chapter twenty seven

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     "So what's going on with you and the dream boat?" Josie asked, head tilted to the sky as we laid out. Mitch, Lucas, Harry, and one of Lucas's coworkers were all playing volleyball against another group of men on the beach behind us. I looked back at Harry, seeing the biggest smile on his face as he and Mitch were laughing at something. It was hard not to let my eyes travel down to his bare torso, his black ink vibrant against his glistening toned and tanned skin. My mouth was practically watering at the sight.

     "What do you mean? We're just friends," I shrugged as I brought my attention back to Josie. She had her glasses tilted down, giving me yet another famous Josie look that told me I was full of shit.

     "Yeah okay that makes sense considering you were drooling over him two seconds ago," She rolled her eyes as she flipped onto her stomach and I followed, "Indi, you guys spend every waking moment together and not to mention some nights."

     "And? It's not like we've done anything. We just like spending time together," My eyes drifted to Harry once again. This time he noticed me, winking at me before getting back to his game, "Plus, if you haven't noticed, I'm not really his type." I started picking at the end of the towel, my heart dropping at my own comment.

"Indigo Rain James you did not just say that to me," I didn't dare look at her, knowing she was angry at me doubting myself, "First of all, I never want to hear you talk down on yourself ever again. Two, you are a bad ass bitch who any guy would be lucky to have. And three, Harry looks at you like you are the reason that the sun comes up every day." Now I was rolling my eyes at her last comment, knowing full and well he did not think that about me.

     "And what if I try something and he totally rejects me and it ruins our friendship? Then what Jos?" She sighs, her gaze shifting from me to the boys.

     "Indi, I would never steer you in the wrong direction and if I thought for a second Harry didn't have feelings for you, I would never tell you to try for more." My eyes drifted to Harry, watching him spike the ball, his eyes instantly locking with mine the moment after. He gave me an award winning smile, dimple and all, that made my heart drop into my stomach. I gave him a small one back, feeling Josie's eyes on me as I gave him a thumbs up.

     "Maybe I'm just scared considering he's only dated models and I'm definitely not one." I didn't want to get my heart broken or ruin the friendship I had with Harry. There's always a possibility it could work but no part of my brain wanted me to believe that, as much as my heart argued with my logic.

     "I know you're scared Indi and taking chances without overthinking them is not your thing but this summer is about finding yourself again. Finding sources of your happiness and while I'm not telling you that Harry should be the source of your happiness, I think he's a large part of it. If you never take a chance with Harry, you'll regret it. I know you." I hated she was right. I hated that she knew me so well. I also hated the fact that I still didn't know what I should do.

     I didn't say anything, my mind racing as the boys finished their game and jogged over to us. Lucas plopped down onto the sand beside Josie, making her laugh as she leaned down to kiss him before laying her head on his chest. He ran his sandy fingers through her hair, making her swat at him every two seconds. They were extremely cute together and seeing Josie so happy made my heart swell. She never was one for boyfriends back home, saying they stole away too much time and happiness and she wasn't going to waste her teenage years on heartbreak.

     "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Harry's fingers tapped the top of my head causing me to turn to face him. He was laying out just as Lucas was, holding himself up by his elbows. His head was tilted back, eyes closed, soaking up the mid-afternoon sun.

     "Just thinking about how I wish I had some food in my stomach," I groan, laying my head on my folded arms. Harry chuckled at my statement, turning so he was facing me but still leaning on one elbow. His tongue ran across his lips, making my heart practically stop in my chest. I really wish he didn't have that effect on me.

"Wanna ditch these losers and go get burgers and fries?" He nudged his head over at Josie and Lucas. My eyes widened at the request and I nodded frantically. This caused another laugh out of Harry before he shots up and held his hand out to me. I flipped over, taking it and pulling myself to my feet.

"We're not losers Harold but you guys go enjoy your little date," Josie didn't move from her position on Lucas's chest. I was going to protest before she shot up with a wild look in her eyes, "Hey, I forgot to ask y'all if you wanted to come to New York for the fourth? I have a show the day before and I got everyone tickets. Mitch, Sarah, and Daisy are all coming."

"I'm in," Lucas stated, lifting his head up. I looked over at Harry who had his lip caught between his first two fingers. I knew this was his tell tale sign that unsure or thinking hard about something.

"She won't be there, H. I wouldn't invite you if she was, I promise," He pursed his lips now, looking at Josie who was giving him puppy dog eyes that no one could ever refuse.

"Well, you know I'm in as long as my boss is good with me taking a few days off?" Harry's eyes shot up to mine, his eyes a dead giveaway that I helped in his decision making on this situation.

"If your boss is taking those days off, I'm sure he can't complain about you doing it," Josie gave us a sly smile, laying back down on Lucas's chest.

"Perfect, I'll make sure to get the details for you later and Indi I already bought your ticket so we'll get to packing when you come home Sunday night," She lifted one brow, her blue eyes piercing into mine before she stated, "Well if you come home and Harry stops stealing my best friend away." I scrunched my nose before pretending to rub my cheek but really flipping her off discreetly.

"I don't know Jos, I think she might have a new best friend these days," He slung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. He had a smug look on his face as Josie stuck her tongue out at him.

"Pretty sure friends in the womb beats friends of a month but whose counting?" She shrugged, acting unbothered by his comment, "Now you two scamper off and you, Harold, take care of my best friend or I'll murder you." He saluted her before taking my hand and pulling me back towards the house.


surprise!!! updated before the wedding today as i couldn't sleep. one of my very best friends is getting married today y'all!! i really enjoyed this chapter so i hope you guys do too!

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