chapter forty five

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     When I got back to the shop after a much needed shower and a change of clothes, I was greeted with a iced coffee and a kiss before I got to work. I only had a few appointments today so I was done rather early. I helped out a few walk ins and made a few appointments as Harry spent a majority of the day in his office, catching up on paper work. Eight o'clock rolled around rather quickly and I helped the rest of the crew clean up.

     "So you and Styles are official now?" Brandon asked, the question not surprising but taking me off guard, "I saw the little kiss earlier. It's about damn time you guys got together, we all were making bets on when you'd get together which means," He turned to the rest of the group, shouting the next sentence, "You all owe me fifty bucks!" They all grumbled, waving him off but ultimately leaving fifty dollars at his station.

"You guys were making bets on when Harry and I would get together? All of you?" They all shrugged, not even bothering to stop what they were doing. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

     "Typical boys," I muttered, finishing wiping everything down. Brandon just gave me a smirk, bumping my shoulder lightly.

     "If it makes you feel any better, we all like you with him. You're good for him," I gave him a small smile in return. Once all the guys had cashed out for the night, it just left me and Harry who hadn't come out of his office since we'd closed.

     I walked over to his door, knocking lightly before turning the knob and peeking my head in. Harry was crouched over his desk, the whole surface littered with papers. All of his computer screens were lit up and he went back and forth between the three of them before scribbling things down in his notebook.

     "Hey Dreamy, you need some help?" He sighed, running his hands through his hair as he turned in his chair to face me. He gave me a strained smile that didn't match his eyes, his brows practically stitched together and the worry lines on his face present.

     "Uh, no I'm alright. I just left a lot of things unfinished before we went to New York and I still need to do inventory and what not," He let out an aggravated sigh as he patted his knee. I made my way over to him, sitting sideways on his lap and pecking his lips, "Babe, I know that you were wanting to talk tonight and drive around but I think I'm doing to have to do a rain check. There's just too much here to do."

     "I can stay with you if you'd like?" He gave me an appreciative smile, moving his hands to cup the side of my face as my hands wrapped around his wrists.

     "I would love that but you would be extremely bored and while I enjoy being around you, I think we might get a little too distracted for me to get this all done." He gave me a wink making me roll my eyes even though I knew it was true.

"Alright, I'll call Josie on my way home and see if she wants to watch movies or drive around. You're going to miss out on my awesome singing..." My voice trailed off as I skewed my lips to the side. Harry moves his hands down to my sides, squeezing lightly and making me squirm.

"How about I make you this deal, I will work until I cannot look at anymore numbers and then I'll come over to Josie's and spend the night with you?" My eyes lit up, a smile breaking out on my face.

"Sounds good to me, Dreamsicle. I'll keep the bed warm for you," I kissed his lips once more, this time lingering a bit. I sunk my teeth into his bottom lip lightly, hearing a throaty moan escape his throat. His hands danced up my sides, the pads of his fingers warming my skin.

"And this is exactly why you can't stay, my dear," He mumbles in-between kisses, a breathy laugh leaving my lips as I kissed him once more before hopping off his lap.

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving," I held my hands up in defense as I backed out of the room, "Just don't think too hard about what we could have done right there over all your papers or downstairs on the couch..." I watched teeth clench, a blush creeping along his cheeks at my teasing words. He groaned as he adjusted his pants, his eyes narrowing at me. I laughed, giving him a wink before I left the room.

"Don't work yourself too hard! I'll see you later, babe!" He shouted back that he'd text me when he was leaving and mumbled something I couldn't quite make out. I grabbed my purse and locked the door on my way out.

The chill of the night air caused goosebumps along my bare legs. The sun was setting slightly above the horizon, the sky a mixture of light pinks and oranges. This was my favorite time of day, watching the colors of the sky change until they faded into the deep blue of the night.

I let out a sigh as I reached the house, unlocking the door and shouting for Josie. She shouted from her room and I made my way there after kicking off my shoes. I found her cuddled into bed, Friends playing on the TV while she scrolled through her phone.

"What's up buttercup? It's Monday, don't you and Harry spend these nights driving around aimlessly?" She looked over her phone screen at me, her eyes trailing over my face to make sure I wasn't upset. I walked further into her room, plopping onto the end of her bed.

"He needed to catch up on paperwork and said I'd distract him," I shrugged, turning my head towards the TV, "Can't say I blame him. Just gives me more time to spend with my girl." I hit her leg lightly, watching her lay her phone down and sit up to get a better look at me.

"Aww, how sweet. You want to watch scary movies and make fun of how bad they are? Or are we in a documentary mood?" I pursed my lips to the side, trying to decide what I was in the mood for.

"How about that new documentary and we order mexican for dinner with the huge margaritas to go?" I lifted myself up onto my elbows, watching Josie's face break out into a huge grin.

"I knew we were best friends for a reason. You make the order and get into your pajamas and I'll get the TV set. Thank god for Harry's paperwork fiasco, we haven't had a night like this in a long time," I gave her a smile, patting her leg before going to change and put in our delivery order.


little filler here but things are about to happen

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