chapter twenty six

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     "Is it over?" I asked, spreading my fingers open slightly to squint at the TV. I hated scary movies, but I knew that Blue loved them so I would always search through the Netflix suggestions trying to find one she'd like on our movie Friday.

"Why do you always pick a scary movie if you don't even watch half of it? We could always watch a romantic comedy." Blue chuckled, her knee bumping mine. I looked over at her, purposefully avoiding the TV. She sat cross legged on my couch, wearing one of my many borrowed jumpers, and shoveling hand fulls of popcorn into her mouth.

     "I watch them because you want to." I shrugged, watching as she turned to look at me momentarily. Her expression changed but only for a moment before she gave me a small smile, one that didn't reach her eyes.

     "Horror movies are entertaining but true crime is really where it's at. Well that, and CSI or Criminal Minds. My dad got me started on those when I was really little." I gave her a shocked look, my eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

     "You've been watching scary movies and true crime shit since you were little?" She just laughed, nodding.

     "It's a family thing. You should try the true crime documentaries. They're less jumpy but the fact that they're real almost scares me more." She grabbed the remote, turning off the film I'd watched a total of five minutes of and instead flipping to Friends which was a favorite of both of ours. Her focus was once again stolen by Chandler's sarcastic comment to Ross. My attention, however, was solely on Blue tonight.

     The past few weeks with Blue had been peaceful and stress free. I hadn't felt this much happiness in a long time. If I would have known that breaking up with Kennedy would leaving me feeling so refreshed, I would have done it a long ass time ago. Although, I was beginning to think that my happiness had a lot to do with Blue.

     The moment she walked onto that beach, I knew she was someone special. Those brown doe eyes and her heart shaped lips were so captivating, images that clouded my mind constantly. I'd worked hard to block them out when I was with Kennedy, feeling as if I was cheating on her with my thoughts wandering, but now that she was gone, they were all I could think about.

     Her blue aura was lighter, almost the color of a clear, blue sky now compared to the deep, sea blue she'd been when we'd first met. She smiled more, laughed more, and was definitely way more comfortable in her skin. The girl had sass and sarcastic comments like I'd never heard before. And her laugh, something I could listen to on repeat, a sound that made my heart swell. Her singing was not the best but definitely not the worst I'd heard and watching her loose herself in a song was another image I'd engraved in my brain.

     I'd never met a girl more beautiful both inside and out than Blue. Granted, most of the girls I'd been with were models who were about as interesting as watching paint dry. She wasn't like any of those girls, she wasn't afraid to order a triple cheeseburger or stuff her face full of popcorn around me. She filled out her bikini top and bottoms, which I may or may not get distracted by on beach days. However, seeing her cuddled up on my couch in my sweatshirt that was way too big on her, glasses perched on her nose, face free of make up was my favorite look.

I didn't know exactly what to call what Blue and I had. We were friends, that's for sure, and I don't think anything either of us had pushed those limits. I wasn't ready for a relationship, still recovering from Kennedy and Blue was still trying to cope with the loss of her brother. Whatever we were right now, I was okay with it. I was more than okay with it and I didn't want it to change.

A light snore shook me from my thoughts. Blue was curled up in a ball now, her head resting on the arm of the couch. Her breaths were long and drawn out, each one beginning with a light snore. I smiled to myself, reaching over her to move the bowl of popcorn and turn the TV off.

Blue didn't usually stay on Fridays, instead reserving stays for Saturday's after basking in the sun for too many hours with the promise of coffee and a sunrise Sunday morning. Sundays were always my favorite day with Blue, spending the day doing mostly nothing until she begged me to teach her how to play the guitar before teaching me a new recipe.

     I knew she was spent from the long day and the nightmare she had the night before. Josie had woken to her screaming and called me the instant Blue managed to get one word out, that being my name. I knew she didn't sleep after her nightmare, walking into the shop with deep blue rings beneath her eyes. I wished that I could stop her nightmares, hating hearing her voice breaking over the phone. I'd never witnessed one in person though but I knew seeing her like that would be much worse.

"Blue, do you want to go to bed?" I rubbed my hand up and down her arm, watching her stir.

"Is it okay if I stay?" She mumbled, keeping her eyes closed.

"Of course, love," She sat up, lifting her arms out for me to carry her, the action making me laugh. She opened one eye as I got up and grabbed her thighs to lift her up. She wrapped her small arms around my neck, humming as she placed her head in the crook of it. Her warm breath fanned across the base of my neck, making my heart speed up.

I carried her to my bedroom, placing her gently on the bed, and watching as she burrowed herself beneath the covers. I ran my tongue across my lips, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. I'd carried Blue to bed many times after long days on the beach so what was so different about today?

I stripped myself of my shirt, crawling onto my side of the bed. I shook off my reaction, feeling extremely tired myself. My back was to Blue but I knew that by the time I'd wake up, she'd be snuggled into my chest as usual.


short filler here guys. i have a SUPER busy weekend so i probably won't be updating the rest of this week but stay tuned because i almost never stick to that. we'll see how inspired i feel

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