chapter forty nine

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We'd gotten the call from Blue about an hour after we devised a plan and Josie had pinned her location immediately. As soon as she'd hung up the phone, the three of us piled into my car and got on the interstate. Josie, being the mother hen of the group, came prepared with snacks and energy drinks. I was currently on my third energy drink as I hadn't slept in over 24 hours. Thank god I wasn't the one driving.

     "You good, babe? You need me to switch you?" Josie asked Lucas as she peeked her head between the two front seats. He shook his head, telling her no as he kept his focus on the road. She leaned forward, kissing his cheek and I watched as a smile grew on his face. They were a really good match and I was kind of surprised they hadn't gotten together earlier. I guess everyone said that about Blue and I though.

     "How are you doing, H?" I turned my head to give Josie a small smile, trying hard to keep my eyes open. She just sighed, patting my head like a dog, making me laugh, "What's your game plan for when we get there?"

     "Well, the video is obviously the first thing. I figured I'd go knock on her door and she'll try to kick me out. Probably not as threatening as you but I know I'm the last person she wants to see right now. I would be too in her shoes. I'll ask her to hear me out, just like I did with you, and show her the video and you know, tell her I love her in the most cliche movie way. I just hope she'll hear me out..." My voice trailed off as I thought about the possibility that if Blue wasn't going to hear me out, I was going to lose her altogether.

     And that's when the panic set in because I also didn't think about the possibility that Blue didn't love me back....then what was I supposed to do? I mean, she did love me back....right? All signs pointed to yes but the small possibility of her telling me no and that she never wanted to see me again sat at the very back of my mind. What if I did all this for nothing? What would I do without-

     "Get out of your head, Dreamboat," She gave the back of my head a light thump, making me give her a dirty look, "She loves you too, you idiot. I've never seen her so smitten before so keep your good vibes up and get rid of the bad ones. Focus on getting your girl back because I don't want to live without her either." I didn't know how Josie somehow always knew what I was thinking, but she always did. Blue did for the most part too. Maybe it was strictly a girl thing.

     "We're about five minutes away so you better muster up whatever courage you got left, bud," Lucas stated, taking a side glance at me as we got off on the next exit. I swallowed down whatever bad feelings I produced in my brain and sat up straight in my seat. I rubbed my hands together nervously as the hotel sign came into view. I noticed Poppy right away as she stood out among all the plain and newer vehicles in the parking lot.

     "Okay, I'll go in saying she's my sister to get the room number and a key and you guys just walk straight to the elevators. I'll meet you on the second floor and we'll go from there," Josie stated as we parked, "Let's go get the girl, Dream Team!" She shouted as she unbuckled and hopped out of the car.

     "The Dream Team?" I looked over at Lucas, watching as he shrugged.

     "Seems fitting, plus she never calls me a dream. I'll take what I can get." I sighed, rolling my eyes at this as we both got out and walked into the hotel. I saw Josie at the front counter, working her southern charm on the poor front desk clerk who looked as if he were about to faint at the sight of her. I heard Lucas chuckle beside me as we made our way to the elevator.

     "Oh thank you so much, sweetheart! I'm always losing my key and I know my sister drove quite aways today so I don't want to wake her! You're the best, sugar! Enjoy your evening!" My mouth fell open as the doors shut, this only enhancing Lucas's laughter.

     "What can I say, my girl is good at accents," I continued to give him a stunned look, having never heard Josie speak like that to anyone the whole time I'd known her, "Southern is her best considering that's her natural but it makes things interesting in bed." My eyes went wide at this comment, a look of disgust falling over my face as I looked at Josie as a little sister.

     "Yeah, let's make a deal right now that whatever you and Josie do in bed, stays between the two of you and I'll do the same with Blue. It's like you're talking about my baby sister," I shivered, shaking my head as the elevator reached the second floor. Lucas just laughed, shrugging it off.

     The elevator disappeared quickly and it was my guess that Josie was already on her way up. I rocked back and forth on my heels as the numbers above the doors moved from one to two. There was a small ding and the doors revealed an overly smiley Josie. She walked straight over to me and wrapped her arms around my torso.

     "Room 346 on the next floor. Go get your girl so we can all drive back to Malibu and get some well deserved sleep. Don't fuck it up." She pulled away, patting my back before walking over to Lucas. She gave me a wink as I stepped onto the elevator, "We'll be waiting in the car!"

     The doors shut and my heart rate escalated as the elevator followed. It was only going up one floor so I had to recoup quickly. The elevator dinged before the doors once again opened to an identical floor as the last. My eyes searched the door numbers until I landed in front of the one I needed. I took one last deep breath before knocking loudly. I knew she'd most likely be asleep so on top of her thinking I was cheating on her, I was also waking her up, something I wouldn't normally dare to do without a coffee in hand.

     I heard commotion from inside the room before the door swung open, revealing a half asleep Blue. She had one eye closed as she squinted with the other. When she realized it was me, both of her eyes opened and a deep frown set on her face. She crossed her arms over her chest as she shook her head.

     "Harry? What the hell are you doing here?"


haha cliffhanger for y'all. i promise you won't have to wait much longer, i finally have things figured out i think. only a few more chapters and an epilogue to look forward to

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