chapter fourteen

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     I wasn't exactly sure how I ended up in front of Josie's house. Well, that's not entirely true. I guess what I should say is that I didn't really know why I felt the need to be here. Blue wasn't my girlfriend, Kennedy was, but seeing Blue so broken up last night and the fact that she said she didn't like birthdays stuck with me.

     I knew Josie and Kennedy we're in New York for the next few days for a shoot and the thought of Blue spending her birthday alone is what caused me to end up here right now. I can't tell you why I was so stuck on Blue but I was, from the moment I met her.

     I'd never met someone who seemed so unsure of the world but held themselves with such grace and dignity. She was strong, stronger than anyone I'd ever met although I wasn't exactly sure what caused her to be that way or put up the walls that she does. She'd gotten me to smile and laugh more than anyone had in over a year. Kennedy never seemed to care much about my happiness nowadays...or ever really.

My knuckles met with the door, knocking firmly as I fumbled with the flowers in my hand. When we played 20 questions a few weeks ago, Blue told me her favorite flowers were roses so I stopped by Daisy's on my way here which earned me a very concerned look and a bit of teasing.

     Blue's voice on the other side of the door shook me from my thoughts. My heart instantly sped up at the sound, something that both confused me and excited me at the same time. I gulped as I heard the lock flip over and heard the door open. Blue stood there with the phone to her ear, wiping away at her eyes before looking up at me with a confused expression and knitted brows.

     "Momma, I'm gunna have to call you back." I heard a muffled voice respond as she clicked the end button, never taking her eyes off mine. She crossed her arms over her chest, covering the faded logo on her oversized t-shirt, "Harry, what are you doing here?" She sniffled, her expression never changing. I hated how swollen her eyes looked and the deep frown on her face as she looked between me and the flowers in my hands.

     "I-uh-I didn't want you to have to spend your birthday alone....even though you said you didn't like birthdays but I think they're important." I cleared my throat, giving her a small smile before handing her the flowers in my hands, "So uhm, happy birthday....again." She continued to look between me and the flowers, her frown only deepening.

     "Uhm, I-well, thank you, for the flowers but I don't want to get between you and Kennedy and I really don't think that she would approve of this or the flowers. And today prob-" I cut her off, not wanting to hear her turn me down.

     "This isn't some grand gesture for a date, Blue. We're friends right?" She pursed her lips before eventually nodding, "Then I'm just bringing my friend flowers for her birthday and doing my best to make sure she doesn't spend her day alone. That's what any good friend would do, right?" I could tell that she still wasn't buying it as she ran her tongue across her lips. She looked as if she were battling within herself to find the right answer.

     "Okay, uhm, come in. I'm gunna change." She stepped to the side, allowing me room to enter before shutting the door and walking to her room. I ventured into the kitchen, searching for a vase. My phone went off and I instantly sighed, knowing it was from Kennedy. I wasted no time in shutting my phone off, wanting nothing to do with it today.

     "Are you sure you are allowed to be here right now?" I jumped, turning to find Blue with an apprehensive look on her face as she slid onto the barstool across the counter from me. She was now in a light blue sweater that fell off her shoulder along with light wash jean shorts. Her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, many pieces falling about and framing her face.

     "I didn't know I needed to ask permission to hang out with my friends." I gave her an amused smile, expecting her to lighten up a bit but her expression remained the same. I sighed, placing the flowers in the sink as I hadn't had time to find a vase, "Come on Blue, that was supposed to be funny."

     "Harry, I really don't need anymore unnecessary drama in my life and Kennedy seems like just the source for that, even if you and I are friends. I don't want to do anything to make her hate me more than she already does." I watched as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes falling to her hands on the counter.

     "I promise that I will handle whatever repercussions come from this, okay? You have nothing to worry about." She looked up at me and I could tell she was still unsure. Eventually she sighed, her hands rubbing her eyes.

     "You're not going to leave no matter what I say, are you?" I smiled at her, shaking my head. The corners of her lips twitched slightly and I could tell she was fighting the urge to smile, "Fine, but if your crazy girlfriend were to murder me, that's all on you. You'll have to live with that for the rest of your life." I couldn't help the fit of laughter that came from my lips, watching her whole mood change.

     "Trust me, there will be no murder. And no one should be alone on their birthday, especially not if they're going to spend it crying." She narrowed her eyes at me, her folding her lips against each other before releasing them with a popping sound.

     "I wasn't crying." My brow lifted at her lie, watching as she gave me a shocked look, "You're really going to point out that I was crying on my birthday? That's a little insensitive don't you think?" I held my hands up in surrender, my heart squeezing at the sight of her smiling.

     "Won't mention it again," She just rolled her eyes at me before placing her head in her hands and once again rubbing at her eyes, "So, what do you usually do for your birthday?"

     Her face instantly fell and her body tensed, as if I'd slapped her rather than asking a simple question. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she let out a long and shaky breath. I was completely confused by this reaction, wondering just what I said that caused it.

     "Blue, are you okay? I'm not sure what I said-"

     "Uhm no, it's fine. I think getting out of the might make me feel better. Did you drive here?" I shook my head and watched as she jumped off the stool and walked towards the front door. I heard a set of keys jingling before she shouted, "You coming?"

I had no idea what this day entailed but either way, I was excited to learn more about Blue.


kind of a filler here but the next chapter should be really good. also, harry really needs to leave kennedy. she's terrible.

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