chapter one

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     The salty air filled my lungs, my sight drawn to the white caps strewn out just beyond my reach. I shut the door on my beetle, the old metal screeching as I did. Leaning against the door, I closed my eyes and crossed my arms, pointing my face in the direction of the sun. This was it, this was my fresh start.

     "Indigo Rain James, is that you?" I opened my eyes just in time to see Josie charging at me. I pulled away from the car, uncrossing my arms just as she crashed into me, both of us combusting in laughter. She pulled away, holding me at arms length as she looked me up and down, "Still as beautiful as the day I left. The guys are going to go crazy over you, hot stuff."

Josie Renee Scott was the type of girl everyone either wanted to be or be with. She had long, blonde locks, ocean blue eyes, and full, pouty lips. She was tall, her long, tan legs always being the center of everyone's attention. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, she was just as beautiful on the inside. She was charismatic and crazy smart. She was confident and kind. And yet, with all her amazing qualities, she never once acted as if because she was absolutely radiant that she was better than anyone else.

We'd been friends since as long as I could remember, our parents being friends didn't give us much of a choice not to be. Our looks and personalities differed vastly. I was the exact opposite of Josie; my legs shorter, waist curvier, hair the darkest shade of brown. I was shy and awkward. We didn't match in society's standards but we never let that sway us. Josie was my soulmate of sorts and when she moved to California following a modeling gig, I was devastated that I wouldn't be tagging along.

We still talked every day, Josie never letting the fame get to her head so much that she'd forgotten her best friend. I had my heart set on finishing art school in our hometown in Tennessee, but after it all happened, I couldn't focus on school anymore and dropped out. Josie offered me to come spend the summer with her in Malibu and I jumped at the chance, hoping time with my best friend could help heal this hole in my heart.

     "Yeah, just what I need right now. A summer romance," I let out a bit of nervous laughter before she rolled her eyes, swinging her arm over my shoulders.

     "This is going to be the best summer of your life my dear. A summer romance may be just what you need!" Josie stated as we grabbed my bags out of my car before making our way towards the house.

It didn't surprise me in the slightest that her house was immaculate and open, just as she was. It was tidy and covered in the many music posters I'd mailed her throughout our time apart. I smiled to myself as she gave me a tour before landing in front of what would be my room.

"I placed as many orange items as I could find in here, made sure there was a dream catcher, and have a couple tye dye tapestries waiting for you in the kitchen. I was going to hang them up myself but I knew you'd want to do it." I set my bags on the bed before turning to give my best friend yet another hug, thanking her for the millionth time for this escape. "Quit thanking me, you goof. You're my sister, even if our DNA doesn't say so. I'd give you a kidney if I had to."

"I just really appreciate all of this, and you." I said with a small smile, moving to sit on the bed. Josie walked over, joining me. We sat cross legged, facing each other. She grabbed my hands, her blue eyes meeting mine with a look of sadness I was too used to by now.

"How are you Indi?" I sighed, taking my hands from hers, rubbing the heels of them into my eye sockets. I hated being asked this question as it was the question everyone had been asking since that day. I didn't ever know how to respond so I would always just shrug, doing my best to keep my tears at bay.

"Can you make me a promise for this summer?" Josie bit the inside of her cheek before nodding, crossing her arms over her chest, "I don't want to talk about it. I'm here to try to move past it. I know it hurt you too and if you want to talk about it, I'll listen, but I'm done talking. What's done is done and me telling everyone I'm fine or even being honest every once in awhile, isn't going to change it. I need to find myself again, Jos."

She didn't say anything, her gaze dropped to her peach colored toes as she nodded. I wrapped my arms around her small frame, feeling her sigh as she did the same.

"Alright well, first things first, you're coming to a party with me tonight," I opened my mouth to protest but she just shook her head, giving me a look to tell me I didn't get a choice in this, "You want to find yourself again? This is how we're doing it. It's super low key and on the beach with a bunch of the friends I've made here so no pressure Indi. Plus, you need to show off your rockin' bod so I hope you brought a million bikinis."

"Alright, fine," We we're both smiling at each other now, Josie hopping up from the bed to get herself changed and leaving me to do the same. I fell back onto the sheets, trying to focus on my breathing.

This summer was going to be amazing. I needed it to be because nothing has made me feel anything since that day.

new book guys i'm pumped

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