority at this point.

     My fingers tapped along the steering wheel anxiously as I drove well over the speed limit. I didn't know why I was so worried about Harry but something wasn't sitting right with me. He loved his job and even with whatever happened with Kennedy, I was sure he wouldn't just not show up without good reason. The moment I pulled up to the cabin and saw his Jeep, a flood of relief fell over me for the first time since leaving the tattoo parlor.


why would josie warn her to be careful???

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