chapter three

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I'd smoothed out my blue sundress multiple times, my reflection never changing. My palms were sweaty as I slipped into my Birkenstock's. I'd let my hair flow in its natural waves today, putting on some mascara and calling it good.

Josie has left earlier this morning for a meeting and a photo shoot. She'd left me a note saying she'd be home later with Chinese. I made my way to the kitchen, searching through her stocked fridge for something to eat before I went to the tattoo parlor. I settled on an apple, taking a bite as I slipped my purse over my shoulder, grabbing my sketches, and heading out the door.

The sun was beating on my bare shoulders, making me momentarily regret not putting on sun screen. The California sun had already brought out the freckles that scattered their way along my nose and cheeks, not that I minded though. I'd considered taking my car but knowing that Josie didn't live far from Harry's work, made it easy to decide that I'd walk.

Harry had left sometime after Josie's confrontation, not saying goodbye to any of us. I'd taken my eyes off him for a moment to answer Sarah's question to find him gone the second I looked back. I wondered if this was a normal occurrence for him as no one had said anything about his abrupt disappearance. The rest of Josie's friends did their best to include me and I can honestly say I had a good time.

I'd googled the parlor and the closer I got to the shops, I found myself surrounded by a million bodies, walking in all different directions. None of them were paying attention to the others, their focus on their phones or magazines or engrossed in the music that blared through their headphones. I didn't see a smile on any of their faces. A sigh of relief passed through my lips as I'd reached the door to the shop, pulling myself out of the sea of people.

I took a deep breath before walking in, hearing a bell go off as my eyes scanned the art filled walls. Neon signs blinked at me with the words Tattoos, Peace, and Love. The shop was empty and as I turned to check the hours, a familiar voice answered my internal question.

"We're closed," Harry emerged from behind a door, his eyes focused on his phone screen before his eyes met mine, a deep frown on his features, "Blue?"

"Uhm, Indigo actually-"

"Right, sorry. Blue seems more fitting though," I wasn't sure how to take this, my brows furrowing as I pursed my lips together, "Whatever Josie told you to tell me, let her know there's no hard feelings and we're good. I just wasn't feeling well last night." He gave me a fake smile. The only reason I knew it was fake was because I'd been giving that same smile to everyone for the past few months.

"Uh right well that's actually not why I'm here," He raised his eyebrow in confusion as I cleared my throat, "I wanted to get a summer job and Josie told me about your shop and said I should show you some of my sketches. She said you were looking for another artist." His eyes trailed down to the folder I held out to him, taking it from me and flipping through the sketches. I rocked on my heels, my heart beating so rapidly I was sure he'd heard it. I tried to read his facial expressions as he looked at each picture but it remained the same.

"Have you worked with a tattoo gun before?" I nodded, earning a light hum from him in response.

"A friend of mine back home would let me practice with her gun. The tattoos you see among the sketches are the ones I'd given her. Josie has one I did too." I wanted to slap myself for how shaky my voice was, hoping he hadn't noticed.

"When can you start?" He asked, handing me back the folder. His green eyes locked with mine, looking darker today than they had last night.

"Well, I could start right now if you needed me to," I answered back too quickly, watching a smirk play on his lips. He waved me back as he walked over to a station. He sat in the chair, holding his arm out to me. I gave him a strange look as he just chuckled. The light sound of his laugh sent goosebumps along my arms.

"Do your worst. I want to see your work on someone and I've already got a million silly tattoos. Surprise me, Blue." My eyes were wide as I blinked a few times, his words registering in my brain. I gulped, sitting down on the stool and placing my belongings beside me.

"Do you have a specific tattoo in mind? And it's Indigo." He just shook his head, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Surprise me. Find a space and surprise me." With that, I went to work. I didn't know Harry well enough to give him the most meaningful tattoo but after the conversation at the beach, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

"So how do you know Josie?" He asked as I prepared everything. I'd done this a million times but for some reason, I felt more nervous around Harry. I didn't want to mess up.

"We've been best friends since birth. Our parents are best friends and planned it so that we would be too. Josie's a day older than me but we always just celebrate together. It's pretty cliche honestly." I laughed, catching myself at the last second, covering it up with a cough. I didn't have to look at Harry's face to know he was smiling, "How do you know Josie?" I placed the needle on his skin, feeling his muscles tense.

"I met her at one of Kennedy's shoots. Josie is just so easy to get along with. I'd brought Mitch and Sarah into the group, we've all known each other forever it seems." I could listen to him talk all day, his accent calming my nerves, "What made you want to spend your summer in Malibu?"

     I didn't know how to answer his question. I'd come here to escape. I'd come here to find happiness again. I'd come here to start over. But I couldn't tell him any of that, so I told him what I told everyone who asked.

     "I came for Josie, and you know, the sun," I did the last few lines, wiping his tanned skin clean.

     "You came for the sun?" He asked and I met his eyes, nodding. I knew he didn't buy it but before he could say another word, I announced that I was finished.

     He looked down at the spot just above where his arm bent at the elbow. His brows knitted together as he licked his lips.

     "A cloud?" I gave him a half smile, nodding away like an idiot.

     "I usually give everyone tattoos that resemble them when they tell me to surprise them. I don't know you that well but uhm I figured a cloud would be perfect considering you're supposedly quite the dream." His eyes locked with mine, the events of last night replaying in my head as he smiled. My heart fluttered at the sight. He was breathtaking, truly quite the dream.

     "Come in tomorrow, 10am sharp. I'll introduce you to the guys and get you a key. Nice work, Blue." I smiled to myself as he left the space, walking back behind the door. I didn't even get the chance to correct him but considering this was the third time he'd called me Blue, I figured any correction would be brushed off like before.


nicknames 🥺🥺🥺 also josie is none other than kelli berglund

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