Chapter 8

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Back with another long chapter

{Word count : 1420}



Day time


Far away from the L'manberg

The two travelers are going back to their homeland, their quest of finding a cure are a failure. Still, that didn't made them lose hope for finding it.

Now the two teenagers are now walking and only a hundred blocks ahead of them and they're out of that jungle and met with the sandy place.

"Hey, Ranboo?" The other called the hybrid besides him.

"Hmm.. ?" Ranboo made a sound, telling him that he's listening.

"Let's go explore this place for a temple and maybe we can find a loot that may help us or to home with us home" he suggests the other as they getting bored from walking here in the middle of the desert.

"Sure and we can find some village here too"

"Yes, first one to find a temple or a village can take one item from the last one, okay?"

"Hah, as if I'll lose, I may have a memory problem but that won't stop me from finding it first"

"That's the spirit, remember the condition okay"

"I know you didn't have to remind me Purpled, okay"

"Hahaha, I'm just messing with you!"

And that's the start of the two bestfriend trying to find some temple or a village without straying from away from the path going to L'manberg.





"B-bad, are you okay?" A diamond man ask his bestfriend, as he saw him almost every hour going back and forth to one place to the other.

"I'm never been okay Geppy!" The half demon exclaimed with full of happiness and this made the diamond man became suspicious of him.

"Infact! I have something to show you! If only you can keep it a secret" Now that really made Bad in full suspicious off the chart in the radar of Skeppy, as the other never ever kept a secret from him before.

But he had to act like he's not, so he can discover this secret his bestfriend hid from him.

"It's you don't know me at all, Bad" He faked like an arrow pierced his heart "I can, definitely! Keep a secret you know" Skeppy smiles at the Demon playfully.

"I know you can, it's like, I don't trust enough with this secret"

Now that really hurt Skeppy as soon as the words got out of the Half Demon hybrid. It's like Bad was a different person now, he didn't even sugar coat everything he says and just straight to the point.

"So I want you to promise me that you won't tell anyone okay" Bad voice turn serious and not the sweet voice he used to hear every day, and his eyes are now calculated and cold, not the soft one.

"I promise"

He didn't make an eye contact at Bad, he didn't want the other to know that he's tearing up a little and the hurt look at his face. Thankfully his voice didn't crack, after years of trolling people he's a pro of acting here, so he acted like he heard nothing.

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