chapter thirty one

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     The door slammed shut behind me, the sobs I'd been holding in finally letting themselves free in the empty hallway. I stumbled my way to Josie's room, turning the handle to realize I didn't have a key. I leaned my head on the door and placed my hand over my mouth to try and keep quiet.

Fuck. What was I going to do now? I left my phone in Harry and I's room and I couldn't go back in there. My shoes and clothes were there too. I was left barefoot in a cocktail dress with tears stains down my cheeks. God, why did I think drinking would make me feel better? I hadn't drank in months.

The alcohol was hitting me hard, my options becoming fuzzy. I decided on heading back to the party, hoping Josie and the group were still there and I could just walk back with them. I wiped under my eyes and walked to the elevator, pressing the down button. I leaned back against the cool walls, squeezing my eyes shut. I really just wanted to go to bed.

The bell dinged, making me open my eyes. I walked off the elevator with my head down, doing my best not to bump into the bodies coming into the hotel. I pushed through the revolving door, shivering as the cold New York air hit my skin, sending goosebumps up my arms. I folded my arms over my
chest in hopes of staying warm as I looked back and forth, trying to figure out which way we came from. I was too angry at Harry and drunk to pay any attention.

I decided we came from the left, turning to walk quickly in that direction. There were less people on the streets now and I couldn't tell you what time it was. I wish I would have grabbed my phone. I just kept my head down and continued walking. I was so stuck in my head that I didn't see the man walking straight at me, instead, running right into him. Two hands reached out to grab my shoulders as I looked up at the person I'd run into.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I tried to pull out of the mans grasp as I apologized but he continued to hold onto my shoulders.

"No problem, precious. What's a girl like you walking around the streets of New York this late at night?" The man was middle aged, with dark hair and glasses. He wore a nice suit and was clean shaven, making me wonder if he had come from the modeling event.

"I'm just...I'm trying to find my friends. I'm really sorry I ran into you." I laughed awkwardly as I tried pulling away again, only getting a stronger grip on my arms, his fingers sinking into my skin so roughly I was sure it would leave bruises. His squinted, filmed over eyes caught mine as a creepy smile appeared on his face. My heart rate sped up as I continued to try to pull myself from his grasp.

"What are you in such a rush for? I'm so glad you ran into me tonight." I looked around, noticing that we were the only two people on this specific side of the street. I was panicking, feeling my chest tighten as the situation escalated. He pulled me into the alley between two buildings, slamming me against the wall closest to us, my head bouncing off the jagged concrete. He pulled my hands together, his large one holding them in front of me.

"I need to go find my friends. Please let go of me." He just tutted at me as his eyes ran over my body as if he wanted to devour it. He reached in his pocket, my eyes widening as I saw the shiny metal knife pop out from it's secure location. I started to scream for
help but he instantly slapped his hand over my mouth, bringing the knife up to my neck and his lips to my ear.

"If you scream, I will slit your throat without a second thought." His hot breath hit my skin, making
me shiver. He seemed pleased with this reaction as he pulled his head back to look at my terrified expression. The creepy smile never left his face as he kept he took his hand away from my mouth. When he knew I wasn't going to scream, he ran the knife down my chest, landing right in the valley of my breasts.

"Jos, is Blue with you by chance?" Harry's voice pulled me from my anxious state, the man not seeming to catch onto this, his focus still on my chest. I knew he was getting closer as I heard him continuing his conversation with Josie. I took a look between the opening in the alley and my attacker, deciding I needed to take this as my opportunity to run.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before bringing my knee up to the mans groin, slamming into him as hard as I could. He yelped out in pain, falling to the ground. I jumped over his writhing body, screaming for Harry as I burst out into the open street. I looked back and forth frantically, noticing Harry just a little ways down the street. He turned to find the source of his name, his eyes finding mine just as I ran to him, crashing into his body.

"Blue?" I wrapped my arms around his waist, clinging onto him for dear life as sobs raked through my chest, "Blue, what's wrong?" I just shook my head against his chest, pulling away to point in the direction I came from, "Hey, it's okay, love. What happened?"

"Harry, I'm so sorry I-" I looked down at his sweatshirt, noticing a large, red stain across it. I lifted my hand to my chest, feeling the warm, sticky source of the stain. My head shot up, eyes catching Harry's as he too noticed the blood.

"Blue, you're bleeding. What the hell happened to you?" My attacker must have sliced into my skin as he fell to the ground, my adrenaline masking the pain for the time being. Harry lifted his sweatshirt over his head, pressing the fabric to my skin.

My eyelids began to feel heavy and Harry's words became white noise. I tried to tell him we needed to get out of here but the words wouldn't come out. The last thing I remember is the look of concern on Harry's face as I began to fall before everything turned black.


sorry guys i had a super eventful weekend and didn't have much time to update...not sure how i feel about this chapter but i debated many ways on how it should go and this is the route i took. you'll find out about how harry feels about everything soon!!

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