Chapter 11

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I already written down the finale of this book, I just have to make some plot to go with the end.


{ Word count : 882 }


The two living people and two ghost are now leaving to their journey to L'manberg...

When they were walking Ghostbur hummed a familiar tune, a song that's so familiar that made Dream stop in his tracks.
This made the group stop and look at Dream with confusion on why he suddenly stop walking.

"Dream, are you okay there buddy?"
Nightmare look at Dream in confusion with slight curiosity.

"H-huh, oh I'm okay! It's just that song that Ghostbur humming is really familiar and I don't know why" Dream smiles at reassuring them that he is fine.

"My humm? You must be talking about the L'manberg anthem that I wrote back when I was alive"

"Really! You wrote that, you must be a good song writer"

This made Ghostbur blush a little.

"Well not really, it's like my hobby"

"So, can you sing it right here?"


By the time now the group are continuing there journey.

And Ghostbur just got his guitar in his hands magically and start strumming...

Well I heard there was a special place
Where man could and emancipate
The brutality and tyranny of the ruler

Well this place is real we needn't fret
Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret
It's very big place not blown up L'manberg

My L'manberg~
My L'manberg~
My L'manberg~
My L'manberg~

He finished singing and start to scratch the back of his neck embarrassingly.

"It's not finished yet, but I know that this will be my forever unfinished symphony"
He smiled sadly and made his guitar go back to wherever it came from and hold Friend up.

"It's really good though, but.... It's just that the lyrics that I remember is not like that at all" Dream was now really confused on why he can here that there's whispers and singing on his ear.

"What do you mean Dream?"

"It just that the voices are singing in different verse, a dark version and not that one"

"Voices, it's strange that 2 days from where you live with us, it only bothered you now"

"Yeah, I don't really think about them anymore and they just start to whisper to me now"

"Can you sing the voices version of my song?"

"Are you sure? This version is not a happy song"

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