Chapter 12

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Enjoy readers

{ Word count : 1052 }


The sun is closely setting and the group are still going to their journey and just a few more blocks and they will be at their destination. But what's a journey without a little competition along the way.

Cause right now Dream just got a little sleepy and he's in the middle of the two brothers, Ghostbur in right and Techno in left, floating he's slightly staggering and realising a small yawn in every seconds. Nightmare just went away for a second and the two just take this opportunity to walk or float besides Dream without getting the wrath of an overprotective brother.


A yawn got to the duo's ears as they noticed that the green ghost slightly staggering and eyes dropping.

"You sleepy Dream?"


"Hop on my back and just sleep" Ghostbur insisted the ghost and blushing slightly at the thought of the other ghost in his back sleeping peacefully, but his brother had other idea..

"C'mon nerd, just get here and let me carry you to L'manberg" Techno an Tsundere type but has an ability to tease and get his enemy be mad at him.

"It's okay Techno I can carry him for you, I'm sure you don't like socializing with humans right?" Ghostbur said at his sweetest and most kindest tone ever and giving a smile to Techno.

"Yeah I said humans, not ghost and besides I don't mind smiley cause when we spar, it's a socializing type too" Techno said in most calming and monotonous voice he could muster and if you would observe closely...  you could see that his eyes and pig ears are twitching slightly.

Now Dream just look at the fighting verbally back and forth, a small yawn escape and he just got more sleepier and curious on what are the two fighting about.

"What's happening here? I'm only gone for like two minutes"

A voice from behind stop the two from fighting and slightly stiffened cause they know who this is.

Dream's overprotective brother, Nightmare. He's putting a curious persona here but in reality he's just a little close to get his kneecap remover from his pocket.

He stared at them deeply to their soul, one eyebrow up and hands twitching slightly to to go and get his weapon for simps. His mask is in the side of his head so they can clearly see his "fake" curiosity.

After a while of staring contest.


A yawn broke the silence and Nightmare stop staring at them and go to his brother and giving him a piggy back ride.

"Just sleep, it's okay we'll be there when you wake up" Nightmare muttered softly to his brother and got a nod then he felt the other's head in his shoulder with soft snoring. He smiled softly at this then going back to the other two...

"You two are lucky that my brother is asleep, cause when he's not and far away from here, I swear to Dresus that your kneecaps will be gone from where they belong, got it?" Ha stated firmly at the two and got his yes "Good, now let's go and maybe in sunrise we'll be there in L'manberg"

And now they continue their journey with a sleeping ghost, a overprotective brother and two scared simps.

They love their kneecaps thank you very much, so they know not to anger the CEO of the company on Kneecaps Remover.


XD's still going with their matchmaker

"Now this is fun to watch!" They wheezed as he saw the scene unfold "These two have my approval when they try and court my child, but they have to pass the nico nico kneecaps remover" And they're munching some popcorn with a drinks besides them.

Getting comfy in their chair and taking notes from what's happening in SMP and a simple little egg didn't escape their eyes but didn't do anything cause they know that maybe it's going to be omelette in future...

Who knows...

But for now they're going to relax and watch the on-going crisis and problems on the SMP without helping them a single bit as this is their punishment for not even having a second thought of imprisoning their child.


Few hours later


Now at the middle of the night all of the people are now asleep except for the trio.

It's now Dream's third hint of his brother's creator...

Dream's La la la land

Dream's saw his parent sitting in a couch with mask off and he can see the one beautiful blue green eye, little freckles across the cheecks with a large gash from his left eye that it became a letter X.

"Ready for your third hint?"

Dream nodded eagerly and now sitting on the floor of this weird place, now patiently waiting for the hint.

" The third one is

They can see you and know what you do even became one with you..."

Now the third one just got harder to know and now it became a riddle, a hard for a ghost like him. He just shakes his head and look at his parent, he knows that he can't answer this one without the last piece of the puzzle.

"Giving up already?"

"No I'm not, just-" he tried to find an excuse but he can't, until a light bulb appear.

"It's just that I know that I can't answer it, without the last hint, like a puzzle without it's last piece"

"Now, where did you learn on how to be a poetic person Dream?"

"I don't know maybe ask the Author"


"Dream, you know you can't break the forth wall, do you know how much it cost to buy a single package of flex tape"



Time travel brought to you by Author going broke after buying flex tape


"Well let's just say that, I had a little help"

"Now I'm getting suspicious on who is this little helper of yours?"

"I can to tell you but I can't cause it will ruin the suprise"

"Fine, so how's your day?"

And they just talk until it's time for Dream to wake up from his slumber and meet the world of living even if he's dead.

"Wait, wait what should I call you, mom or dad?"

"It depends on which you're comfortable with"

"Oh okay goodbye......"


Yeah I'm the Author and I'm really confused at this one. Infact I'm really confused at this book.

Plus, I have like 12 modules and two exams here with no answers  but this is more important.


[ Fun fact: this chapter was supposed to be a chapter 13 but since I finished this early and more fitting from the past chapter so this is the new chapter 12 ]

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