chapter eighteen

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     There were two things I was sure of: I was the biggest asshole in the universe and Josie was going to kill me when she found out I asked Blue about her brother. I should have kept my damn mouth shut and my questions to myself but no, I just had to go around putting my nose in Blue's business and I caused her to have a major breakdown. Bloody hell, I feel so awful for hurting her that way.

     Watching Blue completely break was something I never wanted to witness again. She was frantic and nervous and just completely beside herself. I couldn't imagine losing a friend that way let alone my sibling. I wouldn't know what to do if that had happened to Gemma.

     Once we'd gotten back to Josie's, Blue excused herself and made a beeline for the bathroom. I'd taken my time trudging through to the kitchen, my steps as heavy as my heart at the time. I'd sat down at the counter, my head in my hands as I tried to figure out the best way to apologize to her. She'd come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head, only walking into the kitchen to grab a water bottle and tell me where extra blankets were for the spare room, before heading off to bed.

     I didn't sleep much if at all. I'd gone to the guest bedroom after hours of trying to figure out what I'd tell her in the morning but coming up empty. Nothing could fix the fact that I'd opened my damn mouth and asked the one thing I was told not to. When the clock struck seven, I threw the covers off and made my way into the kitchen once more.

     This time, I was on a mission. I was going to start with breakfast and see if she could possibly forgive me for basically ruining her birthday. I still had no idea what I was going to even say to her when she woke up. I searched through the fridge, grabbing every item that could qualify as a breakfast food. I had no idea what Blue liked so I planned on just making everything I could lay my eyes on as I knew Josie wouldn't mind. I turned on the stove, running around the kitchen like a mad man while also trying to be extremely quiet.

"Indi? Are you cooking breakfast? You better not burn my house down or I'll kick your-" I turned to see Josie walking into the kitchen, shopping bags covering both arms. She dropped them to the floor, lifting her sunglasses off her nose, "Harry?" I gave her a sheepish smile, watching her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Hey Jos. You hungry?" Out of all the things I expected to happen this morning, Josie walking through the front door was not one of them. She and Kennedy were not supposed to arrive back home until tomorrow. I knew my phone would be blowing up with texts and calls the moment she got home and I wasn't there.

"Harry what are you doing here and where is Indi?" She looked around before walking up to the counter, resting her elbows along the granite surface, "Did you stay here?" I nodded before turning back to the stove, flipping the pancakes and bacon. I knew that Josie was going to give me her famous 'What the hell are you doing' look and I wasn't ready for it.

     "I'm sorry for raiding your fridge, I just thought breakfast might make things go a little smoother this morning-"

     "Go smoother? Harry what the hell is going on? You didn't sleep with her, did you? Harry, I swear to god-" I spun on my heels, shaking my head, making her stop mid sentence. She crossed her arms over her chest, her expression once again confused.

     "I would never do that, Jos. You know me better than that." She sighed, agreeing with me.

     "Okay so then why did you stay here? Did she call you? Did she...Was she upset?" I knew what Josie was going to ask before she caught herself. She was asking if she had a breakdown. I bit the inside of my cheek, turning to remove the food from the stove before answering. I made Josie up a plate, handing it to her with a guilty smile.

     "Pancakes and bacon? I even cut up the fruit in your fridge and am planning on making mimosa's..." My voice trailed off as I tried to change the subject because I knew the moment I told Josie what had happened, I was a dead man. She narrowed her eyes at me, her tongue poking into her cheek.

     "What did you do?" I hated that girls knew when guys did something wrong. I swear they all had some sort of sixth sense. There was no way I was getting out of this one. I set the plate down with a sigh, running my hands through my hair before answering.

     "So, before I tell you what happened, I want you to know that I shouldn't have done what I did but I promise it's not as bad as you think....well, maybe. I didn't sleep with her, nothing romantic's really funny actually. She-"

     "Harry Edward Styles if you do not explain to me in three seconds why you're here and what the hell you did to my best friend, I will murder you on the spot." She stomped her foot down, her eyes shooting daggers at me as she waited for an answer.

     "I didn't want her to spend her birthday alone so I came over and we had an awesome time just hanging out. We went to my watermelon garden, the record store, thrift shops, and eventually dinner. When she went to drop me off at my house, she asked me why I was with Kennedy and then I asked her a personal question..." Her eyes widened and I could practically see steam leaving her ears. Her jaw fell open as she shook her head.

     "God dammit Harry, you did not ask her about Skye." I gave her another guilty smile, holding my hands up in surrender. She let out a frustrated breath, pinching the bridge of her nose before letting out a stream of curse words, "I told you NOT to ask her about that! I warned you! Is she okay?" I nodded, watching her expression soften for a second before she slammed her hands against the counter, her angry eyes meeting mine, "You are in SO much trouble Harry. You better get a head start because the moment I catch you, I'm going to kill you for making her relieve that night."

     I laughed at this, thinking she was completely joking until she started counting down before darting around the counter at me, making me jump and run off in response. Yeah, this is definitely not how I expected this morning to go.

Harry running away from Josie 😂😂

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Harry running away from Josie 😂😂

lol josie and harry chasing each other around the house

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