chapter twenty

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Josie and I had been sitting in silence for exactly thirty one minutes, neither of us wanting to apologize first simply because we were that stubborn. She'd been scrolling through her phone while I had pretty much stared a hole into the wall. I didn't have to stay here, I could have gotten up and left ages ago but facing Kennedy seemed like more of a punishment than this.

I know that what Josie and Blue had said was true. I knew I wasn't happy and I didn't love Kennedy. So why did I stay? That was the question I'd been flipping around in my head for the past thirty one minutes. I had no good answer other than the fact that I lived in her house. This obviously wasn't a good enough reason to stay in the relationship though.

"H, I'm sorry, okay. I won't pester you about Kennedy anymore and Indi was right, she had every right to tell you about Skye. I'm protective of her, she's like my sister and you didn't see her after it happened. She didn't sleep or eat or speak for days. She just laid in his bed, staring off into space thinking god knows what. She blames herself for it, you know that?" Josie has tears in her eyes as she spoke, her voice breaking, "Skye was like my brother too but our relationship was nothing compared to what he and Indi had. When he left, a part of her did too. I wouldn't wish what she went through on anyone." She sniffles, running her thumbs beneath her eyes to catch the tears that had slipped out.

"I'm sorry too, Jos. I know you want what's best for me and for Blue and for everyone. You're the most selfless person I know and I never should have said what I did. I know that I have my own shit I need to work through with Kennedy, I just need to figure out what exactly I want to do." She nodded, turning to face me, sitting cross legged on the couch.

     "I love you, H. I just want you to be happy, that's what everyone wants." I gave her a small smile, placing my hand on her calf and giving it a squeeze.

     "I love you too, Jos." She leaned forward, pulling me in for a hug," I think Mum Blue would be proud of us," This made her laugh as she pulled away nodding.

     "Should we go tell her we made up?" She motioned her head towards the bedrooms. I looked over at the clock on the wall, noticing it was now noon and even though I hadn't checked my phone, I knew I'd have many missed calls and texts from Kennedy.

     "I better get home," I sighed, lifting myself from the couch. Josie got up as well, following me towards the door, "Tell Blue I'm sorry for acting like a child and I owe you both another tattoo." She just smiled, telling me she would before shutting the door behind me.

     My walk home was short although my mind was running with all the information I'd been given over the past 24 hours. Kennedy's red convertible sat in the driveway and I knew the moment I walked through the door, I was in for it. If I got lucky, Kennedy would be taking a nap and leave me alone for a few more hours.

     I trudged up the steps, unlocking the door and shutting it behind me. I fully expected an angry Kennedy on the other side but came up empty. Maybe it was my lucky day.

"Kennedy?" My voice echoed through the empty entrance. I set my keys on the counter, walking into the kitchen, then the living room, and even the front porch and coming up empty. I walked back through the house, figuring she was in the bedroom. Once I reached the door, I heard sounds coming from inside the room.

I placed my ear up against the door, confused at what exactly I was hearing until I heard Kennedy moan another mans name. I flung the door open, revealing exactly what I knew I would see on the other side.

Kennedy's bare back was too me as she moved up and down on top of a naked blonde man. She screamed when she'd heard the door open, both of them stopping their actions to look at me with wide eyes. My first reaction was to let out a dry laugh as I just shook my head at the scene in front of me. I watched as Kennedy scrambled off the man, speaking things to me that I couldn't make out. My heart was beating so loud through my ears that everything other sound was just blocked out.

I turned on my heels, shaking my head as I made my way out of the house. I felt Kennedy grab my wrist, pleading with me to just hear her out and telling me that it wasn't what it looked like. I spun, ripping my wrist from her grasp. Tears were slipping down her cheeks as she continued to plead with me to stay.

"You just confirmed the decision I was trying to make over the past year. We're over Kennedy." I watched her expression change from upset to livid within seconds.

"This is because of that girl isnt it? You wouldn't leave me if it were for her!" She stomped her foot, her eyes narrowed at me. Of course she'd try to turn this on me.

"No Kennedy, I'm leaving you because you were fucking another man in our bed! We're done and I'll be getting my stuff in the morning." I spit, storming out of the house and slamming the door behind me.

I hopped in my jeep, peeling out of the driveway and to god knows where to get my mind off the fact that my girlfriend of three years was cheating on me.

Was I really surprised? I couldn't tell you. I was upset, but not because I loved Kennedy. I didn't love her anymore, that much was clear. If I had, I'd be more upset. I'd be heartbroken. I'd be a blubbering mess. But all I felt now was anger. I felt betrayed. I felt rage. I saw nothing but red at this point and I couldn't tell you where exactly I was going but it was somewhere far away from here.


bye bye kennedy. we will not miss you.

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