Chapter 25

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{ Word count : 1020 }


"You okay Sap?" Karl ask his other fiance, who's looking longingly at the ghost. Sad smile placed on his soft tan skin.

"Huh- oh Ye-yeah I'm okay" he tried to reason with his Fiances but they're clearly not buying it. "Really I'm okay, see" he showed his smile at them, clearly forced but if it's for convincing his Fiances hell do it.

"Just let it out Sap..." Quackity's voice sounds so soft, he reached out for the tan male and hugged him tightly. "Don't hold it in... We know that you're forcing this, let it all out" He told the other, who's start sobbing at his chest. He just stood there as Karl joined the hug and comfort the one in the middle.

"It's just that- I- he ruined our lives- but it's the Dreamon's fault all this time. We didn't even noticed and now he's here" He started to ramble and crying at his Fiances. "Dead and with no memories, even just a little bit of us"

The two just didn't answer, continued to comfort the other. Staying quiet the whole time as the other blurted out what they felt.

"Why didn't I noticed this? I'm supposed to be his bestfriend, I should've notice that- that thing wasn't my bestfriend! Why!?"

They didn't knows what to answer, they want to but doesn't know how or what's the best answer. When they didn't notice it too. It hurts them that this is what the other feels and they didn't know how to make them feel better.

"Am- Am I not good enough? Do I deserve to be called his friend anymore?"

This made them panic, Sapnap just punishing himself with this thoughts circling around his head.

"No don't say that! You are enough Sapnap please don't say that!"

"He's right okay, it's not your fault... Its not.."

" I-itst's true!" He didn't believe them, the voices on his head, just keep insulting him.

"No it isn't!"

They hugged the tan male tighter, too afraid that maybe he's the fourth one to became a ghost when they let go. They prayed that he would listen to them.


Karlnapity angst nice 👌


The Piglin hybrid noticed that someone's missing but couldn't put a finger who is it. He look around to try and remember who and found nothing until.....


A voice from behind said. He turned around and see the two teenagers that he accidentally left alone with the vines and he just walked away, red sticky substance staining his clothes but he doesn't care about it.

"Wait.... Dream! He's here... where-" Another voice from one of te two teenagers got cut off. He's mood from cheerful and happy to suprised and sad.

They stared at the ghost who's trying the two figures from fighting something.

"How- what happened?"

"He's Dead...... How!?"

The two boys demand answers and the Piglin hybrid who's  lacking social skills, is the first one they asked for answers.

And oh boy...

The chats are having a good time there.

Hahaha can't answer a single question lame

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