chapter fifty one

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     We'd been driving for what seemed like an eternity, in reality it'd been about a three day trip but I swear there'd be an imprint of my ass on this car seat when we finally got to Blue's house. I took a quick glance at the passenger seat, a small smirk playing on my lips as Blue let out a soft snore. She was curled up in a ball, head resting on the center console between us. She had my right hand grasped tightly in both of hers, my thumb moving back and forth slowly against her smooth skin.

     After Blue and I had talked in the hotel room, clearing up the Kennedy mishap, we stayed one night and headed back to Malibu. We had a small celebratory party back at Josie's as we all helped Blue unpack. Pickle pizza was the main course, followed up by a sundae bar, because they were both Blue's favorites. Josie even managed to have cream soda stocked away somewhere, another one of Blue's favorite things.

     When things died down, Blue and I went back to her room to settle in for the night. She'd told me she was going to stay here, with Josie, help out with bills as she could. She tried to get Josie to let her pay half of the rent but she wouldn't budge, saying that wasn't an option. So Blue had made her the deal that she'd buy the groceries and pay for electric and water. Josie was apprehensive about it but ultimately agreed knowing Blue wasn't going to budge on this either and would find a way to sneak her the money if need be.

     Blue had also asked me if I wanted to come back home with her, saying it was actually her parents suggestion. I gave her a hard time of course before agreeing, only because I loved seeing her scrunch her nose in annoyance, looking like an angry bunny. I was excited to be able to see where Blue grew up, to meet her parents, to maybe get a better idea about her relationship with her brother. Maybe this trip would give her the opportunity to forgive herself and him too.

     So, the week after the mishap, we headed towards Tennessee. We took my car as I was worried that Poppy might not last another trip there and back. I knew just how much that car meant to Blue and the idea of it breaking down didn't sit right with me. Blue was sad to leave Poppy behind but ultimately agreed, telling me we'd save her for our late night drives and jam sessions.

     We stopped in every state, just as Josie said Blue did on every road trip to far away places. The first stop was Arizona, staying in the same city but a different hotel. Phoenix was beautiful but we didn't stay long. New Mexico was next, then Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Some states we only stopped in, others we stayed. We spent the whole trip laughing, smiling, touching; it was like we were in our own little world.

     The closer we got to Blue's home though, I could see her mood start to shift. She'd get lost looking out the window or I'd catch her staring off eating dinner. She'd been stuck in her own head and I knew she hadn't been sleeping well. She tossed and turned in each hotel bed, never being able to get comfortable, but at least she didn't have a nightmare. Seeing her finally sleeping soundly beside me was comforting, making me feel better knowing the wheels in her mind stopped spinning long enough for her to get a nap in.

     The GPS pulled me from my thoughts, letting me know we were only five minutes away from our destination. We'd gone through a small town where all of the houses looked identical and immaculate. There were Mercedes and Bentley's in every driveway, each lawn pristine with freshly cut, green grass. I was relieved to find out that none of these houses were Blue's, none of them were fitting for her anyhow.

     As I continued driving, the houses became more spread out, fields miles between each of them. The GPS told me we were close and I could faintly make out two houses closer together than most, only about half a mile from each other. Both of the houses were painted in vibrant colors, one yellow and the other blue. Both had flowers scattered along the outside trim of the houses, of all shades and varieties. I knew instantly I was at the right place.

     I pulled up to the house on the left, the yellow house, as that's the one the GPS told me was our destination. I put the car in park, pulling my hand out of Blue's grip to gently wake her. I placed my hand on her cheek, leaning down to kiss her forehead as I unbuckled. She stirred slightly, smacking her lips together as she did most nights in her sleep.

     "Blue, baby, we're here." Blue continued to stir before opening her eyes slowly, looking up at me, "We're here babe." She nodded, pulling herself up in her seat and yawning. She lifted her arms over her head, placing them on the car ceiling as she stretched before rubbing her tired eyes. I watched as she looked out the window, her reflection showing a small smile creeping along her lips before she turned to me.

     "You ready to meet this crazy bunch? They're super excited to meet you," She leaned over to place a quick kiss on my lips before unbuckling herself. She grabbed her phone and purse, opening up the car door and hopping out. I smiled as I got out, happy with the fact that Blue was excited to be home. I'd been a little worried that her glum mood would get worse once we got here but I think the nap helped. That, and the fact that she was going to see her parents who she hadn't seen in over two months.

     "You coming, Dreamboat?" Blue was standing at the front of the car, holding her hand out with a smile. I folded my hand in hers as we walked up the front steps and into the bright house, "Momma? Dad? We're here!" Blue shouted loudly and I heard chairs scooting across a linoleum floor before a man and woman stepped out of a room to our left.

     "There's my baby girl!" The woman who I presumed to be Blue's mum engulfed her in a hug. Blue looked like her mom, almost a spitting image of her besides the hair. Blue's mum's hair was a strawberry blonde compared to Blue's dark brown.

     "We're so glad you're home, sweetheart." Her dad said, holding his arms out for a hug as well. He was tall but well built, with hair like a Brillo pad but just as dark as Blue's.

     I stood off to the side, hands stuck in my pockets as I watched Blue's parents fawn over her. They commented on her tan and her aura, saying it was much lighter than when she left. Seeing that Blue was so loved here made my heart swell. I couldn't wait to introduce her to my mum, knowing that she'd fall in love with her instantly.

     "Uhm, Mom, Dad, I'd like to introduce you to someone who means the world to me and more," Blue held her hand out for me, winking as I took it and gave it a squeeze, "This is Harry, my boyfriend, Harry, these are my parents, Jessica and Michael."

     "It's a pleasure to meet you both," I let go of Blue's hand to shake both of their hands, earning warm smiles in response as they told me it was wonderful to meet me too.

     "Handsome and British, no wonder you fell for him, honey." Blue's face turned red at this as she gave her mum a look, "What? Is it not true?"

"Okay, Jess, quit embarrassing the girl and let's let them get washed up for dinner, ya?" Blue's dad said, nudging her in the direction of what I assumed to be the kitchen as he winked at Blue, "Meet us in the kitchen when you're done!" Blue told him we'd only be a minute as I watched them disappear around the corner. I was doing my best to hide my smirk as Blue turned to look at me.

"Don't say a word." She stated as she grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction of her parents. Dinner was bound to be interesting.


meet the parents! i know there wasn't much to this chapter but i really like it. i keep saying "only a few more chapters" and then keep posting more. i'm not sure how long is left in this as theres a few more things i want to happen but i know there's less than ten chapters left!

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