chapter twelve

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     I finished curling the ends of my hair as I knew Josie would be out in minutes, ready for our signature reveal. Neither of us saw each other in the dresses we had picked out, just adding to the surprise a little. I actually loved my dress, it was a little bit out of my comfort zone with a wide v that ended about mid-abdomen. The dress landed about mid thigh with sequins brushing against my legs. The pale pink color stood out against my tan skin. I couldn't tell you another time I'd felt this confident in a dress.

     "Indi, you ready for the big reveal?" Josie shouted as I finished putting my earrings in

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     "Indi, you ready for the big reveal?" Josie shouted as I finished putting my earrings in. I gave my hair one last shake before smacking my glossed lips together.

     "Ready!" I knew even before seeing Josie in her dress that she'd look amazing in it. The girl could wear a cardboard box and still turn every head in the room.

     I walked out of my bathroom and back into my bedroom, slipping on the heels Josie had also picked out and bought behind my back. After complaining that they were too much money, she was quick to tell me they were just part of my birthday present. I didn't feel a whole lot better about it but she made me feel guilty about 'not liking the gift' and I eventually gave up fighting her on it.

     Josie thought having the party on the night of her birthday and having it end on mine would be the best way to celebrate both of us. She had to leave in the morning for a shoot in New York and felt awful that she wouldn't be able to spend the day with me. She told me she could have gotten out of it if I wanted her to but I told her I didn't want her to do that for me and I would be okay. At least, I hoped I would.

     "Okay, you at your doorway?" I yelled back a yes, bouncing on my heels as she started the countdown, "Reveal in 3,2,1!" We both stepped out of our rooms, both of our mouths falling open at the other.

     "I knew that'd be the perfect dress for you!" I stated, mentally patting myself on the back. The moment I spotted the green and blue sequins, I was hooked. Josie loved flashy and exciting, which is exactly what this dress was and then some. The back was open, only a few crossed straps holding it on her small frame. She'd straightened her long hair and put on a dramatic eye. She was absolutely stunning, as usual.

     "Are you kidding me?! Indi, look at YOU! You're going to have all the boys drooling!" I rolled my eyes, waving her off as we strutted to the kitchen, arms linked together, throwing our heads back in laughter

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     "Are you kidding me?! Indi, look at YOU! You're going to have all the boys drooling!" I rolled my eyes, waving her off as we strutted to the kitchen, arms linked together, throwing our heads back in laughter.

     I glanced down at my watch, noticing it was well past ten and that our guests would be showing up any minute now. Josie mixed herself a drink before pouring a bottle of water into a red solo cup for me. I thanked her as she handed it to me.

I hadn't drank since the night of the incident, for my own sanity. I didn't want to be in that state again, just in case someone needed me. I wasn't about to lose someone else because I was too intoxicated to understand the weight of their words.

I really wished Skye was here. He was always the life of the party, even if he was hurting inside.

The door bell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts as Josie shouted that it was open. She walked past me, giving my arm a reassuring squeeze as she did. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as I saw Sarah and Mitch walk through the hallway, both of them shouting 'Happy Birthday!' as they made their way into the kitchen.

"Thank you both!" Josie ran over, hugging the both of them. She pointed them towards the bar as I waved awkwardly. Mitch gave me a wave and Sarah gave me a small smile. I hadn't talked to Sarah since she'd seen me broken down only a week ago. I hoped it didn't put a damper on our new found friendship.

My eyes fell to the drink in my hand, before I heard a new set of footsteps walking into the kitchen. Josie, Sarah, and Mitch were too engrossed in their conversation to notice our new guest but my eyes were instantly drawn to him.

He wore black, wide-legged pants with a white shirt tucked into the waist band. The fabric of the shirt was thin as I could make out the ink along his torso and chest. He ran his hands through his curls, his brow furrowed and pink lips pursed, as if he were frustrated. The moment his green eyes caught mine, I felt the breath hitch in my throat.

His expression changed quickly, his hardened features melting into a slightly shocked one before settling on his signature tight lipped smile. I could feel his eyes as they raked over me, heat creeping along my cheeks at the action. The moment he started walking over to me, I felt my heart rate excel.

"Blue, you look- I mean- It's good to see you." I gave him a strange look as he couldn't seem to find the appropriate words. He ran his hand over the back of his neck as he gave me the most awkward smile I'd ever seen. Was Harry...nervous? Because of me?

"Uhm, it's good to see you too?" I said, almost as if it were a question. A movement behind Harry caught my eye as Josie wrapped her arms around his waist, catching him off guard.

"Harold!!! Mr. Dreamboat! It's good to see you old pal," I laughed as Harry rolled his eyes, lifting his arm so she could shift to his side as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"You too, Jos. Happy birthday," Harry said, giving her a squeeze and a smile.

"So, where's the Wicked Witch of the West Coast?" Josie asked as she pulled away from him, watching his face fall as he sighed, "She saw us at the mall and said she'd be coming even though she wasn't invited. You're lucky I make an exception for you Mr. Styles." She pointed her finger at him, scrunching her nose.

"She's actually-" Harry hadn't even got to finish his sentence before an all too familiar voice called out,

"Who has their hands all over MY boyfriend!" All of us turned to see none other than Kennedy, strolling in with her beady eyes narrowed in on Josie and Harry. The moment she reached us, she yanked Harry to her and I could see her talons sinking into his tan bicep.

"Ah there she is, the wickedest witch herself." Josie crossed her arms over her chest, moving over to stand by me. Kennedy just looked between Josie and I before looking up at Harry who looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

"Whatever, Josie. Come on, Harry. Let's go get some drinks." With that, Harry was whisked away and I heard a long, drawn out sigh fall from Josie's lips. She shook her head before looking at me.

"Well, tonight's going to be interesting for sure." I nodded, both of us taking a sip of our drinks before Josie pulled me into the kitchen as Lucas, Daisy, and many more people I didn't recognize made their way through the front door.


little filler here

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