Chapter 39

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[ Word count : 822 ]


Ghostbur snap his eyes open when he felt someone flinching and whimpering, he blink rapidly to get his sleepiness then trailed his eyes to see who it was and it's Dream. His eyes widen, quickly engulfing the younger in a hug to calm, talking to get him out of his panic but despite all the gestures he's done, nothing could calm the whimpering ghost.

"Dream... DREAM!"

Then a second later, the ghost eyes opened and it wasn't the same cheerfull one's he knows, it was full of fear and pain. His breathing was ragged as his hands form a shaking strong grip on his sweater. Ghostbur look at him sadly as he wrapped his ghostly hands around the younger to offer some comfort.

"Shhh... It's okay Dream, I'm here" He run his hands softly through the soft golden locks and tracing small circles on the back, whispering calming words. This process repeats for about five minutes until Dream calm down.

"Ghostbur?" He weakly rasped, eyes going hollow as his panic settling down.

"It's me Dream" Ghostbur answer. The older ghost look at the younger with his soft chocolate brown eyes. "How are you feeling now Dream?" He ask softly, not going to set another panic attack.

"My head is hurting and tired.."

"Can I go and bring Fundy here to make it all better?" The blonde didn't answer instead he nod, Ghostbur beamed at that and carefully untangling himself and gone with a blink of an eye to go and find the furry, leaving the blonde behind.

Remember our promise my little starlight

A familiar voice cooed to his ear and his head shut up looking left and right to pinpoint where the voice came from.

Go to the Church after you came back...

This confuse him. I mean why would the voices wants him to go to the Church and what does it mean after he came back?

Just wait patiently and you'll know the answer little one...

Don't tell anyone about this please..

The voice just pleaded with him, this suprise him nonetheless he agreed, promising that he won't tell anyone even though he doesn't know what it is.

After a long time, it's almost complete...

I'm sorry

Prime Church is where almost the answer that you'll seek...

Go to the prime church

Okay now this is getting weird

-Why are they saying sorry for? Go to the Church, why? What answers?-

So many questions but so little answers. It's making his headache worse, deciding to rest it all up and maybe it will all go away or Fundy could do to take it all. He sigh, lying onto the soft bed, curling underneath the blanket, snuggling it closer to him as a familiar void came to his vision, pulling him into the calming presence as he succumb into the darkness.

Sleep for now and I'm sorry...

t'll be better in the end of this, I promise..


After minutes of searching for Fundy, Ghostbur found him to where the Prison supposed to be. It brings back some bad memories but he manage to overcome it.

Ghostbur floated to where the furry is, not saying a single thing and just dragged him to the community house. They arrive in ten minutes later and that's where Fundy asked.

"Ghostbur, why in the hell would dragged him here!? I can walk you know!"

"Sorry Fundy, it's Dream-" Ghostbur tries to explain but got cut off by an frantic scream from Fundy.

"What happened to him!?"

"He's having a panic attack when he woke up, I help him to calm a little before going to get you"

"... You should just have tell me and I'll be there instead of dragging me for ten minutes!"

"I'm sorry"

"Rrr, you should be" Fundy opened the door and walk right in, walking to where Dream is and see him sleeping. "He's asleep now" He sigh softly before going to brew some health, strength and regen potion incase the Dream wake up with another headache.

"How's Phil doing?" Fundy ask the ghost.

"I don't know but I heard Nikki he's getting better now and maybe he'll wake up soon"

"That's good..."

Silence filled the house. The only thing you could here is the potions being brewed and Ghostbur sheep outside.

It was all peaceful until Fundy said something that embarrassed him.

"Say.. Why are you cuddling with Dream again?"


Back to where the other group is..


They are now walking, continuing their search for the Dreamon and the Eggpire is. The scent of jealousy and revenge in the air didn't leave. The simps can't take their mind off to the picture and be pissed at it, they wish that they are the one in Ghostbur's place right now.

They are walking in silence until Tubbo ask Purpled and Ranboo that averted their mind to them.

"Hey Purpled can you tell us what's the name of the book?"


A/N : The train of short chapters will stop here so beware.

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