Chapter 34

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{ Word count : 1343 }



A little songfic from the start


"What a nice surprise, I was about to find all of you, now I don't have too" They glare at the Demon in front of them, smiling at them. "You know, it's time to introduce my puppet collection to all of you"

He walk a little closer to them, pulling a string on his fingers one by one, as more figure starts to shows up behind him.

"Welcome to our freak show
Come meet my monsters"

He gestures the figures beside him, it made them a little confused....

"Oh such a fine collection
Of stranger things"

One of them step forward and it was Bad, the Demon are now standing infront of them, not smiling or doing anything he used to do and it freak them out.

"My patience running thinner on this melting clock,
Cerebrum jailed with thoughts, most would consider rot..."

Another one of them step out and it was Skeppy, but his usually bright blue diamond skin turned into a red one, eyes red like bad, void of emotions that send shivers up to their spine.

"To think you're any different from animal"

Another one step out and it's Ant, the cat hybrid looking at them with a feral look from his now red eyes, ears and tail flicking at them in anger and hatred. It hurts them.

"A creature sick as you should be put down
But I can't help my self" he smiled at them, smiling with so much sweetness that it could rot anyone's teeth just by looking at it.

"Oh-na-na-na Oh-na-na-na
Oh-na-na-na Oh-na-na-na"

This got the others suprise, eyes widen as they look at the three figures standing besides the Demon and the other three from behind him, they can't see who they are. The vines of the wrapped around them, making them a puppet on a strings, can't do anything unless someone tugged the strings.

Tommy broke out of his shock and scream at the Demon, his hybrid features pop out and everyone can see it but he's too angry to care about that.

"Give our friends back you bitch!?" Tommy had enough of this, first Dream's dead because of him now them! Oh he is not joking around anymore. "First you controlled and killed our brother now them!" He screamed at him, venom dripping from his mouth that could flood a whole town. Glaring daggers at the Dreamon, teeth baring at him as his ears and tail flickering from left to right to show how agitate he is.

"And why would I do that? Can you all tell me where was the last time you saw them, talk or just hangout with them?" He only chuckle at this, he wants to coo at the raccoon hybrid child for being this "angry" at him. The amount of strength he found to suppress it from his throat. "It's not me who didn't noticed it earlier, if all of you knew that he's not in control then this wouldn't happen, but you all just accept that he is a bad guy and all of the bad things is his fault" Lucid rolled his eyes, what he said is true, if they knew him enough to compare him to his copycat then this wouldn't happen. He wants to make them learn and at the same crush their spirits.

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