chapter fifty

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     "Harry? What the hell are you doing here?" My voice was raspy, having just been woken from a deep sleep. I had been tossing and turning until I ultimately gave in and took some sleeping pills.

"I just need to explain-"

"I don't need an explanation. I saw the pictures, read the article, got a really sweet text from your ex or not ex girlfriend anymore? I don't need a shitty explanation as to why you did it, I've heard enough of them." I tried to shut the door but he stuck his foot in the small opening, stopping me. Now I was just getting annoyed. I swung the door open, glaring at him but also silently asking what the fuck?

"Just watch this video please. I'm begging you please just watch this and if you still decide not to hear me out, I'll respect that. But just watch this and decide." He held his phone out to me, a grainy video paused on the screen. I sucked in my cheeks, eyes still narrowed as I took the phone and clicked the play button. At least if I watched this he'd leave and that's all I wanted in this moment.

The video was of the tattoo parlor and I could see Harry leaving. His back was to the camera as he locked the door. Once he turned, I could see Kennedy come into view. My heart sank at the sight of her, knowing this was the video footage from last night. Why was he showing me this? I almost handed the phone back to him, telling him I couldn't do it but as I continued to watch, I could see his body language was anything but friendly.

Although there was no sound, I could see by the body language and facial expressions that they were arguing. Kennedy looked majorly pissed off after Harry had said something and turned. That's when she grabbed his arm and spun him around before crashing her lips onto his. The sight of that alone almost made me fall to my knees. Watching the boy you had fallen for kissing another girl was not a sight I wished upon anyone. But as soon as the kiss started, it ended by Harry pushing her away.

I watched Harry's head shoot in a different direction, looking at something out of view of the camera. What was clear as day though was the evil smirk on Kennedy's face as she crossed her arms over her chest. The video stopped and my head shot up, my eyes meeting Harry's. I still wasn't completely sure what this meant but after this, I at least owed it to Harry to hear him out.

"Okay, explain." Was all I could get out, my words getting trapped in my throat. Harry ran his fingers through his hair while taking a deep breath. I could tell he hadn't slept, the deep purple circles beneath his eyes prominent against his tanned skin.

"When I was leaving, Kennedy ambushed me, which you can see in the video. She wanted me back and I told her no repeatedly and she just got so angry and asked me if it was because of you. I told her it was none of her business and that I needed to leave. That's when she grabbed my hand and I turned and she kissed me. I pushed her away immediately and then I saw a flash. From that moment, I knew it'd all been a set up and Kennedy's evil smirk sealed the deal." His words were shaky and when he looked up at me, I saw the hurt and fear within his emerald eyes. I felt the tears slipping down my cheeks as I realized my grave mistake.

It took me all but two seconds to close the gap between us, my arms wrapping tightly around his neck. He let out a choked sob, warm tears hitting my neck as his arms circled my waist tightly. My heart almost shattered at the idea that I almost lost Harry because I didn't hear him out. I tangled my fingers in his hair, placing kisses along his neck in an effort to calm him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even give you a chance to explain. I should have known better." I mumbled into his neck. He shook his head, his curls tickling my cheek.

"Please don't be sorry. I would have done the same thing in your situation," He lifted his head, moving his hands to my cheeks and looking into my eyes, "Blue, I would never cheat on you. You mean too much to me and I know how much it hurts to be betrayed that way. When I showed up at Josie's and she told me you were gone, I felt the world shattering beneath my feet. I'm so sorry that I hurt you and I hope you know I would never do it intentionally." I nodded, swallowing before crashing my lips into his.

     The kiss was urgent, passionate. It'd been less than 24 hours but I had truly missed Harry. His fingers tangled their way through my messy bed head and mine pulled at the curls at the napes of his neck. He removed one hand to tap my butt as a signal to jump, which I did. His hands gripped my thighs as he carried me further into the room, shutting the door behind him with his foot. He walked over to the bed, sitting down with me on his lap, our lips still moving together.

     "Hey Blue?" He asked as he pulled away slightly, placing his forehead against mine while we both caught our breath.

     "Yeah, Dreamy?" I licked my lips, eyes locked on his as he brought his hand up to cup my chin.

     "I love you," My heart stopped, my vision becoming blurry as a smile broke out on my face, "I've been in love with you since the beginning of the summer, I just didn't know it. There's no one in the world like you, Blue and I think that's my favorite thing about you. You told me you came to Malibu chasing the sun but I think the sun you've been chasing this whole time has been within you. You're not only your own source of light and happiness but you're mine too. You're my sun, Blue." And there goes my poor, fragile heart, making itself whole once again.

"I love you too, H. Probably too much for my own good," I let out a small laugh as I watched his face break out into one of his award winning smiles, dimple and all. I kissed his lips once more before engulfing him in another bear hug.

     "Please stay in Malibu, Blue. Stay with Josie, she needs you and I need you for every day of the week because I don't know what I'd do without our jam sessions and date nights. Whose going to cover my eyes during scary movies? Whose going to cook for me on a Sunday? Whose going to-"

     "Okay, okay! I'll come home!" I laughed, running my hands through his hair and earning another smile, "I mean, who would I be if I let you watch scary movies alone and you'd probably starve if I wasn't there to cook for you." I watched as he gave me a look as if to say all my words were true. I rolled my eyes, ruffling his hair before climbing off his lap.

     "That's exactly what would happen and you know it." I just shook my head as I rubbed my tired eyes. I was so emotionally drained from everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours and while I really wanted to sleep in my bed, I figured a fresh start in the morning would be best for the both of us, seeing as Harry hadn't slept since the night before last.

"Let's stay here tonight and we'll head out in the morning, we both could use some sleep before we take the almost ten hour drive back home." Harry nodded before yawning and stretching his arms over his head.

"Sounds like a plan but you may want to go downstairs and tell Josie and Lucas you've forgiven me and all is well so they can decide if they want to get a room as well or head back home." I gave him a funny look, not knowing Josie and Lucas came along for the ride but I wasn't completely surprised considering Harry finding me had Josie written all over it.

"Alright, let's go get them. I need to hear just how you managed to get Josie to listen to you considering she's the most stubborn person I know." Harry puckered his lips, moving them to the side with a nod.

"You aren't joking with that one. She did threaten to murder me multiple times and slapped me before hearing me out though." This definitely didn't surprise me. That girl had my back until the day I die and I would always have hers. I couldn't wait to thank her.



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