chapter thirty eight

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My feet just continued moving back and forth along the front stoop. I'd been here five minutes at most, the whole time pacing and trying to muster up the courage to ring the doorbell. I didn't want to be too early as I knew Blue would be anxious and having a hard time to pick an outfit. She hated surprises but I knew she'd love this one.

Holy shit, I was going on a date with Blue. This was new territory for me. Usually, I would just meet a girl at a club or the parlor and we'd have meaningless sex and then I'd never speak to her again. This was all before Kennedy of course, I was loyal to her even though I was miserable. Not once did I think about breaking her trust by sleeping with someone else. Not to mention, Kennedy and I'd relationship was strange to begin with and I'm not really sure why we even got into a relationship in the first place anymore.

Blue was different. She was bright and sweet. She laughed at all my dumb jokes and sang with me in the car. She taught me how to cook and had no issue with my painted nails or feminine side. She was intrigued by it, always seeming proud when I wore something questionable. Kennedy always hated that side of me, afraid of what the tabloids would say. I wouldn't miss being followed by paparazzi all the time.

Blue deserved a perfect night and I was so scared I was going to mess that up. I looked down at my watch, watching the digital numbers switch to six o'clock on the dot. I took a deep breath before taking a step forward and pressing my finger on the doorbell. I took a small step back after, the yellow and orange roses I'd grabbed from Daisy's place before I came here we're shaking in my hands. I hated being nervous, I'd never been this nervous for anything in my whole life.

I heard footsteps before the door opened, revealing Josie with the shittiest grin on her face. She looked me up and down, her eyes landing on the flowers in my hand, making her stick her bottom lip out.

"Aw Dreamy, you look cute. Indi will be out in two shakes. Come on in," She moved to the side of the door, holding her arm out for me to enter. I took a step in the door, jumping slightly as she shut it, "You are a nervous wreck. I knew you would be. Don't you worry, she's just as nervous as you are." Josie patted my shoulder, giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'm doing just fine, Jos. Not nervous." I spoke through my teeth, flowers still shaking in my hands. Josie raised one brow, looking down at my trembling hands.

"No right, you're cool as a cucumber, H. I forgot shaking hands was a sign of confidence." She rolled her eyes, making me shoot daggers in her direction. I almost argued back but the sound of footsteps coming down the hall stopped me in my tracks.

Blue walked into view, a small smile on her face as she noticed me. Her gaze dropped to the flowers, making her smile widen. I swear you could hear my heart beating out of my chest as she reached Josie and I, both of us just awkwardly smiling at each other. Her cheeks were a bright red, making me know Josie's statement about her being nervous was true.

"Hey Dreamsicle. Did you bring those flowers for me?" She raised her brows, caramel eyes meeting mine. I swallowed, nodding as I handed them to her. This was so painfully awkward, I almost felt bad for Josie having to watch, "Thank you, they're beautiful." She stated, standing on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek before making her way into the kitchen.

"Not as beautiful as you." As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to hit myself. Josie had to stop herself from laughing, nudging me with her elbow and whispering 'smooth.' I flipped her off before Blue came back into view.

"You ready to go?" She asked, folding her hand in mine. The gesture was small but made me relax a little.

"Yup." I said, popping the 'P' at the end. We made our way to the door, Josie following behind.

"Take care of my girl, H. And both of you lighten up, y'all look as stiff as boards. Remember, this may be your first 'official' date but you've been hanging out 24/7 so don't make this any different," Josie's words seemed to calm Blue a little and I felt a small weight fall off my shoulders. I heard her shut the door as we reached my Jeep. I opened Blue's door for her, helping her climb in before running around to my side. I placed my arm over Blue's seat as we pulled out of the driveway and onto the highway.

"Okay so are you going to tell me where we're going now?" I smiled, shaking my head as I heard Blue groan.

"Fine. You know I hate surprises but I know you're just as bad at keeping them so this has to be killing you too." It was a little as she was right, I was shit at keeping secrets, "One other thing," I hummed, keeping my eyes on the road and moving one hand to her thigh, "Let's not be weird tonight. Like Josie said, we've practically been dating for weeks and this shouldn't be any different. I admit I was nervous but being with you is second nature to me."

"You got it," I answered, rubbing my thumb along her silky skin, "Are you planning on staying over tonight?" She acted shocked, gasping while bringing her hand to her chest.

"Are you trying to sleep with me on our first date, Styles? Aren't you supposed to save that for the third or fourth date?" I laughed, shaking my head as I got off the highway. Our destination was close and I couldn't wait to see Blue's reaction.

"Well shit, we should have slept together long before this then if we've practically been dating for weeks so I guess tonight is my lucky night." I laughed, Blue swatting my arm lightly.

The top of the ferris wheel came into view first, followed by the many lights on all the other rides and attractions. I felt Blue shifting in her seat, noticing the lights as well. We pulled up to the gate and I turned to look at Blue, seeing the look of pure excitement on her face. She turned to me with a large grin, bouncing in her seat like a child as we parked.

"A fair? Harry this is awesome! I'm so going to kick your ass in skee ball!" She practically leaped out of the car, the action making me chuckle. I hopped out of the Jeep, sticking the keys in my pocket and walking around to meet Blue. She already had her hand out for me to take, her focus on the attractions ahead. As soon I placed my hand in hers, she practically sprinted to the entrance, dragging me along with her.

     I knew she was going to love this date and I had no doubt she would kick my ass in skee ball but I couldn't wait for it. The girl had me wrapped around her pretty little finger and didn't even know it.


kinda sweet chapter. nervous harry. also the picture is the outfit i imagine him wearing, it's perfect for the fair.

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