chapter twenty nine

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Alright, this is what's going to happen. You, Indigo Rain James, are going to go out there with this new found confidence Josie put into you before the flight, and you are going to get your man....well, you hope. You're beautiful, I mean just look at this dress, it's totally not what you normally wear but it's sexy! It screams confidence even if your face tells me you're terrified. Wow, I really suck at this. I wish Josie was here, I am not a good hype man for myself.

     "Blue, love, we gotta head out of here soon!" I gulped, Harry's warning bringing me back to reality. He'd been keeping a time clock on me since I stole the bathroom and shut the door on him. I didn't want him to see me until I was completely done.

     "I'll be out in a minute!" I answered back, hearing him groan and say something about girls taking too much time to get ready. I secretly flipped him off before swiping the deep red lipstick across my lips and ending it with a pop. I smoothed out my crimson dress, fluffed my hair, and took a deep breathe before opening the bathroom door.

     "Finally, we need to-" He stopped mid-sentence, his eyes practically bugging out of his head, mouth hung open

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     "Finally, we need to-" He stopped mid-sentence, his eyes practically bugging out of his head, mouth hung open. I gave him a small smile as this was the exact reaction I was hoping for. His eyes raked over my body multiple times, the action making me blush.

     "You good there, Dreamy?" I raised a brow at him, crossing my arms over my chest as I tried hard to hide my nervousness.

     "Uhm, yeah," I watched his Adam's apple bounce in his throat as he swallowed before coughing, "You look beautiful, Blue. Absolutely stunning." And there I go blushing once again.

     "Thank you, you don't look so shabby yourself." My eyes traveled to his light blue suit, complete with a black tank top underneath. The pants were fitted, leaving little to the imagination and making me instantly meet with his green eyes, the light crinkle beside them making me know I'd been caught lingering.

     "Thanks, love," He winked at me, making me roll my eyes. He held his arm out so I could wrap mine around it, "Shall we?" I nodded as we walked out of the hotel room and front entrance to the Uber that we had waiting. Harry was quick to open my door and I thanked him as I slid in the backseat. Harry ran around the back, hopping in the car himself and greeting the Uber driver.

     I snuck a glance at Harry, watching as he caught his bottom lip between his fingers. I knew he was nervous about this show, seeing as Kennedy could show up at anytime. Josie has assured the whole group she wouldn't be there, multiple times as Harry had tried to sneak the question into just about every conversation. His foot tapping on the carpeted floor only confirmed my thoughts.

     "Hey, she's not going to be there," Harry turned to me, his eyes catching mine as I tried my best to give him a reassuring look. I grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.

     "I know...I know, I just worry." He sighed, running his free hand through his hair, another nervous habit.

     "You know, maybe this is a good opportunity to put yourself out there again and just enjoy yourself tonight. Who cares what her friends think, right?" I gave him a smile, but it quickly faded when he shook his head and pulled his hand from mine.

     "I don't think I'm ready to jump into anything yet...I don't know, Blue. I don't want to give my heart to someone like Kennedy again. I don't want to waste my time anymore so maybe it's better to just focus on myself for awhile." I continued to smile as each word he spoke broke through the small shred of confidence I'd mustered up between Josie and the pep talk in the bathroom.

     "Yeah, right, that's a good idea," I rolled my lips together, turning to look out the window. I slouched slightly in my seat, trying my hardest not to cry at the devastated feeling clouding over me. Tonight was not going to go how I planned at all.


     Bass vibrated the floor as I sipped on the water in my hands. Josie and the gang, minus Harry, all stood in a circle. Everyone was laughing and talking about the show but my focus was on the crowd, searching for my curly haired friend.

     "You good?" Josie places her hand on my arm, giving me a funny look. I tried to just nod and give her a fake smile as I'd been doing all night to everyone else. She gave me a look telling me she knew I was lying, brow raised, arms crossed over her chest. I knew she wouldn't buy my act like everyone else.

     "Harry told me he wasn't ready to jump into anything with another girl yet." I whispered, shrugging.

     "Indi, Harry likes you, he just doesn't know it yet. You're not just "another girl," you're THE girl for Harry. Please don't let this hinder you from trying. The worst he can do is say no and I promise you, it wouldn't ruin your friendship." I pondered this thought before ultimately shaking my head.

     "Jos, it's not going to happen. He said-"

     "To hell with what he said, Indi. He likes you, I know it, everyone in this group knows it so put your big girl pants on and go get your man." She had both hands on my shoulders, shaking me as she spoke. Her blue eyes held mine, waiting for me to finally agree with her.

     "You're right, I just have to try." I set my water down at the bar, giving her a hug and thanking her, "I'm going to go get my man!" I shouted before storming through the crowd.

     I pushed past the sea of people, apologizing the whole way. My eyes were still searching for a mop of chocolate curls but I was having no luck. I decided to duck into the girls bathroom to try to take a breather and that's when I found what I'd been looking for all night; my favorite mop of brown curls.

     There he was, his lips attached to a tiny, blonde model with a skin tight dress that he had pressed up against the bathroom wall. They both jumped when they heard the door slam shut, Harry's green orbs connecting with mine. A look of both surprise and shock flashed across his face as he realized just who he was looking at.

     My heart felt as if someone had ripped it right out of my chest, my knees wanting nothing more for me to just drop to the floor. I just blinked a few times before shaking my head, a sarcastic chuckle leaving my lips. I spun on my heels, swinging the bathroom door open with such force that it slammed into the wall behind it.

     This time, I pushed through the crowd without a single apology. I spotted the group, charging right up to Josie, seeing a look of concern on her face as she could tell I was completely livid.

     "New plan, I'm getting trashed tonight!" I watched her face drop as I gave her a tight smile and strutted my way up to the bar to order every drink known to man.


well this isn't going to go over well...


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