Chapter 18

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{ Word count : 801 }


"Now this is really cute and all- but can you please let go of my brother and start running unless you want to be tangle in one of those vines crawling at us"

Drista remind the others by being sassy and she just scooted away from them. Nightmare just continue to glare at them, he walk to them and snatched his brother then run the hell out of there to the country. The two brothers didn't register at first when they turn around, a bunch of red vines creeping closer to them.

"I-is that vine sentient?" Ghostbur ask as he saw one of the vines looking right and left like they have eyes and found them then crawling to them.

"Yup, and you know what, do you have a mower on you? If not then I'm going to use your blue sheep there to eat all the vines"
Techno asked seriously the ghost, not having any second thought or so, he didn't care and just want to get this vines to go in other direction besides them so he can just walk freely.

"*Gasp!* You are not using Friend! I won't let you and no I don't a mower in me" And then the ghost float up high on the sky clutching his blue sheep and leaving the Blood God behind.

"I tried but I guess we'll try another way, so what's the other suggestions chat?" He was really bored now and just want action.

Burn the vines!

Use the Axe!

Cut it down!

Just let me sleep here


My axe is my buddy!

Fireworks- make it colourful like Tubbo's execution

I'm tired but I will just say E

Just chop them down with the Axe and go to your "rival" (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chop chop and just leave it here

Cook it with fire then eat it!

Ye- wait..... No!

Why? It's perfect and it look like a pasta to me

Why you do that and now I'm hungry



I'm leaving this one to your imagination readers


By the time the wastaken siblings arrive at the country, it was pure chaos. They all look like a headless chickens running back and forth 'looking for something that can't be found' yelling there and here.

"What the hell is going on here!?" Nightmare yelled at them.

But they didn't heard him, they just continue to run around screaming over and over but it was to many voices screaming at the same time so they can't a single thing here.


"Hey guys!"


His patience are running low, his voice are getting sore from screaming here and there.
He sigh and glance at his siblings, they notice this glance and it's meaning they quickly covered their ears.

He inhaled a lot of air and.....


His voice was so loud that all of them covered their ears for a minute before uncovering them. He smiled at his success, good thing that he let his siblings notify on what he's planning before going into action, if not he will have a lot of tattoo in his body, different sizes and colors.

The people of L'manberg turning to them, wide eyes and a little confuse for a second.

"So now you heard me" he rolled his eyes and voice dripping with sarcasm and fake amusement. "So what's the problem here that you all acting like a bunch of headless chickens?" He ask them, putting his ghost brother down and hands in hips, one eye brow perking up and eyes narrowing at the group.

"Brother I think you broke them" Drista said to him, she had a smile on her face, eyes glinting in amusement as she observe the people standing like a statue and looking dumbfound at them.

"Well shit!"

"Shit indeed..."

"Are they okay?" A voice from above question them, they look at this person and saw Ghostbur floating above them with a blue sheep on his hands.

"There just suprise Ghostbur, don't worry about it"



"Looks like you have a plan for this one brother, a small victory for you but it's only the beginning..... Do you have a plan to make sure that you will stay the winner?"

XD smiled in amusement, the world that they create turning into a mess, but they know they can't interfere just yet, it's not the perfect time. So now they just sit back and relax, munching popcorn and watching the chaos happen like a movie.

"The egg of manipulation and destruction versus the little book of ???? and ????,  Who will win this battle?"


You can see here that a piglin hybrid, walking peacefully with a bore expression. He had a small fight with someone of something but who...

We may never know....


I'm supposed to be answering my modules and exam but I have no motivation to do so here I am.

I think I'm writing a crack fic instead of angsty one.....

And no broken fourth walls yet...

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