Chapter 1

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This is a long one..
Hope you all like it..

Warning: Angst and death

{Words count : 1033}


3rd person pov

Almost all the whole SMP members surround their admin, all of them are wearing full enchanted armor and weapons. All had one thing in mind and that its to put their admin inside the Pandora's vault.

"Surrender now Dream, you've clearly been defeated by us" George said to his ex friend.

But that didn't affect 'Dream' at all and he's just smiling at them, not doing anything.

"What are you smiling about, we've got you surrounded!" Quackity snarled at the man but this man just kept smiling, his smiles turns into a menacing one that caused the group to have shiver up their spine.

"Hmmm.. what do you mean defeated?" He tilt his head as he question them still smiling menacingly. "And who is this 'Dream' person you'll talking about?"  This cause them to look at the man weirdly at the questions he asked.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Sapnap yelled at the man. "What do you mean who is this dream person!? You are dream! Have you already lost your mind!" He angrily shouted at the man.

"Oh! You mean smiley, I almost completely forgotten him... Thank you for reminding me"  as he mockingly bow down to them. "And I'm really disappointed in all of you that you couldn't tell the difference between me and smiley"

"What do you mean by that?" Tubbo asked the man.

"You see I'm not really smiley though, I'm just using his appearance to caused trouble here"  he smiles at the confused crowed in front of him. 

"Here let me show you what I'm talking about"

After he said that, he stood there as small particles start to float around him, getting faster and more appeared each second, then this developed his body. Seconds later a being was replaced where the man stood a second ago.

This being wearing the same hoodie but with deep violet color, no mask, his eyes are black with  dark violet pupils, he has a pair of violet horn above his head, a demon's tail wagging slightly and a pair of demon wings.

"What the-!"
"What's going on!"
"Who are you!?"

The group yelled in confusion about what happened just a second ago.

"Let me introduce myself.. my names Lucid but in your kind it would be Dreamonhe introduced himself, then he heard a gasped around the group. He grinned at this as he clearly knows who they are.

"N-no way, we defeated you, we performed the rituals right. H-how are you here!?" Fundy start stuttering his words as he shivered at the being in front of them.

"H-how!? There's no way we messed that up!" Tubbo stuttered as well as shaking slightly.

"Well .. nice to see you again dear hunters" he greets the two still grinning at them. "You did perform the rituals right but the only thing is that you performed the wrong one and that made me stronger than before" he explained at them.

"What do you mean the wrong one?" Fundy  whispers asked the man.

"By the wrong one means you performed a ritual that can grant me a power to control the host I got and they can even die from the pain of controlling them or the 'fun' of playing with them, instead of banishing me from the body of the host I made" he laugh at the horrified expressions he got from them.

"W-wait, if you're here and you controlled Dream's body..." Tubbo starts he looked around to find someone only to have an horrified and scared looked in his face ".... T-then where's the real Dream?" He voice began to shake at the realization he had in mind. The others start to realized it too... as they looked around to find something or someone, but they found nothing...

"Oh, you mean smiley, here I'll bring him here for all of you to see what I've done to the 'Tyrant' that you all loathed about" then he snap his fingers and blinding lights come for a five whole seconds this caused them to cover their eyes.

As the light died down they open their eyes only to see someone laying on the ground that all of them know who they are.


They yelled and some cried from the sight of the figure who lay at the dirt path, staying still and not breathing. He had a lot of large gashes from all of his body, his green worn out hoodie turning red from the blood flowing out of him, dull green lifeless eyes open and his porcelain mask is broken in pieces beside him.

They couldn't move at all, they all stared at the body still crying..

"Oh dear, he's dead already... Must've been the torture I put him through and not taking care of his wounds...." He said not even a slight sympathy can be heard in his voice only disappointment. "Oh well.." he looked at them for the last moment then smiled at them. ".... This is goodbye for now my dear marionettes and maybe one day we'll play again"  then he disappear from where he stood like no one's been standing there in the first place.

The group stood there for a second to let all the information sink in but they realized the lifeless body of Dream. They broke out from their trance then running to his side hopefully praying that he's not dead and they can still heal him.

"Dream! wake up please...!"
"Do any of you have an healing potion or any potions in you to help him!?"
"N-no please... You muffinhead wake up..."
"My baby D-duckling don't leave me please"
"C'mon big D, wake up!"
"Why do all of the potions not working on him!?"
"Dream.. n-no no.. don't die please!"

They cried as they tried to wake him up or heal him. They tried everything... foods to potions...  but nothing's working as all of their effort didn't work as he just lie there all lifeless and bloody.

"No" they whimpered. They couldn't  save him. It's already to late... All of them knew this from the start yet they didn't believed in it and still tried.


Hmm... Not bad for a first chapter..

But hey I tried to make it more angsty and I guess this is all I can do..

If any of you found any wrong grammars and spelling please point it out so I can correct it. It would really help with my writings and grammar to improve.

Hope you like it readers and if you still want to read this then see you all at the next chapter.

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