Chapter 54

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[ Word count : 1685


They followed the vines, their steps are getting faster and faster as the vines getting it's boosts, clearly wanting them to follow it. They had their weapons out and armours are in perfect condition to wear so that's what they did, wherever this vine is leading them is dangerous and no one can put their guard's down at any moment.

Dream was getting closer and closer to the vines, the shears in his hands are squeezed tight from how strong his grip is. His minds just kept screaming at him to cut it down, burn it or do anything to harm/kill it and he is not disagreeing with them. That's why he made his steps more faster that before, eyes locked on to that moving red thing on the ground as he licked his lips in anticipation.

As he was about a centimeter close to cutting it, it suddenly goes black indicating that it decayed from whatever reason. Growling in frustration that he didn't even manage to scratch it, that he didn't see the giant mansion in front of them until Fundy commented about it.

"Guys... I think we found it" Fundy's amazement can't be hidden from his voice, looking at the magnificent mansion in front of his very eyes is really a sight to see, not much as Dream's stature but you get the point.

"What in the holy macaroni needs a big ass mansion like this when there's only a few people living inside of it?" Dream said out loud, gaining weird looks from his friends but he ignores them and still giving the house some stink eye. He's a little jealous cause it's more beautiful than his but it's a secret.

"There's no answer for that, let's just go in and maybe get lucky if we found them" Puffy gracefully strutting towards the entrance door, leaving the four behind as Nikki walked besides her.

They noticed this and quickly run to catch to the group.

"H-hey wait for us!"


They all are now inside and boy was it even more massive than the outside. It's literally a maze as soon as they stepped foot inside.

"This is where we split, we need to find them as soon as possible so we have to do it individually" Philza instruct them, they all nodded in agreement much to Techno and Wilbur's dismay. The two of them wants to be with Dream but it's Philza's order, they can't do shit if they want to be beaten by a belt.

"We will meet outside of this mansion"

Thus the search had begun. It didn't help that this mansion is so big and like a maze inside, there's turns everywhere they go and it only lead to a dead end or from the very start.

Lucky for them tho that they didn't meet any enemies, which is really odd on why there weren't any of them guarding the place but they shook their head and focuse on why they are in the first place.

'Saving their friends asses and crack the egg open, maybe kill the last boss too'


Two Hours Later


Wilbur's panting harshly while leaning against the same wall that he passed several times now. He's been running circles around this mansion, passing each and every turn then before he knew he is back from where he started.

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