Chapter 40

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[ Word count : 1014 ]


"Hey Purpled can you tell us what's the name of the book?" Tubbo asked the other. His curiosity hasn't been lift off since the day the book was introduced.

Karl heard the two and ask Purpled too.
"Oh yeah the one that someone cut you off when you're about to say the title" He was trying his best to recall the memory not long ago -he think it's not long ago but it's been weeks since that was brought up- since his memory is not the best right now.

"Sure.. and it's only the half, we don't know where the other half is" he got the book from his inventory and give it to Eret, since he's more responsible than the others so. Eret gratefully took the book and read the title with his baritone voice that lit up at the middle.

"The book of Necromancy" 

They all share a look at each other as the title was announced, a light of hope shone deep within them.

"Do you mean that-"

"Yeah we could"

"Are you sure this would work?" George's not sure about this, it could go wrong or right, he hope it would be the latter.

"I- I honestly don't know but we have to try right?" Sam forced his lips to form a small smile, he too can't get the feeling of this would go wrong again like the last time-, but he just can't back away from this.

"You mean I had to go back to that shitty life that I had?" An echoing voice rang out, a certain ghost goat man floating above them with the bottle of unlimited wine on his hands as he spoke with a sober but serious tone. "No way man, being a ghost is great I can drink till my heart content and I can't die twice"

"But don't you like being alive again?" Quackity tries to reason the ghost who only look at him with dead eye - I mean he's a ghost now - that sent shiver at his spine.

"What does life even gave me?" He ask in a dead tone, still looking at the duck hybrid intensely floating closely and a little higher. "Who even want me to be alive again? Do you all want your other scapegoat again since the other one is controlled and dead like me?" He fired every question with a bitter and sarcastic tone, letting them know what he really wanted to deliver a message.

A cold and threatening aura surrounds them, they all fall into a deafening silence as the ghost fired them question that hit a nerve within the one who witness them all.

"Focused on the new task in our hands and break the drama, we have more important things to discuss here" Technoblade, the piglin hybrid that is scared of no one even death but afraid if one of his family got hurt. His chat are now whining and complaining on why he broke the tension and just spamming alphabet letters as usual.


"Techno's right, Glatt we approve and support that you don't want to be alive again and guys should we do it or not?"

"Let's do it, if it doesn't work then we'll just find another way for it" Eret reassured them, his baritone voice give a small calm feeling for them. They have this determination filled them, gulping down as they look at the book.

"How can we send this book to the other side of this void like world?"

"Ehem- Nightmare or Drista?" Techno stated with a matter of fact tone. He is sitting on the ground and chatting quietly with his voices and ignoring the two gremlin not to far away from him.

"Oh- forgot about the other wastaken siblings, wait Drista! She's here?" Hannah start look around to spot a green gremlin that's currently with them but she didn't even see her once!.

"Oop- I thought you wouldn't notice me"


Time Skip was brought to you by Tommy's vlog gun


"Are you sure that you've sent it on a right coordinate?"

"Yes I'm sure! How many answer do you want to make you believe that I sent it to them?"

".... I'm still not convinced you know..."

"Shush it you two, I can confirm that Sapnap sent it at the exact coordinate where the four is in to"

"Yeah Big Man. Just believe in Big N and I'm sleeping here and that loud mouth of yours is annoying"

"That's really rich coming from you"

"That's enough Jack, it's been forever since we took a break and please let us all sleep here in peace"



"Just because I'm exhausted too"

"Yeah yeah"


Back at the Overworld group


> Dream woke up a few minutes ago <

A small groan of pain came from a certain room as a man got up from a peaceful slumber that pain accompanied him even in his sleep.

"Where am I?"

Sound of shuffling and running can be heard but the headache he got the better of it that he didn't hear the door flung open by someone.

'Did that Dreamon got the book!?'


'What about the Egg? Vines?'


'The Crimson Egg is still there someone need to kill it!'

Multiple voices called him but the static from his ears and the aching body of his muffled all the voices until a hand on his shoulder brought him back to reality.

"Hey Phil, are you okay?"

A soft voice ask him, he doesn't know who they belong too and he never question it as he nod at them.

"That's good, here take this it will make the headache go"

Someone handed him a small bottle and something, he hesitate a little and still drinking the bottle. It had a strawberry like flavour and smooth too so a regeneration potion and a water.

The headaches of his finally died down, the static and constant ringing is gone. He look up and saw familiar faces giving him a smile of reassurance.


"Crow father is back again huh?" Dream jokes around, bringing them to chuckle.

"I guess I did"


A/N : I really need to write a book with a completed and organized plot.

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