Chapter 48

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A/N: just a quick reminder that there's a torture and then I get high with crack at the end for absolutely no reason.

Thank you for reading this reminder, let's go to the story.



[ Word count: 1272 ]


For the past week, the one's in the Overworld was reading the instructions of the book. Going to the Revival Page, they're reading every letter of it to make they never missed a single detail in it.

"Revival of the Death"

Reviving dead people isn't going go be easy as using totems of undying or can be cured by health pot, food or the god Apple. It needs to be precise or it wouldn't work or the process will turn to be opposite, in other words it would mess up the whole thing.

The three ingredients for the revival are:

1. A flower called Dream- ✅

2. Things that the ghost is attached too or killed them- ✅

3. One totems for each ghost- ✅

Each item have a role.

The attachment is for the lost or forgotten memories.

The totems to ensure the safety when the person is on breach of dying and will be saved by it.

The flower to give the ghost another chance to live in a physical body, the effects of this flower to the new revived person isn't going to be easy to predict cause it will either bring them back to life with no problems or will be in a verge of dying so that's where the Totems going to take action.

But there's a crucial information that the person needs to know.

If someone wants to revive this person then they're willing to give one of theirs in exchange.

A life for a life to be exact.

It's seems like a fair exchange right?”

The two last sentences scared them, giving a life to someone is going to have a lot of confidence and self sacrifice to do it. They bury the wariness and fear that crawling up to them and just focuse to where their attempt to revive their friend will be successful.

“This can be done by individual revival or more. Two or more person at a time would be dangerous to the one reciting or doing the spell, as it suck the life force out of the person and can be lead into disaster.

A person with three or more canon lives can do a two dead person at a time but the consequences is going to be worse.

It could lead the person to go in a comatose state and never to wake up again or be paralyzed for their whole life.

There's a 4.20% that it could lead them to their doom but a preparation is a must and it could avoids the incoming death of the said person.


A revived ghost can only have one canon life and If they're to be killed again they would no longer interact as a ghost as they would be deleted permanently!”

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