Chapter 35

565 23 10

I decide to draw Technoblade last night and damn... I became a simp just by looking at



{ Word count : 793 }


"Give them back Lucid"

'There it is'

They all turned into the new voice, confusion evident on their face as they can't see who or where the new comer is.

"Who are you?"

"Tsk, can't even recognize me... That hurt a little you know"

The new voice saddened a little and this just made them more confuse, they can't recognize this new person is....

"Maybe this will refresh your memories...


"How is he?" A sad echoing voice call...

"He's stable now and I don't know when he will wake up" A fox hybrid replied, ears dropping above his head and tail wrapped around his waist.

"Atleast he's stable than before and don't lose hope now, he can't just die like this.... Besides he's the father of the three chaotic children" Nikki reassured them, smiling softly to hide her pain. She had her arms wrapped around the fox hybrid, comforting him and made him a little more at ease.

"Yeah Nikki's right, he survive by raising three children and fighting us in war" Puffy continued. She's sitting next to her duck- I mean Dream. She wants to hug him, to reassure him that it's gonna be fine but after all of that happened, she can't....

There's a small silence coated the atmosphere with a comfort one. The only noise is the beeping machine that hooked across the sleeping man.

"Don't worry Fundy, you can make him all better again.." Dream cheerfully exclaimed, handing Fundy a blue dye. He hug him for better reassurance.

Fundy just sit there still, not moving at all and tense. A pair of cold arms wrapped around him, a familiar warmth spread inside of him and it made him a little relax than before.

"Th-thanks Dream" He manage to say, shakily hugging the other back. Trying not to tear up is hard for him, after all it's his ex fiance, that they all thought the one who did all of the awful things, hugging him and giving him comfort.

"You're Welcome" Dream unlatch himself and floated towards Ghostbur who had a gloomy aura around him. This made him confuse on why would the usually happy go lucky ghost be this gloomy.

"Ghostbur?" He call the other ghost, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Ghostbur broke out of this and felt a hand on his shoulder, he look up and saw milky green eyes looking at him with confusion and worry. This made his dead heart flutter a little but still can't rid of that gloomy feeling of him.

"He can make it, Philza is a strong man" He heard him said that, it gave him a little more hope that before, he gave Dream a small smile and pull him for a hug. "Thank you Dream" He whispers softly at the ghost ear who reply "Anytime, just glad to make you much better than before" Hugging him closer, creating a small warmth against their cold ghost body.

The three others just smiles softly at the two ghost, the atmosphere getting a little more warm.

'Wish we know that you are not yourself sooner then this wouldn't had to happen'

The three of them thought, saddening a little. Feeling guilty that they couldn't tell which is which. It cost them only despair and sorrow, now that he's here with no memories of the past, the know that it will haunt them for long as they all live.

'We're sorry..... We should've know better'

They know they can't change the past, so they need to fix it all at the present time. Trying to bring them back again, don't let them feel lonely and afraid.

Things could've change for the better if they notice this sooner but who are they to change the past. Changing the past means changing the future, creating more chaos than it is already. So they just leave it be and heal from it, fixing the broken and hollow spots, changing and learning from it.


"The past can't be changed, the present is where you all fix the mends you have and maybe a bright future will be there" a figure spoke, white and black eyes watching the scene unfold. They can't interfere with the chaos it rained down the SMP.

"Don't let the history repeat itself again, try to change for the better and it's gonna be okay at the end" They can't physically show their emotions, so they remained stoic on the outside but smiling fondly in the inside.

"Two books can change the reality, don't let it fall into the wrong hands" They closed their eyes, the whole room started to get dark. Two heterochromatic eyes watch the scene for the last time and let the room turned dark.

"But it already happened....."


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