Chapter 5

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I only found a little motivation so here is the result.

{Word count : 712}

Warning : Lazy author writing this


As Philza and Ghostbur at the house of Techno, and speaking of Techno he walk to the forest to chop some wood down and a curious ghost is right beside him.

"Hey Techno?"


"Do you know my brother?"


"Yeah, his name is Nightmare!"

'So Nighmare is his brother, so that's why he wrote that down on the book' Techno thought as he remembered the name on the book.

"Twin to be exact, he's older than me by minutes and the color of the clothes that we wear are complete opposite of each other like this, my hoodie is color green and his is red, mask is a smiling face and his are frowny one" Dream explained to Technoblade and the other just listened to him while chopping one of the trees.

"Why did you suddenly ask me that?"

"Well, I thought I felt him around somewhere far away from here and he's not happy"

"How'd you know his angry or not?"

He's really curious about this twin of his dead rival.

"I don't know either, maybe because of the bonds or the fact that we're twins? I'm not sure"

"Hmmm... Odd, let's just go back now that I gather the amount of woods I need"


Then the duo travel back to the house, not expecting that there's another ghost inside.

"We're back" Techno said when he opened the door.

"Hi Techno" Ghostbur greets him when he notice him.

"I didn't know you'll be here Ghostbur"

Then someone entered the house and Ghostbur thought it's Tommy, so he walked to the door to greet him too.

"Hello Tommy" He greets them with closed eyes and when he open them this really shock him of what he see infront of him.

"H-hi?" They greet him back nervously.

He examined them and see that they're floating above the floor just like him and pale skin too.

"Your a ghost too?"

"Y-yeah, I don't really know what happen though"

"Woah, that's cool now there's three ghost around the SMP now"


"Yup! Me, Glatt and you" he said happily then he looked at them for a second "I don't really know your name, I'm Ghostbur by the way"

"Dream, my name's Dream" Dream smile at him he extend his hand to the other ghost who's eyes widen at him "Nice to meet you Ghostbur"

"N-nice to meet you too"


"Tch! My puppet is Dead, now what am I gonna do?" A man in the void said to no one, really upset that his fun was cut sooner than he anticipate.

"How about this harmless little egg?" He smiled at the idea he had right now, looking at the red egg glowing in his hands.

"Wonder how much chaos will it cause, let's find out shall we"

He teleport his way out and going to one of the building unnoticed by the people who live there. He planted the glowing egg inside of one of the builds. Once he finished, he stepped back away a little from it.

"Let the fun begin here" He chuckled darkly then teleport back to the abyss watching the egg growing little by little.


"Where are you brother? I know you felt me earlier" Nightmare grumble under his breath still couldn't find his Dead Twin brother.

He stop for a minute to think of a place that his brother could gone to.

"I've explored all of the biomes except one, the snow biome"

Then a light bulb appears above his head, then a second later he facepalm and let an annoyed sigh.

"Of course he'll be there, it's always the last one isn't it"

Then luckily for him just in another couple of hundred block he will see his brother's ghost chatting with another ghost.


"Huh, what is this?"

"It so beautiful"

"I must protect it"

This person look at it with so much admiration, that it look like they're being control without them knowing.


"Oh what's this?"

He hummed looking at the scene in his screen.

"It's only an hour and there's already a victim to it"

"Oh, this is getting better and better"


"Why do I feel like something big will happened?"

Each person thought as they felt a shiver up in their spine.


Now that's a wrap..

Still got a little writer's block here and you can see that this is a rushed one.

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