chapter nineteen

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"Harry Edward Styles get your ass over here so I can kill you!" I shot up in bed, looking over at my door and the source of my best friend's voice. I threw the covers off, my bare feet hitting the ground just as I heard something shatter on the floor. I ran to my door, throwing it open just in time for Harry to run past, grabbing my shoulders as he stood behind me. Josie rounded the corner, a look of pure evil in her eyes before she spotted me.

     "Really? You're going to use Indi as a shield?" Josie glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest. Harry let go of my shoulders and I watched as he nodded, giving her a smirk.

     "She'd never let you kill me." She scrunched her nose at this, stomping towards me before I held my hand out to stop her. I looked back and forth between the two of them, completely confused with the whole situation.

     "Yeah, quick question guys, what the hell is going on?" I looked to Josie for an answer, watching as she rolled her eyes.

     "Harold did the ONE thing I told him NOT to do! So I'm going to kill him. Sorry Indi, I know you were a fan but he has it coming." She shrugged, giving me a sympathetic look before shooting daggers at Harry once again. I gave her a strange look before turning to Harry, watching him give me a very guilty smile.

     "And what exactly was the one thing she told you not to do?" I watched as he folded his lips together, running his hands through his hair as he seemed to struggle with the answer.

     "I wasn't supposed to ask about your brother." My heart clenched at his words as my head whipped back towards Josie who wasn't even fazed with his answer, still glaring at him.

     "And what does he go and do? Asks you about Skye and causes you to have a breakdown. He just has to stick his nose in everyone's business!" Harry scoffed at this, moving closer to me and pointing a finger at Josie.

"Me? Sticking my nose in others business? You're ALWAYS judging me being with Kennedy, always asking her how things are going only because you love the drama of it all!" Oh man, Harry why did you go and say that?

"Because I love the DRAMA? Are you joking? I ask about you and Kennedy because you're my friend and I love you. You're miserable with her but continue to stay for some god damn reason! Don't you think we're all sick of your constant moodiness? If anyone loves the drama, it's you!" That comment started a yelling match with me in the middle. They moved closer with each statement, shouting many horrible things at each other that they didn't mean.

     "CAN YOU BOTH SHUT UP FOR ONE SECOND!" I shouted at the top of my lungs after getting tired of hearing their awful bickering. They both stopped at my words, their expressions falling flat as they glared at one another, "Good lord you two are so annoying! We're having a talk, come on." I grabbed both of their hands and pulled them to the living room. Neither of them said another word as I pointed them to the couch. They sat at opposite ends of course with their heads down.

     "First of all, let's talk about the reason this whole thing started. I want to remind you both that I am a grown woman who does not need saving. What happened with Skye broke me, I'm still healing, but it's my choice whether or not to tell people about what happened. Jos, I know you were trying to protect me, which I appreciate, but Harry didn't do anything wrong by asking me about Skye." Harry smiles proudly by this, making Josie's mouth fall open in shock.

"Oh so you're just going to take the dream boats side? We've been friends since practically the womb and you're taking his-"

"I'm not taking anyone's side! I wasn't finished!" Josie shut her mouth, falling back against the couch with a pout, "Now, Harry you knew that asking me would upset Josie but you did it anyways. I wasn't aware of this whatsoever but that wasn't cool." Josie gave Harry the same smirk he'd given her only moments ago before sticking her tongue out at him. Was I dealing with adults or children? I honestly couldn't tell you at this point.

"But you kept-"

"Seriously guys, you're acting like four year olds and I'm not in the mood today. You want my two cents in the whole situation? Harry, Josie does in fact love you and I know she's asking about your relationship because she cares. You know that too, it's not about the drama. And Josie, Harry didn't stick his nose in my business, I'd been bringing up Skye all day so maybe some part of me wanted to talk about him. I love you but if I didn't want to tell Harry, I wouldn't have. And Harry, if you want my opinion, I absolutely agree with Josie. Kennedy makes you a miserable, moody mess and for what? What exactly do you gain from that relationship besides a fucking headache? I've known you for about three weeks tops and all I want for you is happiness and I can tell you right now, that's not Kennedy." Both of their jaws were practically on the floor at this point. I knew neither one of them expected me to stand up for myself like this or even stop the two of them from fighting but I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Now, neither of you are leaving this couch until you can act like civil adults and apologize for the hurtful things you said to one another. Once you both figure your shit out, please come find me. I'll be in my room until further notice." With that, I turned on my heels and walked to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. If they wanted to act like children, I'd treat them like children. I just hoped they'd make up soon.


momma blue to the rescue 😂😂😂

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