chapter forty seven

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     My fist pounded against the locked door, not letting up until someone spoke to me. Josie did answer the call but I couldn't get a word in edgewise and I knew I wouldn't unless I spoke to her in person. I had to explain to her what happened, I needed her to hear me out. I needed Blue to hear me out.

     After what seemed like hours, someone finally opened the door, that person being Lucas. The moment his eyes met mine, I knew he was angry with me, just as Josie was. He just sighed, shaking his head and running his hands through his hair.

"I don't think it's a good-"

"Is it Indi? I just got off the phone with her parents and her phone goes straight to voicemail. Did she-" Josie stopped dead in her tracks when she realized it was me, not Blue. Her expression quickly changed from concerned to pure rage. She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring me down. I'd seen Josie this mad a few times but never at me and it was slightly terrifying, "Go home Harry."

She moved around Lucas, trying to shut the door on me. I stopped it last minute, almost getting my hand smashed in the process. She fought me on it before ultimately swinging the door wide open. She took two large steps towards me, bringing her hand up to my cheek with so much force it brought tears to my eyes. She was about to do it again but Lucas stopped her, grabbing her wrist.

"Okay, I deserved that," I admitted, rubbing my hand against my cheek that was surely bright red. Josie was just glaring up at me, her whole body shaking while Lucas held her against his chest so she didn't quite literally rip my face off, "Josie, please just hear me out."

"And why the hell should I?! I saw the photos, Harry!" She spit, her voice filled with pure hatred. I sighed, running my hands through my tangled hair, "She left, Harry! She left because she didn't want to cause problems! She was going to stay! Did she tell you that? She was going to fucking stay and then you had to-"

"She was going to stay in Malibu?" I was genuinely shocked as Blue hadn't mentioned this to me. We hadn't really talked about what would happen at the end of the summer....Shit. That's what she wanted to talk about, she was going to tell me she was going to stay. Fuck, "Wait, she left?"

"About half an hour ago," Josie rolled her eyes pulling away from Lucas, "But why the hell do you care, Harry? Go make out with your ex girlfriend who did nothing but make you miserable and hurt you! You sure had no issue doing it last night. You didn't even think about the repercussions, just like always!" She was shouting so loud I was sure neighbors would be coming out to investigate. Lucas rubbed his hands up and down her arms, trying to calm her down.

"Josie, that's not what happened! You know me! I'd never cheat, especially not on Blue, not after I just got her!" I was shouting back and I knew it'd only aggravate the situation but I needed Josie to hear me out. She just shook her head, letting out a sarcastic laugh.

"You're full of it. I saw the pictures Harry! How can you deny-"

"Josie, you're a supermodel. You of all people know how the media and the paparazzi spin stories the way they want to. They do it to get a reaction. Five minutes, that's all I'm asking of you," I was pleading, grasping for straws considering I knew Josie would do just about anything to protect Blue.

"And why should I even try to hear you out, Harry? Even if the media somehow spun this the wrong way, you still kissed her!" I knew I was failing when she looked down, her hand moving to the door. So, I did the only thing my heart had been screaming at me to do since I spent that first day with Blue.

"Because....dammit Jos, because I love her!" Josie's eyes shot up to mine, a look of shock followed by skepticism flashing across her face, "Josie, I love Blue. I've loved her since we spent that day here when it rained playing twenty questions. I've loved her since we spent her birthday together. I've loved her this whole time. You have to believe that I would never do something like this to hurt her or you." I was about to get on my hands and knees and beg her to hear me out at this point.

     Josie searches my eyes, looking for any hint of a lie or deception. She turned to Lucas who just gave her a look of confusion and a shrug. She sucked the air out of her cheeks, her lips pulling together making me know she was debating her options. Her eyes narrowed as she ultimately took a step back, letting me in.

     "Five minutes, Harry and if I even sense for a second you're lying, I won't hesitate to toss you out that door and never speak to you again." Although Josie was maybe half my size, I knew she was serious. I let out a sigh of relief, following Lucas and Josie into the living room. They sat down on a couch opposite me, Josie keeping her eyes on me at all times, "You better get to talking." She looked down at her watch, clicking it and setting a timer.

     "So last night I did have a lot of paperwork to do and I knew I'd be there late so I told Blue to come hang out with you as she would get bored and I knew I'd be distracted with her there," I gulped, rubbing my hand along the back of my neck as I paced the room, "I was there way later than expected as I didn't leave until four, ready to head over to your place. I locked up the doors and turned to find Kennedy standing behind me. I asked what she wanted and she told me that she wanted me back. I told her there was no way in hell that was going to happen and I tried to push past her but she grabbed my arm and tried to plead with me to take her back. When I told her it wasn't going to happen, she got furious, asking if Blue was the reason. I told her it was none of her business and she didn't like that," I stopped, taking a minute to breathe and checking to see if Josie was believing me. Her facial expression was hard to read and she didn't say anything, just waiting for me to finish.

"We stood there arguing and I tried to turn away once more but she clasped her hand around my wrist, making me turn. That's when she kissed me. The photos show the moment I turned back to face her and the kiss. I knew the moment I heard the click of a camera and saw the smirk on Kennedy's face that it was a trick. She had planned the whole thing. I tried to call Blue but you answered and then I came here..." My voice trailed off, unsure what else I could say. The story was true and I just wish someone else could have caught it so I could prove....Wait.

     "Josie, it was right outside the shop. There's cameras there. I can prove to you that this was a set up and that I never cheated on Blue. You just have to come to the shop with me." She still looked unsure but I knew Josie and she always needed proof. After a moment, she just nodded and the three of us made our way out the door.


come on, y'all know harry wouldn't cheat now.

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