chapter two

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     "Indi, you ready?" Josie shouted across the house as I continued to twirl in front of the mirror, a frown set on my face. As soon as Josie had left the room, I'd dug in my suitcase for my favorite bikini. I'd bought a few new ones as I planned on spending a majority of my time on the beach. The tie dye suit itself was cute, actually the whole outfit was, I just didn't like me in it.

     "Why are you frowning? You look amazing!" I turned to see Josie with her hands on her hips

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"Why are you frowning? You look amazing!" I turned to see Josie with her hands on her hips. She was wearing a cherry red bikini and white shorts, the button left open to show her matching bottoms. Heart shaped sunglasses sat on the top of her blonde hair.

     "Maybe I'll just wear a t-shirt," I stated, turning to dig through my suitcase once more. Josie stopped me, slamming the lid shut.

     "Not a chance. Indi, you look amazing. I wish you could see yourself through others eyes." She tutted before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. I would have tried to fight her on it but fighting with Josie was like talking to a wall: pretty pointless.

"So I've got a shoot tomorrow, you're more than welcome to tag along." Josie said as she locked her door. I kicked a few rocks along her driveway before meeting her eyes.

     "Actually, I was thinking about window shopping for a job." She sighed at this, folding our arms together as we walked down the beach.

     "Indi, I told you that you didn't need to get a job while you're here. Seriously, I have more than enoug-"

     "That's not the point, Jos. I need something to occupy my time here because I know that I will get tired of spending every waking moment on the beach. I need at least a little bit of normalcy. Please give me this." I pleaded with her, stopping momentarily to look at her so she knew I was serious, that I needed this.

     "Fine," She grumbled as I thanked her, "But don't work yourself to death. This is supposed to be our summer remember?" I promised her that I wouldn't let a part time job get in the way of our time together. I just wanted to be able to help out a little financially since she was letting me stay with her all summer.

We were approaching a group of about four people sitting around a small fire. Josie waved as we got closer, pulling me along through the sand.

     "Well if it isn't the one and only Josie herself, late as always I might add." One of the girls with darker hair stated, making Josie stick her tongue out at her.

     "This time being late isn't on me so I'll forgive your comment Sarah," Sarah gave her a smirk before leaning her head on the guys shoulder next to her. He had longer dark hair that was pulled back and a blank look on his face, "Anyways, everyone this is Indigo Rain James, my best friend in the entire world," She held her arms out at me before turning to me, "Indi, this is the gang." I waved to them all, feeling a blush creep along my cheeks at the unwanted attention.

     Josie pulled me along beside her, sitting in an empty spot in the sand between Sarah and another guy I didn't know the name of.

     "Okay so, we'll start with Sarah," I gave Sarah a small smile, earning one in return, "Beside her is Mitch, they've been in love since God knows when but are both amazing people themselves. They're the power couple of the group," This earned a chuckle out of Sarah, "Next is Daisy, she's super sweet and works at a florist ironically," Daisy was a red head with a beautiful smile and a barely there bikini, "then there's Lucas who pretty much drives me insane 24/7 but I let him stick around for some reason," Lucas was blonde and tall, definitely Josie's type, "and last and certainly least is-"

     "Harry Edward Styles," He held his hand out to me, his emerald eyes catching mine. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I'd never seen anyone as beautiful as this man before me. He had chocolate locks that curled at the ends, gorgeous deep green eyes, and a smile that showed off his perfectly spaced white teeth with a dimple off to one side. My eyes trailed down from his sharp, shaggy jawline to the ink that was scattered about his bare chest and arms, the tops of two branches sticking above his bright orange swim trunks, "It's nice to meet you."

     I felt Josie nudge me, pulling me out of my dream state. I didn't know how long I'd been gawking as I reached my small hand out to grip his large one, "Uhm yeah, you too." I hated how awkward that sounded, my anxiety getting the best of me.

     "Yes, the Harry Styles who is quiet the dream boat and yet is sadly off the market," She tutted, pretending to check him out as he shoved her shoulder lightly, "What a shame." She shook her head, laughing. I felt my heart deflating at this revelation, unsure as to why.

     "You know who isn't off the market? Me, Lucas Miller, the other dream boat." His blue eyes held mine as we shook hands.

     "You are no dream boat, Miller so don't even." Daisy stated, earning everyone's attention as they all argued over whether or not Lucas was boyfriend material. Josie, Harry, and I engrossed in our own conversation.

     "So Harold, where is miss Kennedy tonight?" I sensed a hint of distaste in Josie's statement. I watched Harry move his hand behind his neck, giving Josie a fake smile.

     "Oh you know, she's got an early shoot tomorrow so.." His sentence trailed off as Josie muttered an 'Of course.' He sighed before getting up and walking down the beach. Josie watched him, shaking his head.

     "That boy has all the potential in the world and he can't see it," She looked at me, bumping my shoulder, "Sounds like someone else I know." She raised her brows at me with a smirk.

     "Hm, doesn't sound like anyone I know," She rolled her eyes at my statement, groaning as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "So we're not a fan of Kennedy?"

     "Not at all. She's controlling and in all honesty, I don't know why she's with Harry because she doesn't love him. He doesn't love her either. I think it was a hook up that somehow became more when it shouldn't have. Kennedy only cares about herself. I actually met Harry through her after a shoot. I'd complained about her to him, not knowing they were together. He brushed it off, saying he was used to hearing that. I don't know why he stays in his misery." She was shaking her head again, her gaze still with him as he walked along the shore, kicking up sand, "You know, he's a tattoo artist and I know they're hiring. You should stop in his shop tomorrow and show him some of your work, he'd hire you on the spot."

     "Yeah, maybe." I'd wanted to be a tattoo artist since I knew I could draw. My parents both had their fair share of ink, I did now too. They'd always just thought bigger of me, which is the whole reason I chose to go to college. Well, that and Skye but he wasn't here anymore.


who do you think Skye is???? also bea miller is none other than indigo rain james. josie will be revealed next chapter

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