chapter twenty two

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I all but flew out of my car the moment I put it in park, running up to the cabin door and banging on it, shouting for Harry. I heard nothing but loud music blaring through speakers and shaking the whole cabin. I knocked on the door a few more times before deciding to try to door. To my surprise, it was unlocked. I opened it slowly, not ready for the sight before me.

There were a dozen or more empty whisky bottles scattered strewn about the wood floor along with broken lamps, dishes, and various other household items. I gulped as I did my best to step around everything, searching high and low for Harry. I yelled for him but I couldn't even hear my own thoughts over the music so I knew it was no use.

My eyes landed on a stereo across the room and I made a beeline for it, instantly jamming my finger onto the power button, the silence of the cabin an instant reliever for my headache. I sighed, placing my hands on my hips as I once again shouted for Harry as I made my way into the kitchen.

"Hey, why'd you stop the party?" I turned to see a shirtless Harry leaning against the doorframe with a half drunk bottle of whiskey in his hand. A pair of gray sweats hung low on his hips and his curls looked as if he'd run his fingers through them a million times.

"Harry, what the hell?" I asked, gesturing to the floor scatter with broken furniture and whiskey bottles. He just shrugged, taking a sip of the bottle in his hand before stumbling over to the couch.

"Did you hear the news, Kennedy cheated on me with some model. Everyone finally got what they wanted I guess." He took another swing before letting out a dry laugh. I walked over to him, pulling the bottle from his hands. He frowned at me, his forehead scrunching together, "Hey, if you wanted some you could have just asked."

"Harry, what the hell are you doing?" He gave me a strange look before leaning back against the couch.

"I am drinking? Ever heard of it?" I groaned, placing the bottle on the table furthest from Harry before standing in front of him with my arms crossed.

"Harry, you missed work today. Josie is looking for you. The guys were all locked out of the shop." He just shrugged before burping, the stench of alcohol almost making me gag.

"Kennedy was fucking another guy in our bed. I wasn't sad, not one bit. But I was definitely mad. Seeing red. So I came here to blow off steam." He gave me a lazy smile, his eyes almost shut.

"Harry, I'm sorry that happened, but it's not an excuse to drink yourself to death. Josie is going to be here soon and she's going to kick your ass. I might just let her this time." I tried to grab his hands to pull him up but he swatted me away.

"Just let me drown in my sorrows." He laughed at this, only making me more aggravated as I once again tried to pull him up to at least a sitting position.

"You just told me you weren't sad and I'm not going to sit here and let you do this to yourself. Come on, let's get you to Josie's and it'll be okay." He just shook his head before looking into my eyes. His bright green orbs were almost black.

"You let your brother kill himself, why won't you just let me?" I let go of his arms, falling back onto my hands. A sharp pain shot up my left hand but that was nothing compared to the pain I felt hearing Harry say those words. I felt the tears springing in the ducts of my eyes as I cried out in agony.

It's almost like a switch flipped in Harry the moment he heard me cry. He blinked a few times and I could tell he was actually seeing me for the first time since I'd walked through the door. I brought my hand up to see a large piece of glass sticking out from it. I instantly felt woozy as I stood up, backing away from Harry who was trying to reach out to me.

"Blue, I didn't mean that. Please know that I didn't-" I stopped him, my hot tears warming my cheeks as I continued to back away, tripping on all the broken pieces of the furniture. He kept pleading with me and apologizing but it all stopped once the door swung open and Josie looked between the two of us before noticing the glass in my hand.

"Shit, Indi! Okay, we need to get to a hospital now." Josie grabbed my shoulders, leading me out the door. I didn't care if Harry was following us or not. His comment was a complete slap in the face. I know he was hurting and he didn't mean it but even in a drunken state, I would have never used his most vulnerable moment against him.

"Harry, what the hell happened?" Josie ushered me into the backseat of the Jeep as Harry offered to drive. Josie told him "over my dead body" considering his blood alcohol level was probably sky high. Blood was dripping down the seats, tears following suit as we drove to the hospital.

I know that Josie and Harry were talking but everything sounded muffled. The only sound I could hear was my heartbeat, the thumping of it almost more overwhelming than the situation itself. I couldn't be having a panic attack, not here, not now. I tried hard to focus on my breathing and to hear Josie's words of affirmation but it was just white noise.

I didn't know if I was in shock or if the pain in my hand didn't compare to the pain I felt in my heart, but it was almost as if everything was sucking me into this deep hole. I couldn't believe what Harry had said, his words playing over and over in my mind. Josie didn't even know because I couldn't speak. I didn't know if I was going to tell her either because she'd kill Harry on the spot and even though his words hurt, I didn't want him gone. I didn't know what I wanted at this point other than for the pain to stop.


wow real cool harry

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